CHAPTER 10 - Surgery and Skyping

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A/N: I don't know much about the issue that Reese is going through in this chappie so I apologize in advance if I don't get some things correct.. anyways, enjoy ! x


Beep... beep... beep... beep...

What is that annoying beeping noise?

Beep... beep... beep... beep...


I used all my strength to open up my eyes. I took in the sight in front of me. I was in a white roon; meaning everything was white. Harry and Louis were sitting down at the foot of the bed I was laying on, Niall was pacing around the room, Zayn was sitting on a chair, and Liam was leaning against a wall. Cher was standing somewhat close to the area Niall was pacing around.

Why am I in a hospital?

"G-Guys?" I croaked out, grabbing all of their attentions. "REESE!" they all exclaimed. Louis rushed to my side, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

I giggled, even though my voice was cracky. "Move aside, I'm the big brother," Harry joked, causing Louis to move aside, as Hazza pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Niall sighed. "How are you feeling, babe?" Zayn asked, worriedly.

"Fine, I suppose... Ow! My stomach still hurts... a lot. Wh-what happened, anyways?" I asked, clutching my abdomen.

"You passed out from the pain, love," Liam said, sadly. That's possible?!

"Oh, erm... Lovely? I looked down at myself and noticed I was in a hospital gown. If I don't remember correctly, I was NOT wearing this when I passed out in the tour bus.

I looked back up at everybody with wide eyes. "WHO CHANGED ME?" I shrieked.

"Shh! Don't worry, hun! I did!" Cher exclaimed, reassuringly.

I sighed, de-tensing my muscles.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. "Just twenty minutes, don't worry," Zayn replied.

Liam reached over my bed and pressed the call button. In less than a minute, a nurse came into the room quickly.

"Hello, dear. How are you feeling?" she asked me, pitifully. "Oh, just peachy. What's wrong with me?" I replied, shifting around, trying to find a comfortable position. Louis rubbed my shoulder from beside my bed.

"Well, the doctor ran a few tests, and it seems like you have a case of appendecitis. Normally, it doesn't get as serious as this so quickly, but it did. You're schedualed for surgery just momentar-" before the nurse could finish, I felt something churn in my stomach.

"Um, I think I'm gonna-" I said, but then cut myself off. I reacted quickly and looked down and saw a small garbage bin beside the bed. I made a... disturbing noise before vomiting into it.

"Ew," I heard somebody squeal. Gee, thanks.

"Babe! You alright?" Louis exclaimed, as I lifted my head back up. "Oh, just ecstatic, Louis! It tickles me to have appendicitis!" I snapped. He shrunk down a little and I immediately felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Lou... I'm just not in the best mood right now," I apologized, sighing. He chuckled. "It's fine, love. I understand."

"It's natural for a patient to feel nausia when having appendicitis. Doctor Welsh is ready for you now, dear," the nurse said, smiling sadly at me.

"Alright, we'll be in the waiting room, Ree. You'll be fine," Haz reassured me, pecking me atop of the head before they all left the room. Louis was the last to leave.

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