CHAPTER 23 - Christmas (pt.1/3)

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Author's note: OMFG. I spent like, three hours writing and editing a chapter for Louis' 21st birthday. Then Wattpad decided to be a stupid fuck and delete it like WTF. Grrr makes me mad. I didn't want to have to write it again so here is a Christmas one. Enjoy. xx



"Reese... Reese, wake up," a voice echoed throughout my mind. I stirred around, still half asleep. "Reese, we landed in Cheshire..." the same voice hummed. I didn't want this dream to end, it barely started.

I suppose it was more of a... Flashback than a memory. Last week, we celebrated Louis' 21st birthday since his real birthday is on Christmas Eve (today) and we would all be with our families at this time. Me and Louis... Did "it" that night, and I don't regret it one bit. I trust him completely and he didn't push me into it, I actually wanted to.

Obviously, we had used protection. It doesn't hurt to be safe. I mean, we don't need another baby running around here. There's already going to be Cher and Ed's...

Oh, which reminds me. Cher hasn't told anybody else - other than me and Ed - about the pregnancy yet! I tried getting her to tell the boys but she said she doesn't want to tell them until after the holidays are over.

Suddenly, I felt a cold - more like freezing - liquid splash my face. I squealed, jumping up from the seat. I gasped, glaring daggers at my brother as he burst out into hysterical laughter.

"YOU... YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE!" he exclaimed, in-between breaths. "You're dead, curly," I threatened, using my sweater's sleeve to wipe away the water that was thrown on my face.

"Well, you should've waken up when I first asked you to," he snorted. I rolled my eyes at my obnoxious brother. But of course, I love him anyways... No matter how much of an asshole he can be.

"Look, you got the seat all wet now," I frowned, gesturing to the airplane seat behind me. He shrugged, simply. "Ah, well..."

I chuckled at Harry's attitude, and grabbed my purse from the compartment attached to the seat in front of me. I slung it over my shoulder and then thumped Harry on the forehead. "Ow!" he hissed.

A flight attendant walked by as we began filing out of our row. The plane was almost empty now, besides a family that was in front of us. She raised her eyebrows at my damp seat.

"Sorry about the... Wet-ness. My sister has bladder issues," Harry smirked. The flight attendant eyed me, amused, and then strutted off. I glared at the curly-headed boy. "You might wanna shut up or else you won't live for Christmas, bub," I joked.

"Oh, you know you love me," he sighed, wrapping his arm lazily around my shoulder. We walked out of the terminal and into the airport together. "You wish," I taunted, but really, I do. And he knows it.

We were greeted by flashing, blinding lights and people - both fans and paparazzi - screaming at us. Some as nosey - and dumb - as "IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" and some as ridiculous as "HARRY, WILL YOU FATHER MY BABIES?". Wow, I thought it'd be less bad since it's Christmas Eve. Guess I was wrong.

By Harry's expression you could easily see how annoyed and irritated he was. Of course, he adored the fans and was thankful for being famous, but he was easily ticked off by the overwhelming attention. He really wanted some quiet, peaceful, private time this holiday but being as famous as he was, it didn't seem to be happening any time soon.

"Ignore them, Haz," I mumbled to him. He nodded and led the way to baggage claim. They practically swarmed us, following in a mob. Luckily, the crowd wasn't as big as it usually is, so we actually had space to move.

Cameras were stuck in our faces as well as microphones. We simply shoved them away. Harry smiled at some of the fans, who had given up time they could've spent with their families to be here right now, and even signed a couple autographs. He greeted many of them, which probably made their 2012 worth it.

"Harry! Over here!" a paparazzi shouted. Harry sighed, turning around to face the man and flashed a big, cheeky smile, then turned away. I laughed at how nice he was being.

We grabbed our luggage and called for a taxi. It was almost impossible to do with all the people there was. Harry opened the door for me, being the gentleman that he was, then got in himself. Before shutting the door, he waved one last time and shouted out, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!", even though it was Christmas Eve.

A fan actually tried climbing into the taxi with us but Harry slammed the door shut. "Drive, drive!" Harry urged the driver, who sped out of the parking lot quickly.

I laughed, "Your fans are insane." He nodded, scratching the back of his head. "I thought you got that by now," he chuckled. Of course I have, I've been living with him for the past year.

Harry gave the driver our address and we continued talking about whatever came to mind. Until finally, he said, "I've missed mum so much." I tensed when he said that. It only reminded me of how I haven't seen her in so long.

"I honestly can't believe she wouldn't answer our calls for a whole year," I frowned. He looked at me with a serious face. "Reese, you know she wanted to talk to us..." he said, his voice trailing off. "Oh yeah? And why didn't she?" I asked. I felt tears gathering in my eyes but I didn't dare to let them spill.

I wasn't going to cry over this, I promised myself.

"She was busy... Working to pay off the divorce with dad," he said, but it sounded like he was actually trying to convince himself. I knew he was just as upset about it as I was, but he was in denial.

"Really? So she was working 24/7 for a whole year? She didn't have five minutes to ring us up, or return our calls? Not even a text on either of our birthdays? Harry, she didn't even know I was kidnapped! Twice..." I yelled, tears now leaking from my eyes. I hastily wiped them away.

He sighed, scooting over one seat so he was beside me on the back seat of this taxi. He wrapped his arm around me, in a comforting manor. "Reese, please don't cry.." he pleaded.

I shook my head. I tried to come up with something to say but I was lost for words. What a great way to start off the holidays, huh? Crying to my brother in the back seat of a smelly taxi on Christmas eve. Woohoo. (note the sarcasm?)

I noticed the driver giving us a weird look through the rearview mirror. Well, of course he was. Who wouldn't once they heard something like that?

"Look, she was just... Probably very stressed out. Busy. Worried. Anxious... Scared. Please don't blame her for this. I'm sure she hated not talking to us as much as we did," he reassured me. "Really?" I sniffled. "Of course."

The driver pulled up in our mum's house's driveway. Wow, I haven't been here for ages. The man told us the fee and Harry quickly paid it. "Keep the change," Harry grinned at the man. He smiled back at Harry, "Thank you."

We got out of the car and took our luggage out with us. I braced myself for what would happen once we stepped through those front doors.

"Everything will be okay," Harry muttered as we walked up the front steps. Whether he was talking to himself or to me, I don't know. He glanced at me and then took a deep breath. His finger pressed down on the doorbell. I hear the pitter-patter of footsteps from inside the house and the front door swung open.

"Harry! Reese!"


A/N: LOL yes. I just recently realized that Reese was living la vida loca and her mum had no idea. That's why I made it get all emotional ;)

I know it's short but I just really thought you guys deserved an update ok?

There are three parts to this Christmas chappie. The first is this one. The second will be the rest of Reese and Harry's Christmas eve + the other boys' Christmas eves. The third (and final) one is the Styles' Christmas. You're welcome ;)

So merry belated Christmas guys! ;P

- 10+ likes next chapter. :)

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