CHAPTER 19 - Breaking To Pieces (pt. 2/2)

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"Um, Reese, are you okay?" I asked, worriedly, as Reese came stumbling into the lounging room. She grinned widely at me. "I'm great. I feel so free," she said, in a somewhat tired tone. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Reese?! Are you sure you're okay? Just five minutes ago, you were freaking out and talking about depression..." I said, immediately regretting it as the words slipped out of my mouth. The last thing she'd need was for me to remind her about her problems.

"Ooh, I've never felt better," she giggled. I raised my eyebrows at her. What's up with her??

"Well, today was fun. I should probably get back to the hotel... We need to go.. go meet up with Amy tonight," she beamed, legitimently sounding careless. What's going on?! She started walking to the front door, her limbs loose, giving her the "jelly effect". "Wait! Here, let me give you a ride. I can't let you walk back in this... Strange state you're in," I scoffed, rushing out of my seat and over to her. She shrugged, nodding. "Sure, thanks," she hummed.


"So, how was it?" Louis questionned, as I entered the suite after dropping Sarah back off at her place. "Great! I really like her," I sighed, happily. He grinned at me. "Glad to here it, mate," he nodded.

I plopped onto the couch where Josh and Liam sat. Louis was standing by the tall coffee table, gently stirring a cuppa. I could see the vague silhouette of Zayn from the window that lead to the balcony. By the looks of it, he was taking a cig.

We always try convincing him to stop, and he really does try. The fans don't like it, and he's trying to make them happy. But it's not exactly easy getting out of a bad habit, but it isn't as hard as falling out of love.

Niall wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"How did Zayn's date with Maddie go?" I asked, to nobody in particular. "According to him, it went amazing. She really made him forget about Perrie for the day!" Josh smiled. "Anybody know where Nialler is?" Louis piped up, walking over to join us, the mug of Yorkshire tea in his hands. "In his suite, talking to Cher, I believe," Liam replied simply. "That's nice," I hummed.

There was two knocks on the suite's door. I'm sure it isn't Niall, because he wouldn't knock. He'd just walk in. "I'll get it," Liam groaned, after observing that none of us lazy arses were going to get up. He trudged over to the door and threw it open, a welcoming smile on his face. "Hello, Taylor! And... Reese?" Liam greeted, a hint of confusion in his voice.

I had the slightest urge to yell out a witty or sarcastic comment to my sister, or maybe a small greeting, but I told myself not to. To fight off the urge and ignore her presence. I know it seems harsh, but we're in a fight, and I'm not going to be the first one to crack and apologize.

"Um, Taylor, is she okay?" I heard Liam ask, scared. Now I pried my eyes away from the TV the was playing in front of us and I watched as Taylor brought Reese into the suite. Taylor had her arm around my sister and was fully supporting her into the room. "Um, I don't think so," Taylor admitted, biting down on her lip out of nervousness.

I noticed the look of concern in Louis' eyes, but he didn't say anything. What's going on? They are dating, aren't they? He's usually the whipped lover-boy, the one who'd be all over her and making sure she was happy, but now? Not even a sigh would escape his lips. I have to ask him about that later.

"What happened?!" I heard Josh ask, gobsmacked. "I don't know! She was talking about depression and was venting her feelings out to me, then she went to the washroom, and came back... Like this!" Taylor rambled, the fear and worry evident in her tone. I peaked over at my sister. She was no longer leaning on Taylor for support. Instead, she was dancing around the suite, her arms flapping about. She didn't seem to have a care in the world ... Or a thought in her mind. Her loosey-goosey attitude was reminding me of a stereotypical blonde bimbo you'd watch on a sitcom or a girlish movie, like Mean Girls, for example.

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