First Day

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Katherine's Pov


Nervous is what I'm feeling right now. It's Monday morning my first day at University and I'm already fucking late. I hurriedly went towards the bathroom and did my morning routine.

I went inside the closet to find a perfect outfit for the day as I don't want to ruin anything on my very first day. I decided to wear my favourite black skirt with my light brown sweater as it's a little cold today. I grabbed my car keys and bag without wasting any other second I rushed towards the university.


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Currently I'm walking towards the reception to grab the keys of my house. Yeah everything is different in this college. Everyone in this college has been given a particular house and all the other accessories according to their needs. After all it's a rich college.

"Um hey I'm Katherine Coopers, I did my admission online can you please check?" I tried to ask in a polite manner and got successful.

"Yeah sure please show your identity details" I gave her my identity card and all the other required things.

"Okay I got it, here's your keys. Please take corridor no. 5, room no. 38" I took my keys and checked my schedule. After around 10 mins I finally found out my class. I entered inside and my eyes fell on the similar figure which looked like Sara. Sara is my bestie ever since high school we got seperated after completing the high school and she's more like a sister to me. I took small steps towards the figure. A smile crept on my face when I finally noticed that she was my Sara.

"Hey bitch what's up?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm good bitch but how are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Italy right now?" After completing high school she left for Italy with her parents.

"Hmm but I decided to give you a surprise after all I'm gonna study here with youuuu" she literally squeezed me with a tight hug.

"Please.. l-let me br-eathe Sara" I choked on my words.


The bell rang and finally after 2 hours I'm gonna stand up from this fckin seat. I'm tired of listening the lecture. Finally it's break time I headed towards the canteen while scrolling reels through my Instagram. Suddenly I'm bumped into something hard. Is it a wall or what? I rubbed my forehead and was about to grab my phone which fell down but my eyes widened after seeing the large body standing infront of me. Did I just got bumped into someone? Lord please save me this time. 

I decided not to look up and just bend down to pickup my phone. Before leaving I muttered him a small 'sorry' to which he just ignored and went away.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID which held the name 'Marco'. A frown appeared on my face after seeing his name. I decided not to pick it up but he called me again. I huffed and picked up the call.

"What is it Marco?" I asked in an irritating voice.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Blood boiled inside me after hearing him.

"Because you don't know how to fulfill your girl needs" I said in a sarcastic tone with a low bitter laugh.

"I'm so-" before he could even complete I ended the call. I don't want to hear him again.

Marco is my boyfriend since 2 years and he doesn't know how to fulfill my needs. We shared kisses but he never did something beyond it and I feel like giving up now. Earlier I thought he might be uncomfortable with all of it but now it's too much. I'm a desperate mess and a virgin. I just want to loose my virginity like other girls too but I can't because of Marco. We even fight for it but nothing is in use.

"Hey bitch" my thoughts were interrupted by Sara's voice. I looked up and saw her coming towards me with a card in her hand.

Wait! Card?

"Here take this" she handed me the card and I looked at her confusingly.

"There's gonna be a refreshment party after 2 days and I want you to be there with me to give me some company. We will get some time together okay?" She told me everything in detail and I just nodded and smiled at her.

"Okay I'll be there"

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