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Katherine's Pov

"Are you even listening to me Katherine?" My economics teacher yelled at me breaking my chain of thoughts.

"Uh yeah" I replied with a nod.

"Can you explain why aren't you focusing on your studies?" Cause I was busy having sex.

"I'm sorry Ms. Grace" I said hanging my head low.

"I want you to improve before the next test." She said before moving out of the class leaving me all alone in the empty classroom.

I sighed and took a seat. After my first session with Xavier things aren't going well, I don't why but I'm not able to focus on my studies everytime I try to complete some topic his face blocks my brain to function any further. The way he left me that day really disappointed me and I don't have the courage to face him.

Shaking my head slightly pushing away the negative thoughts, I grabbed my bag and moved out. Everyone had already left expect me because Ms. Grace really wanted to have a talk with me. I was moving past my locker when I got bumped into someone.

"Ow" I rubbed my nose and looked up.

"Katherine? What are you doing here?" Zayn asked looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Uh nothing I was just going back home anyways" I said while looking around.

"At this hour?" He asked looking at his watch and then at me.

"Ms. Grace wanted to have a talk with me" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm sorry Zayn but I'm not in the right state of mind to talk right now." He nodded and moved out of my path.

I walked as fast as I could and as soon as I reached back home I slammed the door shut and fell down on the floor on my knees hugging my body closer to myself.

Was I not good enough? Or
Did he regret having it with me?

With these thoughts running in my mind I don't know when I drifted into a slumber.


"Katherine? Wake up"

A familiar pair of hands shakes me awake while continuously calling out my name.

My eyes fluttered opened and came in the contact with Sara having a worried face.

"Bitch you really scared us." She said cursing me under her breath.

"Us?" I asked with my eyebrows frowned.

"Xavier and Zayn has been calling me for the past five hours asking where were you? And you are sleeping here peacefully." She shouted on my face with anger filled in her eyes.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled in a low voice.

"It's okay but don't try to give some heartattack to us from the next time." She said while taking me in her arms. God I really needed her.

"Thank you for coming." I said once we pulled apart.

She just nodded and bid bye to me telling that she needs to go back now.

After she left, I reached out for my phone switching it on. My eyes widened after checking it out.

15 missed calls from Zayn.

8 missed calls from Leo

20+ messages from Zayn.

25 missed calls from Unknown number.

I know this unknown number must be Xavier and I'm really not in a mood to talk to him now so I just ignored it.

I immediately texted Zayn that 'There's no need to be worried I was just sleeping."

I got up from the bed and wore my leather jacket before locking the door and moving out.

I really need some fresh air

Just when I was about to enter a park to walk for sometime, my phone pinged with a message.

I want you at my place where we were yesterday with your clothes off. Wait for me there.

I looked at the message with my eyes wide open and I know it's none other than Xavier.


Currently I'm standing infront of the door gaining up the courage to enter it. I punched the code which I remember Xavier entered yesterday.

I moved inside and saw no one expect myself. I immediately removed my clothes leaving my bra and panties on. I sat on the bed waiting for him.

Soon I saw the door opening with a ding sound. I glanced at the door and there he was looking extremely hot in that black shirt.

"Why weren't you picking up my calls?" He asked removing his watch and keeping it on the nearby table.

"I-i" God what should I say to him that I was ignoring him.

"I was sleeping" I said in a low voice which came out as a whisper.

"So someone else texted Zayn from your phone?" He asked taking a seat infront of me.

"Uh-im sorry" I whispered.

"Let me teach you a lesson for ignoring me hmm?" He said with a smirk.

"I'm so-" He cut me off.

"Remove your panties. Lay down on the bed with hands above your head." He said looking dead in my eyes. My body followed his commands and soon I was laying down in the position he asked me for.

He walked towards the area where all the cabinets and drawers were. He searched for something in the drawers and then came back with a blindfold and handcuffs in his hands.

"Wh- what are you going to do?" I asked him with fear visible in my eyes.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard until you can't take it anymore." He said while cuffing my hands with the handcuffs. Soon after it he did the same with my ankles spreading my thighs wide open. Then he covered my eyes with the blindfold.

Now I was all naked infront of him with my thighs spread open with darkness consumed in my vision.

"Ready Kate?"

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