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Katherine's Pov

I'm feeling really strange sitting over here. I regret coming here now, Sara is busy with Xavier's friends as if they are meeting after a long time and I don't want to disturb her too. I guess I really need a drink.

"Where are you going?" Sara asked as I stood up from my seat.

"Drink" I said and she nodded. I walked towards the bar section and I can already sense the burning gaze of someone on my back.

"One glass of whiskey please" I ordered and the bartender came with my drink. I drank the shot in one go.

I kept my gaze on the dance floor to distract my mind. My phone vibrated and I opened it to see some random notifications, my gaze fixated on my wallpaper which had the photo of me and Marco. Memories started flowing in my mind. All the 'I love you and promises' were fake. Afterall promises are meant to be broken. I started feeling dizzy so I moved upstairs to the VIP section to grab the keys from Sara.

"Where is Sara?" I asked as I looked around and saw no one except Xavier.

"She is with Kazen and others, might be returning soon" I nodded and sat on the sofa in order to wait for her.

My legs were shaking due to anxiety and I can't stop them. My vision started going blur. I shook my head to erase away the thoughts. Not right now please. My surroundings started getting smaller and I felt like suffocated. These panic attacks uh shit.

"What happened?" Xavier's voice echoed in my ears but I can't answer him.
I brought my knees near to my chest and hugged myself tightly. My nails dig into the skin until blood started pouring out of it.
Soon I felt two arms securing me in place. I saw Xavier's face infront of me before darkness consumed me.


My head is paining badly. I guess it is because of yesterday. I glanced at the clock and saw the time 8am. I still have time for university. I looked at the other side to see Sara in a deep sleep. Suddenly memories of the last night came in my vision. Panic attack, Xavier but I can't remember much. Uhh this headache.

I stood up and did my morning routine. I didn't have much time to make a breakfast so I decided to make some coffee to help with the headache. I grabbed my bag, keys and moved out.
I settled myself in the car, buckled my seatbelt and drove off to the university.

As soon as I entered the university. I saw Leo and his friends walking towards me.
"Hey Katherine" Leo said as he walked in my direction.
"Hey" I said to him and others with a smile.
"How's everything going wait where's Sara?" Kazen asked this time.
"She'll be joining late I guess" I said casually. They all nodded and we all bid our byes.

I walked towards my class and waited for the lecture to begin. After around 5 mins Zayn walked in my direction. I assume why is he here?

"Your professor will not be joining today" Zayn said and I nodded.

"Wanna grab a coffee?" Zayn asked


"You know after that he was scolded so much" I laughed at him. Zayn is a good friend really. Finally I feel like I have someone other than Sara whom can I call 'Friend'.

"Well Katherine in which year you are?"

"Final year and I guess then I'll try to do some online business or join any internship." I replied while eating my cookie.

"That's good atleast you have decided your future" I nodded and looked at him but his gaze was looking somewhere else. I looked where he was watching and saw his friends walking towards us.

"Zayn where have you been?" Leo asked him.

"I was just chilling with Katherine. You know she's a really good one" I smiled at him and looked at others.
"Well I guess I should go now" I nodded and Zayn moved out with his friends.
I was about to grab my bag but then I saw Sara coming in.

"Hey bitch" she said as soon as she grabbed a seat infront of me.

"I thought you won't be coming today"

"But here I am" she said with a grin and I nodded.

"Do you know I'm going to Xavier's group today" Sara said happily.

"What type of group?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's kind of 18+" she said with a smirk and confusion flashed over.

"What's in that?" I asked

"Well, it's like if you are interested in it there will be some sort of party where people will choose you in getting fucked but it's totally your choice, you can't deny to it after you sign a contract. Each contract is valid for 1 week but some contracts are even for more but it's totally your choice and if you don't want to do anything further you can just skip it after a completing your time mentioned in the contract. Xavier and his friends owns the group so it will be kind of fun you know." She said and I listened to her with my mouth open. Is she going to this? What the fuck it's like a whore type of thing.

"And you're going to join this?" I asked her.

"Yea I guess you should also come, it will be fun trust me, after all you will experience it for the first time" I know, I have never done something like sex before and I'm still eager enough to join it but still.

"Please come" she pleaded me.


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