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Katherine's POV

After driving me back home, Xavier left without any word. I don't know what to wear for tonight's event. I guess I need to buy some dresses for myself. I sighed and laid on the bed thinking about all the other things.

The door bell rang breaking my thoughts. I stood up and walked towards the door only to get greeted by a delivery man.

"Ms. Katherine Coopers?" The man asked

"Yeah, that would be me." I said with a frown. I remember I didn't ordered anything.

"Ma'am please sign here." I looked at him with my eyebrow raised.

"But I didn't order anything."

"But ma'am, the location is right." I nodded and signed the papers.

I took the box from him and closed the door behind.

I place the box on the table and open it, removing the papers aside and gasp at what reveal my eyes.

It's a shiny bodycon black dress with lacy sleeves, the fabric has lustrous sheen which catches the light. The length hits just above the knees and it has a V - neckline. There's also one note in the box. I pick it up.

I want you to wear this dress for me. I'll pick you up by 8.

- X

I can't describe the overwhelming rush of emotions that washed over me. Tears of joy blurred my vision but I was quick to blink them away.


I carefully choose the beautiful dress sent by Xavier that hugs my figure perfectly. Sitting in front of the mirror, I meticulously apply makeup, accentuating my eyes with a sultry smoky look and adding a touch of shimmer to my lips.

I decided to keep my hair open and slip into a pair of dazzling heels.
I wore a delicate necklace around my neck and put on some statement earrings.

Exactly on time there's a knock on my door. I look into the mirror one last time, picking up my purse and phone from the bed, I walked out.

My heart skips a beat as I look at Xavier who's looking extremely handsome and hot into that black suit which makes him look more intimating. As I walked towards the car, Xavier opened the passenger door for me.

I blushed at this small gesture and settled inside. Soon after Xavier also joined me.

The car ride was going almost silent. I was scrolling down my Instagram until Xavier decided to break the awkward silence.

"There are some rules I need you to follow-
1) Don't even dare to leave my side.
2) You will respect everyone present there.
3) Don't get all drunk up."

I looked at him with my mouth open. Is he serious? I'm not a kid

"What?" He asked as he looked at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Uh-nothing." I replied back

"I hope everything's clear." He said while his eyes were fixed on the road.

I just hummed and leaned against the window.


After around 30 mins we reached our destination. The car stopped infront of a huge building. Xavier gets out of the car and opens the door for me. I smiled at him and held his hand, and walked inside. The guards bowed down their heads at Xavier to which he just nodded.

I gasped as soon as we entered inside. The interior was so breathtaking and beautiful.

Soon a couple approaches us with a smile on their faces.

"So you finally made it here Xavier." The guy spoke, as held the girl by his side by her waist. He was handsome, there was no doubt in it but not as much as Xavier.

"Yeah" Xavier said coldly.

"May I know who's this beautiful woman Xavier?" The guy spoke as he looked at me with a smile.

"Oh yeah, Asher meet Katherine, she's one of my friend." Xavier said further on.

I will lie if I say that 'my friend' didn't hurt me.

I just smiled at him and we both shook our hands as a friendly gesture.

"Katherine you should go and spend some time with Aria, maybe you two could be friends." Xavier said as he took that guy with him to talk about something.

I nodded and walked upstairs to the VIP section and settled ourselves on the sofa.

"Well do you want any drinks?" Aria asked

"Nah I'm fine, thanks for asking though" I replied with a smile to which she nodded.

With that she ordered her drink and I kept myself busy on my phone. I'm not a extrovert type of person so we both sat in silence.

"Don't you think Xavier deserves someone like me?" Aria said breaking the silence.

"Excuse me?" I said as I gazed off my eyes from my phone. Is she already drunk?

"Yeah you heard me right, just look at me. My level matches with him. I guess we both will look perfect." She said with a smile.

I just hummed and listened to her.

"Yeah, I guess you don't have a problem with it? I remember Xavier introducing you as his friend." She asked as she looked at me worriedly thinking I might get hurt with her words.

"Nah it's alright." I said with a sad smile.

I don't know why but I felt a pang in my heart after listening to her words but she's right after all he's just my friend in my public and a dominant in private, we don't share any connection.

Suddenly out of nowhere, I wanted to drink. I ordered for a glass of whiskey and alcohol.

The bartender came back with my respective drink, I thanked him and with that he went away. I finished the glass of whiskey in one go. It felt weird in starting but then it went with my taste.
I don't know how many glasses I ordered after that but one thing was sure that I was totally drunk up till now and I broke one of Xavier's rules.

But it isn't my fault, he should've thought before introducing me as his 'so called friend'.

Everything started becoming blur and the only thing I was able to hear was the murmuring sound of the people talking about something.

The last thing I saw was a angry Xavier coming towards me with anger filled in his eyes before darkness consumed me.

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