Xavier Astor

459 15 1

Katherine's Pov

Today's finally the day for which I was waiting. Today is the party which Sara was talking about where I will be signing the contract, I don't know who will be my partner but I just wish he is nice.

Sun rays are peaking inside my room from the windows. I got up from the bed and did my morning routine. I walked downstairs and did my morning routine. I went inside the closet and grabbed my favourite skirt and top. Um I guess it's well enough for the university.

I did not have much time so I skipped my breakfast. I grabbed my bag and moved out.


"Where is the fuck is my time-table uhh?" I searched inside my bag.

"Hey Katherine" I turned around and saw Zayn walking towards me.

"Hi" I replied as soon as he approached me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked while looking around.

"Um nothing, I was just finding my time-table" I said and continued searching in my bag.

"Ohh I see"

"Yup, oh see I got it" I took out the time table and looked at it.

"What's your first class?" He asked

"Um it's economics" I replied with a sigh.

"Cool, are you coming tonight?" He asked with a smile.

"Yea" I replied with a nod.

"Okay then I'll see ya bye" I bid bye to him and made my way to the class.


"Dude for real the classes are so boring here" Sara said with a sigh as we made our way to the canteen.

"I know" I agreed with her nodded.

"What are you wearing tonight?" She asked suddenly. Shit I don't even know what I will wear.

"Um I don't know maybe some bodycon" I replied and took a seat.

"Cool" She said as she took a seat opposite to me.

"Do you think we're doing this right?" I asked with concern.

"Hey don't stress much about it. I'm here for you and if you don't like your partner maybe you can talk too Xavier" She said with a smile. I nodded.

"Hey" A voice called out for us. I looked behind and saw a guy walking towards us with a grin plastered on his face.

"Uh hi" I said with a nod.

"What's your name?" Sara asked while checking him from head to toe.

"It's Hayden" He replied with a nod.

"Can I join you guys?" He asked with a smile. I don't think he's right for us.

"Um sure" Sara said and Hayden took a seat just beside me.

"What's your names ladies?" Hayden asked.

"I'm Sara and she's Katherine" Sara said while pointing a finger at me.

"Can I get a drink for you Katherine?" Hayden asked with a smirk.

"Uh-uh sure" I said with a curt nod.

Hayden stood up and walked towards the counter to get some drink. Soon he came back with orange juice filled in the glass.

"Here" He said while forwarding the glass towards me but that bastard literally threw the juice on my lap. For god's sake.

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