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Katherine's POV

Sunlight peaked inside my room from the window. I groaned as the rays fell directly on my face. I hid my face inside the pillow and tried to get some sleep. After sometime when I felt sleep was far away from me. I pushed myself up from the bed and sat straight up.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion as I looked around the room. Wait this isn't my room. Where the fuck am I?

I tried remembering what happened last night but I couldn't remember anything. I held my head with both of my hands as it pained very badly. Ugh did I got drunk last night?

Oh yeah I remember Aria telling me about Xavier that really angered me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even noticed Xavier was standing infront of me with a glass in his hand.

"Have it, it will help in your hangover." Xavier said as he forwarded the glass towards me.

"Thanks" I said as I took the glass from him.

I drank the lemonade in one go and handed back the empty glass back to him.

"Where am I?" I asked him

"In my room" He said with no interest.

"Oh okay" I replied nonchantly.

"WHAT? I'M IN YOUR ROOM?" I said oops- yelled.

"Stop shouting like a madman." He said loudly.

"Sorry" I apologised as I looked down.

"Well how did I end up here?" I asked him

"You were so drunk last night so I brought you here." He said

"Uhm okay thanks" I thanked him again.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked me.

"Um anything would be fine" I replied.

"You can go freshen up, your clothes will be delivered by evening till then you can wear mine." He said and moved out of the room.

Uh that's okay I guess..
I really need a shower.

I took out his one of the shirt from the closet which was white in colour.

I walked inside the bathroom and started removing my clothes one by one. When I was done, I stepped inside the shower and as soon as the cold water hit my skin, I relaxed.

When I was finally done with my shower. I wore his shirt which reached till my mid thighs. My hairs were damp wet. I moved out of the bathroom and walked downstairs where I suppose Xavier would be.

I was right, he was already there making breakfast. I guess he noticed my presence as he looked at me and stared for a few good minutes.

I was now standing infront of me and he seemed unaffected he was just continuosly staring at me.

"Shit I can't control now" He said and the next second his lips were on mine. He kissed me passionately as if his life was dependent on me. I kissed him back but was not able to match his pace.

He held me by my waist and settled me on the counter. We keep kissing each other until we fell apart gasping for air.

He let his fingertips run up to the hem of my panties, sliding them off and letting them fall down on my legs.

His fingertips hovered above my thigh, making their way back up to my throbbing womanhood so painfully slow that it drove me closer to insanity. He took his time, spreading my wetness before he slightly pinched my clit, muffling yet another loud mewl escaped me, begging for more as I bucked my hips forward into the palm of his hand.

With his eyes still locked on my face, he quickly let a first finger sink into me, soaking up the memory of my mouth falling into an O-shape and so lost on the feeling that I cried out his name without thinking twice, abruptly placing a hand over my still opened mouth a second later.

He smirked at my reaction, while keep on sliding his finger in and out of me. It made me throw my head back, a few whimpers slipping out every time he was completely buried inside me.

“You are so wet baby” he mumbled against my neck, spreading gentle kisses and nibbling on my skin from time to time. I started feeling a fire pooling low in my abdomen, the way he touched me, brought me closer and closer to the edge.

He noticed the way my body tensed as well as my breathing getting shakier. I started moving my hips, pushing against his fingers in the rhythm of his movements.

“I’m so close daddy, please…” I whispered under my breath, digging my fingers back into his shoulders. He didn’t hesitate for a second to fulfill my wish of releasing myself on his fingers and swiftly added a second one, pumping into me a little faster and with more force.

When he additionally started to curl his fingers inside me, all I needed were a few more thrusts to finally come undone, moaning and whimpering.

Riding out my high I still moved my hips slightly to enjoy the feeling of his slender fingers as long as I could, until he slipped out of me with a smirk planted on his face.

His fingers were soaked and glistening with my wetness as he guided them to his mouth and sucked on them with a satisfied hum.


It was evening by now and Xavier already left me at my place a few hours ago. I was bored so I decided to use Instagram.

His shirt was with me, yeah I took it from him. I looked over to his shirt that was now kept on the sofa. I stood up and grabbed his shirt smelling his scent feeling as if he was here with me.

But wait why am I even missing him?

Am I falling for him?


A/N : Sorry for the late update guys.

I'll try to update on time. Sorry for the inconvenience but trust me this story is something you can't even imagine. 😈😈

Will give you hints later.

Take care qts

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