Another girl

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Katherine's POV

It's been 3 days since I last talked to Xavier. He didn't called me after that day. I'm keeping myself locked in my room from the past three days. Xavier himself said not to come after him that day so I didn't called or texted him.

I was sipping my coffee when I heard my doorbell ring. I got up and opened the door only to get greeted by a angry Sara. Yeah I'm not even talking to her from a few days.

"Bitch you need to get out of this room right now" She said as she stormed in my room as if it's her.

"I'm fine Sara" I said in a lazy voice.

"You've been saying this from the last three days now go get fresh we're going out" She said as she drank the rest of my coffee.

"Out where?" I asked

"Leo has invited me at his pool party where his close friends would be there." She said

It means Xavier will also be there. Shit. I don't want to face him.

"I'm not going" I said immediately

"Yes you are now shut the fuck up and get ready." She said as she pushed me in the bathroom.

I quickly took a warm shower and washed my hair and got out wearing a robe.

"What should I wear?" I asked Sara

"Umm it's a pool party so I guess you should wear some tank top and shorts."

I decided to wear my denim shorts with top which looked something like this

(Whole outfit)

"Okay I'm ready" I said as I looked in the mirror for the last time

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"Okay I'm ready" I said as I looked in the mirror for the last time.

"You're looking sexy" Sara said with a grin.

"Aeyyy shut up" I laughed

"Come let's go" I nodded and moved out with her.


"Okay we're here" Sara said as she parked the car infront of Leo's house.

It felt like my heart would come out any moment now, I'm so fuckin nervous and scared at the same time.

Sara got our of the car and I did the same. She locked the car and then we both walked towards the pool area together.

"Heyy Katherine and Sara" Leo said as he walked towards us with a smile.

"Hie" I said and we both side hugged each other. It's so nice meeting him after so much time.

"How's you?" He asked

"Good thanks for asking" I said with a smile. He nodded and then took Sara with him.

I moved towards the pool and just sat there with my legs inside the water.

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