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Katherine's POV

It's been a week since I last talked to Xavier. He tried a lot, he texted me and even called me alot but I chose to ignore him cause why not?

He didn't care about my feelings when I saw him with that bitch so why should I.

I was at my favourite cafe drinking coffee while reading my favourite book. It's peaceful here.

I was engrossed in my reading when suddenly out of nowhere Leo, Sara and XAVIER came in.

I looked at them with a frown thinking why are they here.

"Oh hey Katherine" I looked at Sara as she approached me with others. I avoided Xavier's gaze knowing he's digging holes right in my soul.

"Um hi, ya'll here?" I asked

"Yeah we decided to have some coffee around" Sara explained.

"Ohh cool" I said avoiding Xavier's gaze.

Leo and Sara noticed the tension between me and Xavier so they went to order the coffee leaving me and Xavier alone.

I started grabbing all my things.

"Kate listen-" Xavier said

I looked at him indicating him to continue.

"Look she wasn't-" I cut him off

"I don't care Xavier. Go away" I said as I stood up.

He held my wrist yanking me closer to him. I looked at him trying to free myself.

"Are you jealous?" He asked with a smirk.

"Ofcourse not" I said avoiding his gaze.

"Look at me Kate" I slowly lifted my eyes looking at him.

"Still you didn't answer my question" I said slowly. The cafe was empty as it was afternoon.

"She was my cousin sister" He said with a smirk.

I gasped but the next moment he captured my lips kissing me in a passionate way. He explored my mouth with his tongue as I closed my eyes in satisfaction.

"Get a room man" I heard Leo's voice as I pulled away from the kiss.

Sara was looking at me with a smirk. My cheeks flushed as I looked at them.

We all took a seat near the window. Sara and Leo were on our opposite side as Xavier sat next to me.

We all were busy talking with each other when I felt Xavier's hand on my thighs. My eyes widened at the realisation that I was wearing nothing underneath my skirt.

I tried pushing his hand away but instead he grabbed it more tightly.

"Everything okay Katherine? You look a bit tensed" Leo said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Umm yeah" I smiled at him and glared at Xavier but he seemed unaffected.

Soon our coffee was here. Leo and Sara were talking to each other while I was looking at the menu.

Suddenly I felt Xavier's hand moving up my thighs touching my inner area. I looked at him with pleading eyes but he just smirked. He just fucking SMIRKED. LOOK AT THE AUDACITY.

I held my cup near my lips when I felt his hand on my folds. I curled my toes and kept back the cup

"What happened Katherine? Drink it" Sara said.

"Ye-yeah it's just a bit hot" I said as she nodded.

"Are u enjoying this Mia cara?" He whispered slowly.

"n-no stop it Xavier" I said slowly.

He smirks at my response, clearly enjoying the little game he's playing with me. "You're not, hmm?" he teases, his hand sliding even higher, closer to where I want it most. "Your body seems to be telling a different story, though."

"Now drink the coffee" He said in a commanding tone.

I held the cup bringing it near my lips sipping it slowly.

His fingers reached my sensitive area, moving slowly and rhythmically in a way that made me bite my lip to hold back a moan. He looks at me, his eyes glinting with satisfaction as he sees the effect he's having on me. "You're so responsive, mia cara," he murmurs, his voice husky with desire.

He starts circling his fingers on my clit bringing me closer to the edge.

He glances at me, his eyes sparkling with mischief and desire. He doesn't break the rhythm of his fingers but he locks eyes with me, a wicked grin on his face. "You're so beautiful when you're desperate like this," he murmurs, his voice low and sultry.

I tried not to scream when he literally pinched my clit. I tried drinking my coffee slowly acting like nothing happened.

"He moved his fingers in and out of me, his thumb circling my clit. His fingers moved in a faster pace.
My breathing became shakier and ragged as I tried controlling a moan.

"Are you almost there baby?" He asked in a seductive tone as I nodded slowly.

Xavier's fingers moved even faster and harder, pushing me closer and closer to the edge. His eyes were fixed on my face, watching hungrily as I struggle to hold back my moans and gasps. "Let go, mia cara," he murmurs, his voice filled with a mix of desire and command.

He watches as I climax, his fingers still moving slowly, prolonging my pleasure. He looks at me, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Gorgeous," he whispers, his voice filled with satisfaction. "You're so sensitive, mia cara. I could spend all day making you feel this way."

"Come on Katherine drink the coffee now" I looked at Sara and nodded drinking the coffee even though I didn't even had the energy.

I looked at Xavier as he looked at me with a grin. Bastard.

"Oh yeah Katherine we all are going to a party next weekend and I'd like if you join us." Leo said

"Umm guys-" Sara cut me off.

"Don't worry, she'll be joining us." She said as I looked at her and nodded slowly.


A/N : Okay so as I talked about the new story in the "notice". I guess I'll be uploading it by next month or so and if anyone of you wants to make a cover or character aesthetic just dm me. I'll check and also if I get a good engage on this chapter I'll be posting the next one by tomorrow. See you guys. 🫶🏼🎀

Also we won the T20 world cup 2024 so I guess I'll be giving you another update till then stay tuned.

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