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Katherine's POV

I have my day off from University today as I'm already so tired with all the things. I really need some rest now. I have already invited Sara at my place and I guess she will be here any moment now. It's been a long time since I spent time with her.

I got up from my bed as I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and was greeted by my bestfriend.

"Heyyyyy" Sara yelled as she took me in a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you" I mumbled against her.

I would be lying if I say that I didn't miss her. I surely did.

"Me too, come I brought your favourite pastries." She said as she showed me the bag of my favourite backery.


"And you know after that he fucked me all night." Sara was telling me about her sex life. Don't judge us, we both talk about everything.

"Mhmm that means you're already happy with your one." I said as I stuffed my mouth with the pastry.

"Yea I am. What about you? You're happy with Xavier right?" Her question was really hard to answer. Xavier is nice, he takes care of me and I guess I'm happy with him but somewhere I feel Xavier doesn't feel the same for me.

"Um ya" I said with a faint smile.

"Hey Katherine? Are you okay?" Sara asked as she looked at me worriedly.

"Yup thanks for asking though baby" I said and took her in a hug.

Suddenly a idea popped up in my mind and I smiled looking at the pastries.

"I should take some pastries for Xavier too" I said looking at pastries.

"What? Are you serious? You don't even share your favourite pastries with me and here you are all ready to go and share it with him huh. You broke my heart Katherine." Uh her and her melodrama.

"Shut up Sara" I said with a smile.

"Okay okay" she said as she chuckled.

"I'll see ya" She took her bag and walked out.

I grabbed my car keys and moved out with her.


I parked my car outside his house and rang the doorbell waiting for him to answer.

2 minutes passed but no one answered the door. I called for him but still I didn't get any reply so I decided to go in and to my surprise the door was already open.

"Xavier?" I called out.

I walked in and saw a angry Xavier sitting on the couch. I was shocked to see the look of his room. All the things were not at their places. The glasses and vases were thrown on the floor with glass spread all over it. Something is wrong.

"Xavier? Are you okay?" I said slowly.

He looked at me with anger filled in his eyes, jaw clenched and blood was already dripping from his hand.

"Your hand is bleeding. Let me fix it" I said and walked towards him slowly.


I stopped at my tracks and looked at him.

"Why are you here?" He asked while picking up the piece of glass from the floor and playing with it.

I was so lost that I didn't pay attention to his question.

"I ASKED WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He yelled as he threw the glass on the floor and got up from the couch.

"I-i came here to give you these pastries." I forwarded my shaking hand which was holding the bag of pastries.

He looked at me and then at the pastries. I thought he was going to calm down but I was wrong. He snatched the bag from my hand threw it somewhere on the floor.

My heart clenched looking at him. I brought my favourite pastries for him..
A lone tear escaped my eyes.

"NOW GET OUT" Xavier yelled again but I was not in the right state of mind to listen to him.

The next second I felt his hard grip on my hands so hard that I knew it would leave his marks. He dragged me out of his house and closed the door at my face not before saying.

"Don't even think of coming again"

Hurt was evident in my eyes. I'm hurt, I'm good for nothing. I cleaned my tears harshly and drove back home.

Ride back to home was so painful that I didn't even notice when it started raining so heavily. I continued driving and finally when I reached home. I was not in the mood to go inside so I just sat there leaning against my car.

I don't know till how much time I was there. I was just sitting there enjoying the rain which was pouring on me. I sneezed and that's when I saw Sara's car coming towards my house. Why is she here again?

"Katherine why the fuck are you sitting here? Come let's go inside." I didn't have the energy to get up so Sara helped me in getting inside.

"What happened?" She asked once we were inside.

I told her everything and she looked at me with sympathy.

"I don't want to hear anything Sara right now. I'll go get fresh and then sleep." I mumbled

She nodded and went back her house.


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