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Katherine's Pov

Two days later..

"But baby please-" He pleaded me for the 100th time.

"Enough Marco, I don't want your excuses anymore." I said in a stern voice, we are fighting again on the same topic.

"Katherine-" I didn't even let him complete and rushed out of the house with anger filled in my eyes. It's my fault I came here for him but all he do is reject me.

I sat in my car and buckled my seatbelt and drove to somewhere, I don't even exactly know where I'm gonna go.

Suddenly my phone vibrated and I saw 'Sara' calling me.

"What is it Sara?" I asked in an irritating voice. I'm not in a mood to talk to anyone right now

"Why your voice seems so pissed off? Everything alright?"

"No it's not, What the fuck is Marco's problem dude" I banged on the steering wheel due to annoyance.

"Hey hey chill leave that topic, have you decided that what will you wear for tonight's party?"

I completely forgot that today is some sort of party at the university shit.

"Um no I haven't-"

"Perfect let's go together and buy some dresses what say?" I chuckled listening to her. She can brighten up anyone's mood so easily.

"Sure I'll meet you at the mall"
And with that I ended the call with her. Finally after so long I'm gonna go in some party with her.


I reached the mall on time as decided, I moved inside and saw Sara leaning against the shopping counter.

"You are finally here"

"Yea I am let's go now" I grabbed her hand and went towards the clothing section.

After completing our shopping, we decided to eat lunch together as we were hungry after spending 2 fucking hours in this shopping shit.

We ate our lunch and decided to stay at my house but unfortunately Sara came up with some work so she had to leave. Yea I did feel a little lonely cause I'm here alone but it's gonna be fine later.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram as I was not having any other work, I don't know when I drifted into a sleep.


The ringing sound of my phone woke me up. I looked at the caller id  'Sara' and immediately picked up.

"Yea?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"I hope you're ready for tonight" Oh shit I completely forgot about tonight, shit I'm gonna be dead.

"Uh-uh" I lost my words to speak further.

"Wait, bitch don't tell me you forgot about it"

"I'm sorry Sara just give me 10 mins I'll be there"

"Hm you better be, I'll be waiting for you outside"

I immediately cut the call and went inside the bathroom to do a quick warm shower before wearing anything.

I came out in my bathrobe and picked up my black lacy bra with matching panties.

I decided to wear a dress rather than wearing any bodycon type. I picked up my new green dress with full sleeves and it reached till my mid thighs, and my white boots.

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