Words Princess

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Katherine's Pov

I don't know why I agreed to Sara, I know I'm eager to explore these things but I guess I'm going a little too far but now I have already agreed to her. I'm both nervous and excited about it at the same time but what if I end up getting hurt? I don't want to rush things but I can't even say no to her now because she will just kill me if I do so.

I sighed and closed my book which I was reading and looked at the ceiling while thinking about all that. The group event which Sara was talking about is after two days and I am not even ready for it. I was in my deep thinking when I heard my phone ringing. I groaned and reached for my phone, I immediately picked it up after seeing the caller ID.

"What is it Sara?" I asked her in an annoyed voice.

"Meet me at the cafe" She said and the line got dead.

What the fuck? She just ordered me like a queen and I'm supposed to obey her now. I huffed and went inside the closet to pick a outfit for the day.

I decided to wear a simple top with my light purple cardigan over it with my matching pair of black jeans. I guess it's fine for a cafe after all I'm just going to meet her. I grabbed my phone, car keys and moved out.


Right now I'm standing infront of the cafe which Sara asked me to meet. I locked my car and entered inside the cafe to only get a mini heart attack after seeing the sight infront of me. Sara was sitting with Xavier and his friends and they were just laughing over something. Why the fuck she didn't told me before about them. I was about to turn back and move out when I heard Sara's voice.

"Katherine!!" Sara shouted at me when I was about to move out.

Jesus please save me this time

I took a deep breath and plastered a smile on my face and walked in their direction. I was the feeling the burning gaze of everyone on me as I walked further.

"Hie" I said in a low voice which came out as a whisper.

"Hey Katherine" Zayn said to me with a polite smile on his face.

I took a seat beside Sara and looked at everyone. Everyone was busy chatting with others except one person who's gaze is on me since I entered the cafe and it's none other than Xavier. I don't want to look at him after my encounter with him in the club where I literally had a panic attack infront of him. Shit I embarrassed myself infront of him.

"Well I'm going to grab a coffee does anyone wanna join?" Sara asked to everyone with a smile.

Soon Leo, Zayn and Kazen stood up to join with her leaving me, Jace and Xavier alone.

Jace's phone started ringing and he excused himself to attend the call. Now only I was left with Xavier.

Everything will be alright

I chanted in my mind but I guess luck isn't on my side today. Xavier's deep husky voice reached my ears.

"I came to know that you're joining our group" His voice is enough to bring any girl on her knees. I gulped,  I stared down at my lap avoiding any eye contact with him and nodded my head. A shiver ran down my spine when I felt his breath near my ear. When did he come so close?

"Are you sure about it?" He whispered in my ear. I clenched my thighs together when I felt aroused down there. I nodded my head again.

"Words Princess" Oh God where is everyone else?

"Y-yes" I tried not to shutter but I failed in it.

He just hummed and sat back on his seat. Just then Sara and others joined us with coffee in their hands.

"Katherine why are you sweating so much? Are you alright?" Sara asked me with concern in her eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine" I said as I stood up to leave. I can't stay here any moment now.

"I'm going back home. I have some work to do" I said and to which everyone nodded. I walked out and settled inside my car. As soon as I sat inside the car I rested my head on the steering wheel.

What was that?

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