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Xavier's Pov

"Ah daddy" This girl is annoying for sure. I have fucked way too many girls till now but this one is just uhh.

I came down from high and slammed into her for the last time and pulled out. I wore my shirt, grabbed my car keys and moved out.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. I pulled out and frowned at the caller id.

"What?" I asked as soon as I picked it up.

"Bro calm down, I was just saying if you want to meet we can meet at my place, everyone's here" Jace said in a calm voice.

"Hmm" and with that I hung up the call and drove to my destination.

Finally after arriving at my destination. I unbuckled my seatbelt, slammed the car door shut and knocked on the door waiting for the bastard to open.

"Finally you're here" Jace said with a grin as he opened the door.

I didn't replied to him and moved further in the house and settled on the sofa.

"Where are others?" I asked Jace as he walked in.

"In the next room, I'll call them" I nodded and sighed.
Soon after Zayn, Leo and Kazen joined us too.

"Well anything new?" I asked to all of them.

"Nah nothing much" Zayn and Leo replied at the same time.

"Shut up, you two don't even go to the university" I snapped at them.

"Well a new girl joined among us recently. I came to know that she's Sara's friend" Kazen replied casually leaning back on the couch.

"Who?" I asked.

"Her name is Katherine and god she's such a hottie bro" Kazen replied with a smirk.

"Whatever we'll see her soon" Zayn interrupted

"I do have her photo" Kazen said with a grin.

"Show" I ordered and he took out his phone from his pocket and showed us the picture.

"Oh fuck, how badly I want to fuck her" Zayn and Leo looked at her with hunger filled in their eyes.

"I need to know everything about her" I ordered and Kazen nodded.

"I'll do that right away, just give a minute" Kazen replied as he took out his laptop and searched something on it.

"Got it!!
Her full name is Katherine Coopers,
Age - 23
She's into financial, english and economics and dude what the fuck, her ex is Marco you know the one who was against us?"

"Make sure she comes to the party" I said with gritted teeth and moved out.


Katherine's Pov

"But I don't want to go Sara" I pleaded her for the 20th time. I really don't want to go to that party.

"You are going and that's final" she snapped at me and I almost flinched.

"Okay" I sighed in defeat and scrolled through my Instagram.

"You know, Xavier and his friends are also gonna show up today at the party" Sara said with a grin.

"Who's Xavier? I questioned her with a raised eyebrow.


"Uh-yeah" I said with a nod.

"Bro he's known as the hottest boy of the whole university. Girls die for him and you are saying, you don't know him." She sighed and sat on the couch.

I just hummed in response and sat there thinking about the party..


"Katherine wake up"
"Wake upppp" Sara's voice echoed in my ears.
My eyes fluttered opened and came in the contact with Sara's face.

"Babe we are getting late for the party" Sara said while trying her best to push me down from the bed.

"But I want to sleep" I said in a half-sleepy voice.

"No, Go get dressed right now" she ordered and I just nodded my head.

I got up and moved inside the bathroom to do a quick shower. I came out wearing a bathrobe and went inside the closet.

I decided to wear a  black dress which reached till my mid thighs with my golden belt and black boots.

I kept my hair open and applied a little mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss. Done.

"Okay I'm ready" I announced and looked at Sara's direction.

"Damn Girl you look hot" she said with a grin and hugged me.

"You too" she was wearing a black bodycon dress which reached till her knees.

She took her car keys and we drove off to our destination. The whole car ride was filled with our talks and laughs. Finally after around 45 mins we reached our location. I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved out.
We stood infront of a huge building. We moved further in and showed our IDs to the guards.

Music was blasting all over, lights consumed the darkness and people were enjoying like no tomorrow.

"Drink?" Sara asked loudly over the music and I nodded. We walked towards the bar section and took our seat.

"One virgin mojito and a bottle of alcohol" I replied with a nod. The bartender came with our drinks.

"Hey Sara" I looked back and saw a group of guys walking towards us.

"Hey Leo" Sara replied and waved her hand at them.

does she know them?

"Hey how are you doing girl?" One of guys asked to Sara.

"I'm doing good and you all?" She asked and they replied that they are doing good too

"Who's this pretty girl among us?" One of them asked to Sara

"Oh she's my best friend Katherine, Katherine meet Leo, Kazen, Jace and Zayn." She said while introducing to each one of them.

"Hey guys" I replied and shook my hand with them.

"Let's go meet Xavier what do you say?" Leo asked to Sara and she nodded.

"Wanna come Katherine?" Sara asked and I nodded.

We walked towards the VIP section and took our seats. I guess the one sitting in the centre of the sofa is Xavier.

"Xavier meet Ms.Katherine" Leo said to him.

His blue eyes came in the contact with my hazel ones. He was I guess around 6ft in height with muscular body and a tall figure.

"It's nice to meet you" I said shyly and he just nodded.

Doesn't he have manners? or he doesn't know how to greet?

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