Chapter 2 - On the Run

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Jade peered over the Snatcher's shoulder. He and the other Snatcher hadn't spoken to each other the entire ride, but Jade preferred the silence. They left the maze-like path behind them; the flat, rusty-colored rock wall stretched towards the sky. Jade glanced to her right. Over a few hills, she had stashed her ride behind some bushes. She would much rather retrieve it later than have to purchase another. Not that it was the greatest vehicle; it would sometimes shorten out in the middle of a ride, and Jade would have to fix it before hopping back on. Still, it did the job, and it was difficult to obtain personal transportation on Vresha. One had to pay a high fee to board any form of public transportation, and locals didn't have time for that.

The Snatchers veered to take the main path that would lead straight to town, and other Snatchers posted along the outskirts waved and nodded in approval. They only slowed after entering town, and the townsfolk ducked their heads and avoided the Snatchers as if avoiding a plague, the complete opposite reaction. Occasionally the Snatchers would come to a full stop as a line of traffic moved past, but they were moving at a steady pace, eager to bring Jade to the Arena. Jade heard a whistle; it was so quick she almost didn't hear it above the noise of the crowd. Turning her head carefully, she finally spotted a shopkeeper nearby. It was Mr. Ridge, a dearly loved person among the locals. He was older but moved at a busy speed, always attentive to his customers. He was often coated in grime, but his face was kind and warm. It was serious, now, but only because he recognized Jade and acknowledged her situation. Jade gave him a slight smile, hoping he had a plan.

"Stay put," he mouthed, and he edged closer to where the speeders had stopped, waiting for more traffic to pass by.

Jade also noticed a few figures darting behind Mr. Ridge's shop. Now, she was more reassured. He had managed to rally some help. He had likely noticed her before the whistle, and Jade knew he could bring a vast number of allies together in a short amount of time; everyone knew him.

The Snatchers gave Mr. Ridge their full attention when he cleared his throat and waved, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to loop around this way," Mr. Ridge announced, pointing towards the back of his shop. "I hope it's not much of an inconvenience; this is a parking area."

"We're waiting for the traffic to clear," the Snatcher with Jade answered sternly, but Mr. Ridge didn't back off.

"I think you'll find it's much quicker; and you'll be doing me a favor. I can't tend to the visitors your Arena draws in with you parking in a busy section, now, can I?" Mr. Ridge insisted, scratching his head.

Jade knew Mr. Ridge was lying; parking could be found on the other side of his shop. Thankfully, the Snatchers weren't ones to pay extra attention to the layout of things. They stuck to the main path as often as they could. It was easier with speeders, anyway.

"I don't see any indication that this spot is reserved for parking," the Snatcher put with a frown.

"Please hurry, Mr. Ridge," Jade thought as the traffic began to thin out.

"You'll just have to take my word for it, then. As I said, passing through the back of my shop is a faster option to get where you're going."

The Snatchers considered a moment, and Jade could just make out the very edge of someone's face peering around the corner of Mr. Ridge's shop, her light hair whipping in the wind. She withdrew after a brief look. Jade smiled. While she wasn't extremely familiar with the person; she had met the woman on occasion, and Mr. Ridge trusted her. Therefore, Jade trusted her. She wasn't the only one that loathed the Arena with a passion, but one of very few who had managed to escape.

"Fine. You better not be lying to us, for your sake," the Snatcher's companion growled, turning his speeder slightly.

"This way," Mr. Ridge said, and he followed behind them as they changed course and rode down the uneven path leading to the back of Mr. Ridge's shop.

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