Chapter 23 - A Better Cause

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Judging by the frown on Hunter's face, Jade assumed the eventual conversation would be far from easy-going. When Hunter nodded in approval, the Bad Batch arranged themselves at the front of the cockpit. Jade stood opposite them, centered underneath the cockpit's threshold, just in case Hunter intended to avoid introducing her. She had no idea who "Cid" was, but she assumed it was a client they worked for. When the hologram appeared, Jade observed what details she could from her limited viewpoint. She could only see the back, but it was clear Cid was a Trandoshan. That certainly explained the snappish tone the minute Cid opened her mouth.

"I expected a sitrep two days ago, boys. You're making this mission more difficult than it needs to be. It was supposed to be a simple supply run. Did you acquire the goods?"

"We were apprehended by Keeper, the now deceased leader of the Arena," Tech said, pushing his goggles into place. "We did not, however, acquire the goods."

"I promised this merchant –" Cid sighed, and it was then she decided to turn around.

She froze, and Jade gave a curt smile in greeting. Cid eyed her with such skepticism Jade wondered for a moment if there was something off about her appearance. Her smile vanished; the intense staring did little to comfort her.

"And here I thought these boys kept to themselves. Who are you?"

Straight to the point, just as Jade expected. She cleared her throat.


Cid waited for something more, but Jade dipped her head to show she was finished introducing herself. Cid turned slightly, addressing Hunter while still watching Jade.

"What exactly does she bring to the team, bandana? And what kind of disastrous place did you pull her out of?"

Jade pursed her lips, able to look Cid in the eyes, now.

"Vresha may be shabby, but we're known for our intelligence."

Cid scoffed, shaking her head.

"We're also known for our skill in evaluating... certain personalities. It comes in handy when judging whether someone's trustworthy or not."

Cid's hard stare matched Jade's, but she raised her brow in slight surprise when Jade didn't back down. A small smile replaced what Jade thought was her permanent pout.

"She's starting to grow on me."

Jade didn't know if that was a good thing or not, and she waited for the catch. Sure enough, it came.

"Just don't get too comfy, kid. You won't be getting a cut until you prove your worth."

A mock laugh escaped Jade's lips, and Hunter sighed, a pained expression on his face.

"I don't have to prove anything," Jade said, and the Bad Batch raised their eyebrows in unison.

Cid humphed. "Fine by me, but I stand by what I said. You're lucky I'm not telling these boys to throw you off the ship; I've got enough on my plate."

"It must be very draining, waiting around in your... lounge, is it?"

"Parlor," Cid corrected, teeth gritted. "Don't test me, kid. I still haven't decided what to do with you yet."

Hunter stepped forward, and Cid turned around completely. Jade exhaled in relief, but her eyes threw death glares.

"If you're keeping our identity a secret, you can keep her identity a secret, too," Hunter said, folding his arms.

Cid considered this a moment. Then, without warning, the hologram flickered and died. There was a moment of silence, and Jade realized her replies were slightly more defensive than she had planned to make it. She waited for someone to correct her, but no one did. In fact, they seemed relieved.

"She was friendlier than normal, I think," Tech said.

Jade was dumbfounded, but Wrecker spoke for her.

"Cid wouldn't give Jade a cut for future missions!" Wrecker grumbled indignantly.

"She said wouldn't, Wrecker. She will likely change her mind later," Tech said, but Wrecker still seemed dissatisfied.

Getting Wrecker's attention with a small wave, Jade raised her chin in confidence.

"It's ok, Wrecker. As long as I can help you with your missions, your company will be enough."

"She may not give you a cut, but the Marauder and everything on board is ours. You won't go hungry."

"Thank you," Jade said for the second time that day.

Omega brushed past Jade and beckoned her to follow, introducing the droid, who Jade learned had been given the title "Gonky" and was defective, just like the Bad Batch. Jade caught snippets of the conversation drifting from the cockpit even as she devoted her attention to Omega.

"We need to go back to Ord Mantell," Echo said. "We may not have a mission, but it's still a good place to lie low and make sure the Empire isn't monitoring our position."

"Tech, punch in the coordinates," Hunter agreed.

Jade blinked, realizing she had been more distracted than she thought when Omega repeated her name. A ration slid into her limp hand, and Jade gripped it before it could fall. She turned it around in her fingers, and Omega lifted her own ration.

"We can't have you going hungry," Omega put matter-of-factly.

Jade unwrapped it and took a bite, chewing slowly. She paused, deciding whether she liked the taste or not.

"While this is convenient, I'm sure you miss having legitimate meals."

Omega's nose scrunched.

"What do you mean?"

Jade's head popped back in surprise. She shook her head.

"As soon as I get the opportunity to, I'm making you real food. The recipes are all up here –" Jade tapped her head "– my parents practically forced me to watch them cook and bake. I didn't enjoy it then, but I appreciate it now. Rations are fine, but a good meal is incredibly beneficial every now and then."

"I'd like that," Omega said, smiling.

When Hunter slipped into the seat in front of the screens, Jade dusted off her hands and stood up. Hunter sensed the movement and looked over his shoulder.

"You ready for this? Our lives are far from simple, and we have very few allies."

"That's a few more than I have," Jade said. "Besides, Sam would want me to do something worthwhile; that was his area of expertise, I think. He was always moving towards a goal. I trust you, and I want to help. I need to stay busy and fight for a better cause."

Why hadn't she done so earlier? Why did she have to let her brother go? Pulling the trigger was like a nightmare that never should have happened. The Bad Batch had been loyal to her, but they were not related by blood. Jade knew feeling less like an outsider would only come with time. They didn't know the girl who worried about Sam's well-being on a daily basis. They didn't know the girl who switched from a life of poverty to an unwanted life of fame so quickly. They didn't know how twisted Keeper had been or the excruciating pain that left permanent scars; Hunter and Omega, mainly, had only seen a fragment of Keeper's true power.

She didn't think she was that person anymore, though. The Bad Batch themselves were coping with their own memories of the past.

"You don't have to fight for Keeper," Omega pointed out.

Jade paused and nodded, putting a hand on the back of Omega's small head. Her breathing grew steadier.

"No, but everyone's fighting for something. Somewhere in the galaxy, there will always be another Keeper."

Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Keeper's ArenaWhere stories live. Discover now