Chapter 22 - A Choice

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"What do you think about joining our team? We could use your skill, and you've proven to be trustworthy. You might have better luck searching for your parents if you're not stuck on a planet," Hunter said.

It was so abrupt, so bluntly put, Jade stood for a full ten seconds trying to register what Hunter had just said. She knew Hunter had given it plenty of thought already; perhaps he had already discussed it with the rest of the Bad Batch. Jade knew by now that Hunter was always firm in his resolve. He rarely worried about making the wrong choice; he typically made the necessary evaluations beforehand. Jade realized he was less impulsive than the others, but people were difficult to protect, and protection seemed to be Hunter's top priority. Working for clients likely put them in more dangerous situations than Hunter would have liked, but they had to earn credits somehow. He understood the weight of a dangerous galaxy now that they had limited support.

All these thoughts crossed her mind briefly, making it more difficult to think of a response. If Hunter was being genuine, she needed to be. Besides, he could have abandoned her the minute they entered the Arena. Instead, he kept a close eye on her, even when she tried to stop him.

Her eyes darted away from them, as if she would find the answer in the distance. Catching herself, Jade folded her arms.

"You're also our friend," Omega added, able to meet Jade's eyes.

Jade's focused frown switched to a smile. Omega was too good for the galaxy.

"It's... an amazing offer. Frankly, I've enjoyed working with you, despite the fact that I thoroughly resisted it at first –" Hunter shared her knowing look "– but I don't think I could leave so suddenly. This planet needs to recover from so much, and not enough people are ready for it. The Arena – or at least what's left of it – is highly unguarded, and I don't want another situation to rise from its ashes," Jade said, pushing back the thoughts that urged her to go with them.

She was going to be alone if she stayed; she knew that. She recognized she had to decide at some point, she just didn't expect to have to make it without Sam.

"Remember, you can't keep this town free from harm forever," Hunter said.

He paused, then nodded.

"If this is where you want to stay... this is where you need to be."

Omega, however, looked incredibly discouraged. Jade's heart sunk, but she crouched to smile at her. She tapped at Omega's pocket, where she knew the lizard carving was stowed.

"Keep that close. Who knows... maybe you'll need to come back for a mission," Jade said, and she started to rise.

Omega caught her around the middle, squeezing tightly, and Jade shot Hunter a surprised glance before sinking into her hug. She waited until Omega let go, and Omega wiped her eyes. Waving slowly, Jade backed away until Hunter and Omega turned and disappeared into the crowd. She nearly bumped into some townsfolk, and Jade mumbled a quick apology. She realized her med patches had shifted and she decided to head back to her place.


Jade flipped the switch, but the single light bulb didn't shine immediately. Jade knew it would be an eight second delay and chose her memorized route to swerve around furniture. She opened the windows, which was more successful than the bulb itself. The small room contained a cot, a desk and chair, a small bathroom, and a closet to house all her belongings, food, and other necessities. Jade had used most of her savings to ensure she had a secure door; she cared less about making it look hospitable. It wasn't like she received many visitors, anyway, and she was in an area congested with thieves. They would not be stopped by simple security measures.

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