Chapter 5 - Arriving

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Jade was the first one up, laying on her stomach on the cliff and surveying the Arena with her binoculars. It was windy and chilly, and Jade drew her jacket closer. She had barely slept; her anxious mind had taken over her dreams. She was used to taking care of herself, but this was much bigger than anything she had ever done before. She wondered if she had better hang back, but then decided against it. She could provide combative support, but, more importantly, Hunter and the others would be more successful with her knowledge of the place.

"If we're not breaking in, how are we going to rescue Omega?" Jade thought out loud.

"I'm still figuring that out," said a voice behind her.

Hunter crouched beside her, and Jade handed him the binoculars. She noticed he had put his full suit of armor on, and he placed his helmet on the ground beside her. Her eyes skimmed over the details. She had never seen such distinctive detail on clone armor, but it was also very random. She liked it, even though it was not what she expected. It made them look more experienced, somehow. It almost reflected their confident attitude. Hunter dropped the binoculars but caught Jade staring at his helmet before she met his eyes.

"Since people from all across the galaxy come to these events, our appearance should be no problem," Hunter said, and Jade nodded.

She had a few pieces of armor herself – her arms and legs were the most protected – but she had always yearned for more. She had to admit, though, going to the Arena with four fully armored clones almost completely soothed her worries. Almost. Tech, Echo, and Wrecker – yawning slightly – joined them shortly.

"Our options will become clearer, ideally, when we enter the Arena," Tech said.

"Or less clear," Echo suggested, and Jade laughed in fake amusement, agreeing with his sentiment, for once.

"Maybe we'll find a way to communicate with Omega, so she can be prepared for anything," Hunter stated.

Jade motioned for the binoculars and held them to her face, zooming in on the visitor's area. She saw multiple devices flash and dip downwards, no longer active. Lowering the binoculars, Jade turned to address all of them.

"They deactivated the guns protecting the visitor landing platform. They're ready for people to start streaming in, and I suggest we get there early," Jade said, hoisting herself up.

As if hearing her words, a ship dropped out of hyperspace and eased its way towards the landing platform, and two more arrived, accompanying it. It was an elegant ship and seemed very out of place in a rocky, jagged landscape, but Jade knew much bigger ships would be arriving, carrying the Arena's main source of income. Frowning, Jade resisted the urge to insult the inanimate object and headed for the Marauder.

"Get the ship ready, Tech," Hunter said, and Tech followed after Jade.

"I don't know if I trust her, Hunter. She's very reluctant," Echo voiced his concerns when Jade was out of earshot.

"Well, she did tell us about the ticket. I admit we don't know her full story, but we'll keep a close eye on her. Her reluctance is there for a reason, but she also hasn't fought as many battles as we have," Hunter answered.

Wrecker looked back and forth between them, his mind on Omega and Omega only.

"Omega needs us," he said.

"She needs us to be calm and collected this time, Wrecker," Echo warned.

Wrecker grumbled but didn't argue.

"Jade has lost someone to the Arena, too, who may still be alive. This whole operation deserves to be shut down," Echo added, and Hunter looked upwards as another ship dropped out of hyperspace.

"Others don't seem to want that," Hunter murmured.


Jade breathed deeply, waiting behind the door as Tech landed at an empty spot on the visitor's platform. A voice was booming over the speakers, and excited chatter broke out, but it only nagged at Jade's annoyance. She had never liked the supporters of the Arena. As soon as they landed, Hunter opened the door and Jade hurried down the steps. Hunter and the others slipped on their helmets and joined Jade outside as she rifled through her thigh bag. She pulled out the ticket – it was slightly worn and folded, but it would do the trick and wouldn't have expired – and waved it around for them to see.

"This way," she said, her voice weak as she tried to find some sort of enthusiasm.

Hunter and Echo glanced at each other, but Tech and Wrecker were too concerned with securing the ship. Jade started moving anyway, knowing they would follow.

"Welcome guests! We thank you for your support and will continue to provide thrilling entertainment for years to come!" yelled a worker over the microphone. "This way folks, this way!"

Jade followed his finger and spotted the line waiting to have their tickets checked. The line was moving relatively quickly, but guests still shoved past Jade and others in haste. The man with the microphone approached Jade suddenly, perhaps noticing her cautious expression. Shaking her shoulders, he attempted to cheer her up.

"Need any help, friend?"

Jade's ears rang, and she shrugged him off with a glare. Hunter sped up and blocked the confused worker from view, guiding her away. Jade's fiery expression spoke a thousand words, and the worker wasn't quite sure how to react, staying rooted to the spot.

"Sorry," Jade murmured. "I think it's clear I'm not a huge fan of this place."

That was an understatement.

"I know. I can do the talking," Hunter offered. 

Jade shook her head.

"No. I need to do something; get my mind off of things."

Hunter nodded in understanding as they approached the guards checking the tickets. Their gaze grew more serious when they noticed Hunter and the others behind Jade. She only hoped they had seen enough odd groups to be less suspicious. Jade held out the ticket, and they snatched it up, checking it carefully. Jade swallowed and looked around casually, but – almost instinctively – gave the guards her full attention when they spoke up.

"There's five of you, and this ticket covers six, so everything checks out. You're aware two of these seats are for the front, right?"

Jade frowned.

"All the seats on that ticket should be front ones."

The guard shook his head and glanced at the other guard closest.

"Hey. Two of the seats are front ones, right?" he asked the other guard, and his friend glanced at it and nodded. "That's what it says."

Some people groaned and began grumbling for them to hurry up, and Wrecker turned around, which quieted the crowd quickly.

Jade looked over her shoulder, and Hunter gave her a quick nod. They would have to figure it out later.

"Well, if that's what it says, I can't argue. I know front seats are your most valued and expensive ones," Jade said, and the guards opened the gate.

Jade pointed to the nearest steps.

"They have a giant wall surrounding the field, and the stands rise above it. I hope you don't mind stairs."

Wrecker sighed. Jade jogged, eager to reach the top. The others had no problem following suit, though Wrecker paused for a moment, and they waited patiently for him to regain composure. When they reached the top, they were greeted with an intense mixture of smells and noise. People had set up booths that circled around, selling food and merchandise, but Jade ignored it all, heading for the light at the end of a large hallway. The others lagged behind a bit, losing her briefly in the crowd. Jade was waiting for them, leaning against the wall.

"Here it is, in all its glory," Jade said in a tone that was clearly sarcastic. "The Arena."

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