Chapter 17 - Wrecker's Favorite Method

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Colonel Hyde dipped his head, greeting the hologram that had just appeared above the desk. The man – the hologram – frowned and folded his hands. He was broad-shouldered but thin, and his hair had streaks of grey. His hair, Hyde thought in amusement, was still deciding whether to label the man as old or young. One couldn't tell all that through a hologram, though. Hyde knew the man well. They often completed various tasks together, and somehow – despite the fact that he did more work on the ground while the older man waited from above – he was rarely congratulated or rewarded for his achievements. A Star Destroyer could be very effective simply hovering in the air, after all.

"I cannot wait forever. I will not leave, though, until you assure me you have everything under control," the man said, and there was a hint of pride in the way he said it.

"Captain Amos, I was just about to handle the audience. A few insurgents won't stop us from securing the place. The captives are safe underground, diligently working." Hyde responded, his fingers curling into a fist.

He cleared his throat.

"Clone force 99 has a new friend. I was almost convinced the woman worked alone until two members of clone force 99 – CT-1409 and the one they call Hunter – showed up and prevented my men from detaining her. Were you able to find the rest of their group? I am sure the Empire would be very appreciative, especially since they have one of their own – CT-9904 – already," Hyde asked, hoping to reverse the sense of responsibility.

Amos sighed.

"I am not wasting time looking for ghosts; we have not confirmed whether the others are here or not. Maybe you were hallucinating yourself; we have very little reports on the whereabouts of clone force 99."

"I should address the audience, now," Hyde almost mumbled, his tone growing weary.

Amos did not say a word before vanishing, and Hyde stared blankly at the wall. There were a few TK troopers in the room as well, including the clone commando. Hyde bent to pick up a bandage wrap and spun it around his injured hand.

"Axel," Hyde said, turning to the clone commando.

"Yes sir," Axel responded immediately.

"Your men are attempting to calm the audience, correct?"

"Yes sir, though some have slipped by. Keeper's own men are making things difficult for them. I believe they are trying to eliminate as many people as possible to regain control of the Arena."

Hyde laughed.

"Let's prove to the audience who's really in charge, then."

Hyde headed up the steps that would lead to the tower. When he reached the top of the stairs, Hyde nearly tripped over a fallen chair. He didn't expect the tower to have a roof; most of the tower was hidden in shadows. Hyde eyed the balcony, where more light was present, and smiled. He appreciated Keeper's means of gaining attention. Axel handed Hyde a device to elevate his voice – Hyde accepted it with no hesitation – and stuck close to Hyde as he approached the balcony. Glass crunched under Hyde's boot, and he swiped some pieces off of the rail before leaning forward. Most of the audience looked upwards immediately, and most were standing or huddled together in groups. The TK troopers blocked their means of escape, and the audience closest to them shouted in protest until Hyde cut them off, clearing his throat.

"I apologize most sincerely for the sudden turn of events –" Hyde frowned as some of Keeper's guards entered the stands, and TK troopers rushed to meet them, backing them into a corner "– and I'm sure you have many questions. Jade Grey is responsible for the death of Keeper. Some of you know her as a former champion who recently returned. You will be permitted to leave shortly. We only wish to make sure everything is secure before you go. For your safety, of course. The Arena will host events again, and we hope these small troubles will not hinder you from watching future events. We will continue Keeper's legacy, in his honor. More importantly, the Empire is capable of making a place such as this far more successful."

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