Chapter 3 - The Bad Batch

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Jade forced herself upright, groaning. Night had fallen, and she wondered why she was aching so badly. Twigs snapped around her, and Jade sank deeper into the bush. Why had no one come to help her? Clearly, the Snatchers had successfully scared everyone away. It was their area of expertise, after all. They would come in, grab what or, more specifically, who they needed, and head back to the Arena. Fear was already present, but a fight breaking out was rare. It seemed many weren't sure how to react, or else there would be more like Mr. Ridge. Jade's body came rushing back to life as she leaned forward, gripping the branches even as they snapped underneath her grip. She rolled rather clumsily, thankful she could stretch and move her muscles again.

"Water," she gasped, her stomach grumbling. "And food."

At the moment, she didn't care what part of town she was in. She needed something sustaining, and fast.

"Omega," Jade remembered as she stood up, staring at the spot where the Snatchers had seized the young girl.

She winced, knowing what she would suffer through. Would Omega's brothers attempt to save her? Jade didn't believe they would get very far, if that were the case. Jade doubted they would be so foolish. She murmured an apology, still staring at the spot, and then turned and kept her eyes peeled for any building offering food at such a late hour.


Jade stepped into a bar, feeling very out of place. She didn't usually go to bars, but they were the only places open nearly all night. She had tried to find a relatively clean and welcoming one, but the music and lights hit her like a wave of unneeded excitement. Those closest to the door stared at her, and Jade realized she must look awful. She was not only tired and aching, but she likely had wounds that had not been tended to yet. Still, Jade straightened and headed for the counter. She sat on a stool and waved to the bartender, who gave her a skeptical look before coming over.

"You don't look –"

"You're right. I just need water and something to eat, please."

The man paused a minute, waiting. Jade reached into her thigh bag and tugged out her credit pouch, sliding a few credits towards the man. Water and some bread came sliding her way in return, and Jade knew – as much as she wanted to chug everything down – she needed to pace herself. Thanking the man, Jade lifted the glass to her lips and drank deeply. She had never been more eager to drink water. She set it back down, tearing the bread before sticking a piece in her mouth. She sighed in relief, already feeling her energy return. She listened to the chatter around her and began fidgeting nervously when she figured out the topic.

"It doesn't make any sense. Wasn't she in the Arena herself?"

"She was with the kid. It just seems a little suspicious to me."

The bartender leaned over the counter to take part in the conversation, and Jade could feel their occasional stares.

"The Arena and all those who operate it will mess with your head; make you do things you wouldn't even think of doing."

"Come on, Joe. Now you're being ridiculous."

"You have been around long enough to know what I'm talking about, son."

This was a very bad idea. Jade hastily broke off another piece of bread, hoping to finish soon or that the topic would change. She heard the doors open, and a hush came over the crowd, even as the electronic music continued to pulse, and the lights flashed. Jade risked a look over her shoulder, then looked away, her nerves spiking.

Omega's brothers.

She felt guilty and a bit worried. Did they believe the rumors going around? Did they know what she looked like? She assumed they began walking at a casual, non-threatening pace, as the chatter increased in volume again.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Keeper's ArenaWhere stories live. Discover now