Chapter 21 - Freedom

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"I think it's our best option. Obviously, we can't fit everyone on the Marauder, and I doubt anyone wants to separate," Jade said, her voice quiet.

Most of the Bad Batch remained asleep; she heard Omega rustle nearby, then silence fell again. She hadn't been able to gain much sleep, and it seemed Hunter didn't require many hours, either. She had also, in the middle of the night, gone up to the ridge to retrieve her small sack of valuables and take down anything she had set up. When Hunter noticed her awake, they began a quiet discussion. He was across from her, having turned the chair in front of the screens – inactive except for a few dim lights – around. She was on the ground, her back against the wall. It was where she had been since waking up; balancing her dagger on her finger to pass the time. The dagger was sheathed, now, due to the seriousness of the conversation. Hunter tapped his foot a moment as he thought, nodding.

"If there's even a remote chance the Imps have gotten word of our location thanks to Hyde, this planet has been compromised. We're a threat to the people if we're a beacon for the Empire, and we can't stay here much longer. The Marauder is going to need a few repairs, but nothing that will take too long."

"I understand," Jade said.

She paused, then shrugged.

"It shouldn't take more than a few hours to get back to town on foot, but I'd feel better if one or two of you joined us. The others can go back and get a head start on those repairs. This old bird can't be too bad, can it?"

She tapped the wall a few times, and something from a compartment above fell with a loud clang. Omega rustled even more. Jade chuckled, as if the object had teased her, and stood up with a slight groan to put it back in its place. She didn't sit back down. Instead, she leaned with her back against the wall, feet thrust forward slightly.

"What are you going to do when we reach town?" Hunter asked.

Jade frowned, frustrated she didn't have a solid answer yet. "I don't know. Vresha is safe, now, at least for the time being... but it still feels like a prison. Keeper mentioned my parents. Keeper's skill was making one's life miserable. The thought of my parents – alive – isn't as reassuring as it should be. And, seeing as Keeper is dead, I have no leads. I guess I'll dig up what I can."

"If we learn anything, we'll send it your way," Hunter said, and Jade shot him an appreciative glance.

"I'm glad, in the end, I could help you get Omega back," Jade remarked, turning her head towards the gunner, but it was hidden by a curtain. "She's a good kid, Hunter. I admire her determination and compassion, and she has your support. What more could she ask for?"

Hunter wasn't sure what to say to that; he was momentarily stunned, the corner of his mouth twitching in a half-smile, but he didn't get a chance to respond. Jade figured he didn't get complimented often. Wrecker, yawning, left the cockpit and joined them in the main room.

"Morning Wrecker," Jade chirped.

He gave a dull nod and blinked, as if trying to fully accept the words. Tech came next, shaking his head at his data pad. He lifted his chin and pointed to various spots on Jade's body. She followed his finger, eyeing her arm and leg, which seemed to be the biggest "issues" for Tech.

"Your injuries are quite extensive. You are lucky to be alive –" Tech included Hunter, too, glancing his way "– I believe we have more med patches, and I will give most of them to you and Hunter."

"I don't need patching up, Tech," Hunter sighed, and Tech gave him a hard glare.

Jade chuckled.

"I don't usually go the extra mile; I guess it depends on what's at stake. When it comes to people I love or trust, well –" Jade paused for a moment, shrugging "– most reasonable thoughts leave my mind."

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