Chapter 13 - To the Center

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"Hey! Why is the kid here?" Wrecker questioned over the device.

"This isn't good," Jade murmured, jumping off of the rock and lifting her face higher.

The other captives had noticed Omega, too. She was handling the newness of things far better, trying to look intimidating as she peered over the edge of the platform. She had grabbed a bow, again, but this time Jade didn't mind. They had to get to her before anyone else did. She was too small for close-combat success, anyway. Hunter took a cautious step forward, too worried to wait for an explanation from Keeper. It came anyway.

"If any captive manages to reach subject 260 and strike her down, they will be safe and declared champion."

The audience murmured to themselves; perhaps they were having second thoughts about supporting Keeper's Arena. Some grumbled in apprehension, and Hunter's fingers curled into a fist. He pulled out his knife, glancing at Jade.

"Do not fret; among the captives are two – the clone and former champion – that will likely protect her at all costs. If they can eliminate or ward off enough people for a reasonable amount of time, they will be honored. The rest of you, however, will suffer. Three champions will enter the fray in just a moment; I cannot say who they will target first. Either way, the captives have their work cut out for them, but only one road to personal victory."

"What is the audience like now, Tech?" Jade asked.

"No longer hostile; though some seem slightly uncomfortable," Tech said. "For such an evil man, Keeper has excellent ways of winning a crowd over."

Jade stared at the device for a long moment. She nodded, though not in approval.

"Well, we can congratulate him after we put a stop to his antics."

"Start working on a plan to get out of here, just in case something happens," Hunter said, stepping back to speak into the device.

"I am analyzing the layout of the Arena as best I can. There are very few entry points, and we have even fewer allies."

"Kendra," Jade murmured.

"Who's that?" Wrecker asked.

"A local; she and a handful of others have resisted Keeper's influence."

Hunter motioned that they should begin walking, and Jade continued to speak as they made their way to the center, pausing occasionally as they stepped over roots and other foliage.

"We have a few options; Kendra, other local fighters... even the audience. The problem is finding ones brave enough to stand up."

Blaster fighter made it impossible to hear Echo's response just then, and suddenly the forest lit up in all-out chaos. Jade ducked and sprinted, and Hunter pointed to trees closely grouped together. Jade swerved behind the nearest one and peered around it, pulling out her blaster and switching to stun before pulling the trigger; she saw figures darting all around them.

Nothing happened.

She turned and noticed Hunter staring, puzzled, at his own blaster.

"Keeper tampered with them; he must have made the change as soon as this 'round' started."

Jade checked the other side of the tree, and Hunter was barely able to warn Jade before a captive came barreling towards her exposed side. The captive grabbed Jade's arm when she attempted to turn away and brought her down, but Jade kicked his legs out from under him before he could pin her to the ground and scrambled back up. The captive landed hard on his back when he tried to stand up; Hunter had kicked him square in the stomach.

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