Chapter 18

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[[ I found that originally i rushed the end of this chapter so I've rewritten it. If you decide not to re-read this chapter then you aren't missing anything, i just didn't like how it read. ]]


It would have been foolish to not be frightened, were-worms were ancient creatures forgotten by time. If the orcs recruited such creatures there is no telling what other creatures they managed to sway.

The dwarves wasted no time in engaging with the enemy, their axes and hammers crashing against the orcs with a dull thud. While it really shouldn't have surprised me, I was disgusted when Thranduil instructed the elves to stay put, leaving the modest dwarven army to fight against the masses of orcs alone. I could not believe Thranduil would stand back and watch this happen and so, despite not wanting to anger him further, I could not help but voice my displeasure at his actions...or lack of.

"You cannot do this." My words were sharp but clouded with disbelief. I knew Thranduil was a terrible man but would he really sit back and do nothing while hundreds were slaughtered in front of him. Luckily Gandalf felt the same as I did, instantly turning to Thranduil and demanded his involvement. The elven king's composure did not waver, he did not even look ashamed with his decision though reluctantly he instructed his men to join the fight.

I watched in awe when right at the last minute, hundreds of elves jumped over the dwarves defensive line and began slaughtering the orcs. Safe from imminent danger, the dwarves rose to their feet and joined the elves in the fight. That was all it took for the men of Laketown; myself included, to join the battle.

Knowing my bow would be no use in such close range combat, I opted for the twin swords perched on my back. They had been made specifically for me and were more an extension of my arms than a weapon. Without a second thought, I began slicing and stabbing at every enemy that came in to range. The steel of my swords kept catching the suns light despite being covered in the thick, wretched blood of the monstrous creatures before me.

As I was fighting my mind wandered back through the events that brought me here. I traced the line all the way back to my home, to where my brother and I rallied our forces to destroy the giant arachnids that tormented our lands. If I had not perused the beasts, I would not have been captured by Legolas, I would not have been taken to Mirkwood and I would not have felt the need to accompany the dwarves on their quest after they helped me escape.

Despite knowing all of this, I could not wish that it did not happen, wish that I stayed in the borders of Falmari and allowed the spiders to escape. If that were the case then I never would have met Bard, Bilbo and all of the dwarves nor would I have met Tauriel and more importantly, Legolas. While it was obvious the prince did not return my feelings, I had never experienced such emotions for another before and that was something I had to thank him for. I had regrettably been brought up on stories of love and it was comforting to find out that I was capable of it despite my desire to distance myself from most things feminine.

I managed to narrowly miss an orcs sword swiping at my neck and decided now would be a good time to get my head back in to the battle. I could not die without seeing my family again. I would not die here. With a renewed sense of valour, I continued slaying any orc in my path.

In the distance, I noticed trolls charging towards the ruined city of Dale where the vulnerable people of Laketown till resided. Fortunately Bard was already making his way back to the city with the men of Laketown to protect those still there. With my mind eased that they were no longer without protection, I returned to battle. From my position I could see both Gandalf and Thranduil fighting and despite my distaste for the king, I could not deny that it was a sight to behold. Unfortunately, it was short lived and soon enough the elven king was making his way towards Dale with some of his soldiers.

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