Chapter 2

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Without a second thought, I motioned Ralnor and Galareon to follow as we pushed ourselves through the trees before eventually dropping down into a small clearing. I couldn't help but let an eyebrow rise when my eyes fell upon a group of elves holding a number of dwarves hostage.

Before I had time to think of my next move, a number of blond haired elves had taken aim against my men and I. Within a heartbeat, the elves stepped in front of me, shielding me with their own bodies.

"You are intruders in King Thranduil's land. Tell me who you are and why I should not kill you."

My eyes turned to the blond haired elf that spoke to my party. Placing my bow on my back, I placed my hands gently on Ralnor and Galareon's shoulders, allowing them to relax slightly before stepping between them both.

"I am Aeron, daughter of King Thingol and Queen Melian. These are my men Galareon and Ralnor. We hunt a group of giant spiders that tormented our lands. We hoped to eliminate them before they disturbed yours."

As I spoke, my eyes drifted from the elf that had addressed me to the faces of all the other elves that still had their weapons aimed in my direction. A rustling in the trees to the left caused my attention to drift once again only to find a she-elf escorting another dwarf to the rest of his kin.

After taking in the situation, the she-elf turned to the male that had been talking to me.

"What is going on here Legolas?"

The elf turned to the female and I was able to catch a glimpse of emotion flicker in his eyes as he caught sight of her. Instantly, I could tell that he was harbouring feelings for her however his icy demeanour returned immediately

"These claim to be teleri elves. The she-elf insists she is the daughter of the king."

I watched as the female cast her glaze upon me, taking in my appearance and demeanour quickly before turning her attention back to the male.

"Perhaps we should take them to see the King. I'm sure he will know what to do with them."

My eyes widened a little as I jumped ahead in their conversation and discovered the only possible outcome. Despite having arrows aimed at my body, I took a step toward the elves, a dark look on my face.

"If I understand correctly, you plan to take my men and I prisoner. Is that right?"

As soon as the first word left my lips, everyone's attention was on me, including the dwarves held captive not too far away. The elf whose name I now knew to be Legolas took a step towards me, copying my own movement in an almost daring fashion.

"We will be escorting you back to Mirkwood to have audience with the King. If you believe that makes you a prisoner then so be it."

I couldn't help but let my eyes narrow slightly. I was never one to bask in my royal heritage and even disguised as a normal she-elf, I had never been treated so disrespectfully. It took me a moment to get my emotions in check, allowing me to give a balanced response in order to keep my friends safe.

"If you wish me to accompany you then I must insist you let my men return home. The truce between Mirkwood and Felmari has always been strained. It would be wise for my father to be informed of my delay before he sends out a search party. My brother won't appreciate being dragged away from his business in order to retrieve me."

I kept my eyes locked with the males, my expression stoic even when Ralnor and Galareon  tried to object to my demand. I could see that Legolas was not taking my demand seriously and this caused a small amount of frustration to build inside of me.

"Our horses are waiting just outside the forest, if you can ensure me that my men will return to Falmari unharmed then I will go with you willingly."

I watched as Legolas took a step forward, a challenging look on his face.

"And if not?"

In the blink of an eye, I retrieved a number of throwing daggers from concealed pockets in my sleeves before throwing them at the elves pointing arrows in my direction. A collective gasp filled the clearing as the daggers pierced each of the arrows, ripping them from their bows before burring themselves in nearby trees.

A look of triumph appeared on my lips as I noticed the elf's expression falter briefly.

"If not then I will be forced kill you all where you stand."

A silence filled the clearing as the tensions of the elves on both sides escalated. My emerald eyes bored into his icy ones, a dangerous expression on my face while my stance conveyed I was ready to jump into battle at any moment.

We remained like statues for what seemed like an age before the male finally backed down. Turning his head, he motioned to one of the archers to approach him.

"Make sure these two return to their horses and leave our lands immediately then return to the kingdom."

I watched as the elf gave a small nod before beginning to make his way towards myself and my men. Turning around, I allowed my eyes to fall upon the two men that I had chosen to accompany me here. With a small smile on my lips, I placed hands on their shoulders once again.

"Return to Falmari. Tell my father and brother what happened here. Inform them that I am to be taken to see the King and that I will return home as soon as I can...and take Falmar with you, she is stubborn and I do not want her waiting for me."

Galareon took a step closer to me, placing his hand on my upper arm tightly. One look in his eyes told me that he didn't like this situation.

"I do not like this plan. It is not safe for you to be among strangers unprotected. Your brother ordered us to protect you, we can not do that if we are not with you."

I allowed a reassuring smile to cross my lips as I ghosted my hand across his sculptured cheek.

"Don't worry my friend. I am more than capable of handling myself. You of all people should know this. Tell my brother that this was my idea, he knows how reckless I am, he will not be surprised. I shall return home as soon as I am able."

Out of nowhere, I was caught off guard by Legolas grasping my arm and pulling me away from my friends. I resisted the urge to rip myself from his grip but decided against it, I didn't want him to change his mind about releasing Ralnor and Galareon.

I watched as they disappeared in to the woods and as soon as they were out of view, I was herded in to the middle to join the dwarves that were also being held hostage.

"Tauriel, were all the spiders destroyed."

"Yes. Our lands are free of them."

I watched as Legolas spoke to the she-elf, from the looks of it, she seemed to be an important member of his guard. Their conversation ended there and before I knew it, we were being led deeper into the forest, to the city of Mirkwood.

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