Chapter 20

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Knowing that Ravenhill was now clear of orcs, I allowed myself a moment to catch my breath, my body bloodied and aching from the battle. I had suffered moderate cuts, bruises and scrapes but fortunately other than that, I was unscathed. Counting my blessings, I began walking through the previous battleground, knowing there would be many casualties but hoping for the best. While I was accustomed to combat, I had by no means ever fought in a battle of this magnitude before nor had I been surrounded by this much death.

Knowing that I needed to pull myself together before I encountered another, I allowed my mind to drift to memories of home. I couldn't wait to see the look on my families' face when he found out I fought in the frontlines. My mother and sister would be mortified, my father proud and my brother jealous, it would be quite a sight to behold.

A small smile tugged at the corners of my bloodied lips as I continued to walk through the structure. Unfortunately that was short lived as my eyes eventually fell upon the anguished figure of Legolas as he observed Tauriel mourning over Kili's corpse. I had never seen the elven prince look more defeated and it was at that moment I realised that Legolas had finally realised Tauriel would never be his. I thought this would have made me happy but it seemed like the prince had been broken, having slipped in to despair. Right now he was not the strong prince I knew but a tortured man.

I felt entirely defeated, my heart shattered and dispersed in to the depths of my chest and while I was in complete misery, I knew both Legolas and Tauriel would be feeling worse. Sinking my teeth in to my lower lip, I turned on my heel before coming face to face with a rather passive looking Thranduil.

"His heart mourns for her, despite hers being ignorant of him, just like yours mourns for him. A heart is a funny thing, despite surviving the battle I am sure that it is this wound that stings the most. Fortunately, time heals all wounds Aearon and we elves have nothing but time." His words held no trace of mocking, it was almost as if he were trying to comfort me in his own way. I appreciated that he was trying despite our rather explosive relationship. Raising my gaze, I allowed my eyes to connect with his despite knowing they would reveal how broken I was inside and offered the smallest of smiles that even I knew was not convincing.

"I appreciate your words but now I must return home. I will do what I can to prevent my father from retaliating though you will be pleased to hear that you will not see me again." I could never set foot in Mirkwood again. Despite its breath-taking architecture and magical essence, it would forever being forth painful memories. I would be reminded of the dwarves, of their deaths and of course, of Legolas himself.

"While your insolence is infuriating, you're spirit reminds me of someone I used to care for...You are welcome at any time." I watched as Thranduil raised his hand slowly, calculating his movements before eventually bringing it down to rest on my shoulder. I was somewhat surprised when the gesture provided me some comfort, something I had not expected. This time when I smiled it was genuine however it once again did not reach my eyes.

"Thank you. Farewell your highness." As soon as I shifted, Thranduil removed his hand from my shoulder and I wasted no time leaving the scene. Remaining here for any longer would be too painful and I was certain I would not be able to take much more. I debated bidding my farewells to the dwarves though I was uncertain who had survived and who had not and did not want to find out just in case.

Deciding to slip away unseen, I descended Ravenhill and stepped foot back on the battle ground. Bodies of men, dwarves, elves and orcs littered the land and took extra care to avoid the corpses and severed body parts as I made my way towards an uninjured horse I spotted in the distance.

After calming the horse down, I removed the now unnecessary armour and placed it on the bloodstained ground before mounting the mare. With a few encouraging words, I pushed her in to a trot and began making the long journey back home but not before calling in to Dale for one last goodbye.

I found Bard stood at the gates of Dale, a knowing look on his face. Pulling the horse to a halt, I dismounted her gracefully before walking up to the man.

"So you finally get to go home huh? I...We can't thank you enough for all the help you were back in Laketown. You will always be welcome with us and I wish you the best of luck." Bard's words were soft as he spoke to me, a small smile on his lips the entire time. While I had not spent long with the man, he was strong, kind and fair...there could not be a better leader for the people of Laketown.

"It is long overdue and you are very welcome, I only wish I could have done more. Thank you and never forget you have a friend in Falmari if you ever need me." With one last smile, I turned my back on the man and was on my horse once again in no time at all.

Turning from the battleground one last time, I glanced back at Ravenhill for a moment. I was leaving a part of me there and I knew I would never be the same again but knew I could not dwell on that for long. I regretted it almost instantly when I picked up on a figure retreating from the battleground. I knew instantly that it was Legolas, despite the distance, Elves had remarkable eyesight. My breath hitched in my lungs, a lump forming in my throat as the elven prince's gaze connected with my own from across the battleground.

I had not thought I would see him again, in fact, I hoped I would not. I could feel my composure crumbling more and more the longer his piercing blue eyes stared in to my own now dead green ones. His gaze lingered longer than I was prepared for and soon I found that it was myself that needed to turn away before I was reduced to nothing. Dragging my gaze from him, I pushed my horse in to a canter, allowing one quick glance over my shoulder to confess my farewell.

"Farewell my love."

The End.

Sequel 'Melancholy Meetings' coming soon!

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