Chapter 10

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I pulled the mare to a halt as I approached the bank of the lake. The survivors of the attack had already began making their way to shore, dragging themselves up the bank and back on to solid land.

The scene before me was chaos. People lay dead or injured, some struggling to stay afloat in the vast lake while others were already setting up some form of camp on shore. I wasted no time dismounting my horse, assisting the survivors as they tried to drag the injured bodies of their loved ones up on to the shore.

My mind was focused entirely on the task at hand. I worked fast, using both my elvish strength and speed to help as many people as I could. I knew I would not be able to help everyone but that did not stop me from doing what I could. These people had lost everything, the least I could do was offer help wherever I could.

I was unsure how much time had passed however I soon came across the remaining dwarves preparing a boat. Of course now that they knew the dragon was dead they would go to the mountain to reunite with their kin.

A smile formed on my lips as I approached them, they really had endured a lot and yet still they survived. I found having myself a new respect for dwarves, they really were marvelous beings.


The sound of the blond dwarf who had first addressed me back in the dungeon's caught my ears. With a smile still present on my lips, I made my way over to Fili. My gaze met Tauriel's on the way and we simply shared an understanding nod with each other.  I was thankful she kept my companions safe while she thankful I had taken her place and accompanied her prince instead of leaving him vulnerable.

"Are all dwarves as resilient to death or are you just lucky?"

A deep laugh escaped his lips as he took a step up the bank in my direction. I was aware of the other dwarves readying a boat while Kili spoke to Tauriel a small distance behind me. I was able to hear their conversation however I chose not to listen and kept my attention on the dwarf that had been surprisingly happy to see me.

"That's for us to know."

I shared a laugh with the dwarf before my eyes scanned over to the mountain situated at the other side of the lake. A shiver passed through my body as I felt cold eyes boring in to my back making it apparent that the Prince had decided to return to the city.

"You are heading to the mountain to reunite with your party. Your journey is almost at an end. I wish you nothing but good fortune in the future."

An excited expression appeared on Fili's face at the prospect to returning to both the mountain and his companions. The dwarves had endured a lot and were definitely deserving of the outcome.

"You're alright for an elf. If you're ever find yourself passing Erebor don't hesitate to stop in."

I smiled, nodding my head in appreciation just in time to see Legolas ordering Tauriel to come with him. From the look on her face it was obvious she was conflicted. She desired to stay with Kili but she could not defy a direct order from her Prince. I watched as Kili approached her, placing something in her hands quickly before turning his back and climbing in to the boat with the rest of his kin.

A single tear slid down Tauriel's face as she watched Kili walk away from her, putting more and more distance between the two. My heart broke for her and I couldn't help but attempt to offer her some form of comfort.

Ignoring the cold look I was receiving from the prince, I approached the she-elf, placing my hand on her shoulder lightly.

"You will see him again."

The wood-elf looked at me with teary eyes, her head tilting slightly as if silently questioning me. It was true some elves were gifted with such things as the sight however this was not the case. I felt deep down in my soul that the two would be together again, it was obvious they were meant to be together. Fate always wins in the end.


Throwing an apologetic look in my direction, Tauriel turned on her heel and made her way to Legolas. Without another word they were gone, neither of them sparing a backward glance in my direction.

A sharp pain radiated throughout my body, settling to a dull ache in a matter of seconds. Knowing that there was nothing I could do to cure it, I returned to my task of helping the people of what was once Laketown.

Hours passed as I pulled people from the water and tended to their wounds. I was by no means a healer and still somewhat inexperienced in healing magic but I could clean and bind their wounds until they could receive proper help.

"I hadn't thought you would stick around. Not with your companions and your kin leaving."

I turned my head to the right to see Bard stood a meter or so away from me, his children lingering in his shadow. I was relieved they had all managed to survive virtually unscathed. They were good people and did not deserve what was happening to them.

"The dwarves are returning to the mountain, elves do not do well so deep underground. The other elves were my captors and the male my tormentor. My place is as far away from them as possible."

A glimmer of both confusion and understanding flickered across the bargeman's face. It would seem he was questioning my story, believing I had other motives for staying.

"Then why are you still here?"

There was no hesitation between his question and my response. My motives were pure and the decision my own.

"I could not leave these people in such a way.  My conscious would never allow it."

Bard's expression instantly softened as he continued to look at me. He had obviously not expecting such kindness however it seems silly to question it now. We had engaged in battle to protect his family from orcs and Tauriel ensured his children survived the dragon's barrage.

"Then I thank you for your kindness. You will always be welcome among the people of Laketown." 

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