Chapter 19

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Of course I knew why I so was distraught, my feelings for Legolas had yet to be quashed and the trauma of the battle had effected my ability to suppress my emotions. Fortunately Thranduil seemed at a loss for words after his son's outburst, something I was infinitely thankful for. I did not know if I could endure any of the elven king's snide comments or rude remarks at a time like this.

"He loves her." Thranduil's statement seemed just as much for himself as it was for me. Dragging my gaze from the ground, I allowed them to fall upon his grief-stricken face. He seemed just as at a loss as I was. Knowing that now was not the time to dwell on my feelings, I channelled my sorrow into something productive...rage. Turning my attention back to the elven king, I grabbed his shoulder and shook him once roughly enough for him to regain his composure.

"He will get himself killed trying to protect her. If you do not intervene, he will die." My words were harsh and my voice stern but I was in no mood to be diplomatic, I was past being civil to the selfish king and my own emotions were still out of control. I was not surprised when Thranduil ripped my hand from his shoulder with his own roughly. I had expected to be struck by either his sword or his hand, to my surprise neither made contact and I eventually allowed my gaze to connect with his own.

"Why do you defend him when he has hurt you so?" Thranduil's words were soft, something I had not anticipated. At first I was at a loss as I tried to think of how I would respond to his question. Slowly I managed to arrange my thoughts into some form of order before turning my attention back to the elven king.

"I will not make others miserable for my own selfish needs. Legolas harbours feelings for Tauriel and I cannot change that but that does not mean I wish harm to befall either of them." I realised instantly that Thranduil was confused by my words, of course he could not fathom being selfless and not getting his own way. Deciding that I had had enough of the conversation, I turned on my heel while unsheathing my sword. I needed to get to Ravenhill as quickly as possible, I had wasted enough time wallowing in self-pity. I just hoped Bilbo got there in time.

Luckily in all the chaos, I managed to find a horse that had been used by the people of Laketown to transport their belongings. Knowing this would be the fastest way to reach the other dwarves, I wasted no time mounting the steed and cantering off towards Ravenhill.


The ride to Ravenhill seemed to be endless but eventually I reached my destination. Dismounting the mare, I raced up the frozen steps towards toward the voice of Azog. As I reached the top of the incline, my eyes widened in horror as in the distance I watched Azog plunge his sword through Fili's chest before allow him to plummet to the rocks below. I feel to a knee, shock etched on my face as I looked up dejectedly at the wretched creature.

It took a moment for me to channel my sorrow in to something more productive and in no time at all, I was on my feet and next to Bilbo. I could not fathom how Thorin would feeling so I did not try to offer any kind words. Before long Thorin growled before turning around and charging towards Azog with a renewed need for blood. Dwalin took off after his king and I wasted no time making my way towards the orcs. I had feared for Bilbo's safety but I have found him to be remarkably resourceful and possess the ability to be unseen, he would be fine.

Wielding a sword in both hands, I wasted no time slashing at every orc I came across. Most went down easily, leaving their neck or chest exposed as they engaged in combat. Some however were not so easily slain. While ascending a flight of stairs, I was knocked to the ground as an orc jumped at me from an elevated platform. Rolling to the side, I managed to avoid the orcs sword as he plunged it down into the earth, the blade slicing my upper cheek slightly instead of penetrating my skull.

Jumping to my feet, I squared up to the enemy that dwarfed me in both size and stature. This would not be an easy fight and I would have to use my size and speed against the creature to have a chance of killing him. With the decision made, I lunged towards the creature, passing under its outstretched arm before rising to stab both swords into his back as deep as I could manage before distancing himself from him just as quickly. This was how the next couple of minutes played out, me dodging his attacks and using his size against him as I utilized my speed to connect my sword to his frame.

Unfortunately the creature worked out my tactic quickly and the next time I made to move around him, I was knocked off course by an armoured elbow to the mouth before falling back against the rough stone wall behind me. A gasp escaped my dry lip, allowing the blood swelling in my mouth to dribble down the pale skin of my face. Raising my hand, I wiped my lip with the back of my hand before engaging with the orc once again. Knowing the orc would expect me to dodge around him, I targeted a direct attack to his abdomen and to my surprise my swords pierced its grotesque grey skin. Wanting it to feel pain, I twisted the blades before dragging them out to the sides harshly.

I grimaced at the foul stench that assaulted my nostrils when the orcs insides fell out of his stomach through the gaping wound I had just inflicted. Deciding not to linger, I continued my way up the stairs until I finally reached the top of the structure. Under other circumstances the view would be beautiful however below I could still see the battle raging on. There was so much death and my soul ached for the fallen however now was not the time to mourn, not when the battle was still raging on.

I was surprised to see an army of great eagles flying towards us, their piercing eyes set on the masses of orcs still approaching from the north. For the first time in what felt like an age a genuine smile formed on my bloodied lips, the movement stretching the skin and reopening the wound but that did not matter. The end of the battle was within reach, I could almost taste it.



IMPORTANT author's note: 

I apologize that this chapter is a little short however the next chapter will be the last. 

Comments/Constructive criticism would be appreciated, I will be editing this story so there is an opportunity to tweak the story a little.

Also, keep a look out for the sequel set in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy. New characters, old friends and unfinished business between the arrogant prince and our heroine. What will happen when Legolas does not yearn for another and Aeron has had time to move on from the un-reciprocated feelings she had towards him.

[Legolas] Melancholy Meetings - Coming soon.


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