Chapter 8

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As the sun rose in the morning, the dwarves were already up and dressed as we made our way towards the harbour. The master of Laketown had provided the dwarves with a boat in aid of their quest while the whole town gathered to see them off. I watched the halflings step down in to the boat before me only for Thorin to stop Kili from boarding. His injury prevented him from continuing the quest. Oin followed suit stating that his duty lied with the wounded. Fili voiced his disapproval instantly before climbing out of the boat to join his brother on land.

I turned my attention back to Thorin as his gaze fell upon me. "Your help has been greatly appreciated Aeron but I think it is time you return to your home much like  we are." 

I nodded my head in understanding, the dwarves were reclaiming their home, it was not something for an elf to interfere with. 

"Thank you. I will. I wish you luck on the rest of your journey and remember you will always be welcome in Falmari."

I allowed a smile to grace my lips as I watched the boat sail off. To my side I saw Bofur running towards us, shouting at the rest of the dwarves to wait for him. A look to defeat settled on his features before he noticed the three remaining dwarves to the side of him.

One look at Kili told me he was gravely ill. I instructed the dwarves that we needed to get him back to Bard's immediately so we could tend to his wounds. Without question, we made our way back through the streets and up to the bargeman's home.  He was not happy to see us although after informing him that Kili was sick he let us in and cleared a space for him immediately.

With Kili laid down, Oin began examining him immediately while Bofur brought over clean water. Looking down at the wound, my eyes widened a little upon noticing it was a morgul wound. Oin asked Bard for herbs to help lower the fever and upon hearing he had nothing of importance, he asked him for Kingsfoil. Stating that it was a weed that was fed to the pigs, Bofur rushed out of the door in search for said plant. Knowing I couldn't be of any help until Bofur returned, I patted a wet cloth on the dwarves forehead to help lower his temperature while Oin continued to tend to him as best he could.

With Bofur still absent, Oin instructed Bard for him and his family to leave their home as a strange noise erupted from the nearby mountain. A look of anguish passed his features knowing there was nowhere else to go before he reached up above that table and pulled a black arrow down from amongst the clutter. With that done, he instructed his daughters to stay inside before rushing in to the streets with his son in tow.

A long time passed before I was pulled from my daze by the sound of footsteps on the roof followed by a loud scream from one of Bard's daughters. Without a second thought, I pulled my bow from my back and began shooting the orcs that got anywhere near the humans. Much to my surprise, the elves that had taken us prisoner in the forest showed up and began helping me kill the orcs that invaded the home. 

When they were all dead, Legolas instructed Tauriel to follow him although one look at her after she had seen Kili suffering was enough to tell me she would not. Meeting her gaze, I nodded my head in understanding before following after Legolas. She was torn between her duty and her heart and although I was travelling with the dwarves, I was no longer needed by them and so I could go and offer the reinforcements the Prince needed.

"What are you doing?"

I heard Legolas's cold voice almost snarl at me as he shot an orc through the eye. Shooting an arrow from my bow, I penetrated head of an orc in the distance and smiled inwardly when I watched the abomination fall dead in to the water.

"Tauriel will not follow you, not while Kili's life hangs in the balance."

My piercing eyes were able to catch a glimmer of hurt wash across the male's face however it was dismissed almost instantly. It was obvious that Legolas harboured feelings for the powerful she-elf but both were bound by honour and lineage.

"You cannot go alone, you know not what lies ahead."

We continued to run as we conversed, killing orcs by any means necessary as we made our way back to the mainland. It was obvious that the male did not want my companionship although he had no choice. He was not stupid, he knew that he needed someone to cover his back. Legolas and Tauriel were the perfect team and I only hoped I could change my style in time to work well with him.

I was so in tune with the fighting style of my people that changing it even slightly would be problematic. Despite this, I pushed onward, knowing I had no choice if I wanted to keep my people and the rest of middle earth safe from such grotesque creatures.

Reaching the borders of Laketown, we came to a halt as we noticed a large orc stood on his own walking towards us. Readying my bow, I wasted no time in killing the smaller orcs that tried to catch us by surprise while Legolas fought the larger one. Unfortunately, he was overpowered, allowing the orc to get away.

"We must follow."

I watched as Legolas wrestled with himself, conflicted as to whether or not to leave Tauriel behind with the dwarves. I was surprised by the flicker of hurt that radiated throughout my entire being before coming to rest as a dull ache in my chest.

With the strength I had left, I suppressed my inner feelings of hurt before allowing my green eyes to fall upon the elven prince once more.

"Now is not the time for inner turmoil."

Without another word, I took off in the direction of the orc, sheathing my swords as I allowed my legs to carry me faster than they have ever before. Of course I knew slaying the wretched beast was of great importance however I couldn't help but feel that getting out of Laketown, away from my new companions and away from the pain that resided deep down in my chest would make things a little easier.

The breeze whipped against my face, my raven hair trailing behind me as I ran through the town, focusing my mind on the task at hand. It wasn't long before I passed near a stable and didn't think twice about jumping on an obsidian horse that was luckily already saddled.

Once mounted on the steed, the mare roared to life and took off down the long bridge that connected Laketown to the mainland. Both my eyes and ears were still able to pick up traces of the creature however I had a great amount of ground to cover before I would catch up. I urged the horse on in my native tongue, the soft words touching her ears causing her to whinny loudly and press on faster. 

As I neared the mainland, I heard the unmistakable sound of hooves thundering against the wooden bridge behind me. Without slowing my pace, I turned my head and eventually my forest green eyes fell upon the warrior prince atop an elegant white horse. Returning my sight forwards, I couldn't help but let a small smile pull at the corner of my lips knowing that Legolas had followed me instead of remaining behind with Tauriel.

Of course my mind rationalised this, he really did not have any choice but to follow. These orcs had defiled his lands and killed his kin, he had an obligation to kill the beast for both his people and himself. Pearly white teeth sunk in to my lower lip, dragging my heart back to reality as I suppressed the feelings stirring inside me for the Mirkwood Prince. 

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