Chapter 1

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The commotion coming from the armory was almost deafening as elves dawned their armor and grasped their intricate weapons. A group of giant spiders had been seen roaming through the outer boundaries of the kingdom, causing unrest to the people of Falmari. With the people in panic, it was up to the group of highly skilled warriors to eliminate the threat.

Sheathing my sword, I fastened the belt at my hip before slipping a series of concealed weapons throughout my attire. There were no second chances when it came to battle, being unprepared would bring nothing but death. Content with the number of weapons I carried, I grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows before making my way towards my home to bid farewell to my parents.

Upon reaching the gate, I found both my mother and father stood at the door. Bowing my head in respect, I was taken off guard by my mother grasping my hand tightly within her own. No words were spoken from her lips but I knew that my mother was wishing me luck, she always found it difficult when I left the safety of the kingdom. 

Turning to my father, I looked upon the elven king, my brown eyes coming in to contact with his briefly before he spoke. 

"Be safe my daughter."

I simply nodded, a smile on my lips. "I will father." 

With the farewells over, I made my way to the stable and mounted my horse Falmar quickly. Leaning forwards, I pattered her neck affectionately before nudging her in to a gallop, I needed to reunite with my brother and the rest of the elves before we could leave the city.

Reaching the head of the mounted elves, I took up place beside my brother, a smile gracing his lips when he became aware of my arrival.  

"About time sister, we can't delay any longer.

"My apologies. Mother and Father send their regards."

I watched as my brother nodded his head before kicking his horse in to a canter. Without hesitation, I instructed my horse to follow suit and set off out of the Kingdom in pursuit of the wretched creatures that tainted our lands and terrified our children.

It wasn't long before we picked up their trail, the creatures headed south, further in land. Our pace quickened as we pursued the creatures, hoping to destroy the fell beasts before they could cause harm.

The sound of hooves was like thunder against the dry earth as the party of elves tracked their pray further and further in land. The Teleri were sea elves, preferring to stay close to the ocean but to protect their kin, they would venture right in to the heart of middle earth.

Hours passed before eventually, the creatures we hunted came in to sight. A sound of enthusiasm radiated from my brother's chest as he nudged his horse to go faster, unsheathing his sword as he prepared to slay the arachnids. My brother's joy brought a smile to my own lips as I retrieved my bow from my back and began shooting arrows at the beasts as I continued to pursue them.

Before long, the surroundings were tainted with the thick, wretched blood of the enemy. Arrows rained down on the beasts while limbs were scattered every which way possible as elegant swords ripped through their vile flesh.

Out of nowhere, I heard the obnoxious voice of my brother over the top of the sounds of battle. 

"I've slayed six of the dreadful creatures already."

A smile played across my lips as I shot an arrow over his shoulder and straight in to an eye of another spider.  

"I'm on nine."

A small chuckle escaped my lips as I continued to shoot my way through the swarm of spiders. Much to our dismay, the creatures split in to two groups, the larger one staying to fight while the other continued to run towards the forest.

Without much thought, I made my back towards my brother, leaving a trail of dead creatures in my wake.

"Brother you must stay here and slay these beasts. Make sure our city is safe. I'll continue on and eliminate the rest. We can't have them nesting at our borders."

I could see Beren falter before he turned his attention towards me. I knew he was going to argue against it. Despite being a skilled warrior, I was still his sister and he was forever playing the role of over-protective older brother. Without giving him time to argue, I held up my hand to silence his worries.

"There is no time to argue. You are needed to lead these men and return back at the kingdom. We both know I am a faster rider than you. I will have Galareon and Ralnor accompany me."

Without a word, my brother nodded his head before calling the two elves to his side. I had picked them for their skills, both being well experienced with weaponry, tracking and survival and this, my brother knew. When they reached his side, they nodded their head in respect even in the midst of battle.

"You two will accompany Aeron and slay the rest of the beasts before they leave our lands. Keep her safe."

The warriors nodded their heads before turning their attention to me. With a small smile, I instructed them to follow before we took off in pursuit of the disgusting creatures for a second time.

I must admit, the spiders had more distance between us than I would of thought possible but I didn't linger on that for long. I knew it was up to us to make the lands safe once again, for all the peoples of middle earth, not just the teleri elves.

Our horses ran at top speed as we crossed fields, forests and rivers. Before long we were able to catch up with the creatures tailing behind the group as they scattered through the lands. Before I could give instruction, the elves accompanying me had begun to fire arrows in to the weak points of the creatures.

I gave instruction to Falmar to jump the bodies of the foul creatures that fell as we continued onward to slay the rest of them. My mind began to get lost in the task that lay before me and before I knew it, I could hear the voice of Ralnor beside me.

"My lady, we are about to cross the border. We will be leaving our lands." 

Turning my attention to the handsome elf beside me, I took a moment to factor the points before I replied.

"The spiders tainted our lands, it is our job to slay them for the people of Falmari before they begin to nest at our borders. Our people need to know that they are safe...that all the spiders are dead."

I looked to my left to see the elf nod his head beside me before we crossed the border and stopped next to the dense forest. Dismounting my horse, I patted her flank as I waited for the males to gather their weapons. The forest was too dense for the horses so we would have to continue on foot.

Using the environment around us to our advantage, we climbed up trees and jumped from branch to branch as we shot arrows at the beasts, killing them off and leaving a trail of mutilated corpses in our wake.

The thick blood of the enemy splashed up my sleeves and stained my clothing but that was to be expected. For as long as I could remember, my mother was always complaining that I ruined my clothes in some way, whether from grass stains or rips.

With a small shake of my head, I cleared my thoughts and focused on the present, there were still a couple more spiders we needed to eliminate before we could return to our home.

Coming to a halt, we were all aware of the commotion occurring in a clearing not too far ahead of us. It was impossible to determine what was happening but one thing and that was the sound radiating through the forest was that of the spider's dying breath.

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