Chapter 3

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Before long, we were being ushered through a set of gates and deeper in to the heart of the beautiful city. For long now I wished to lay eyes upon the infamous kingdom of Mirkwood, but definitely not as a captive. A small sigh escaped my lips as i could already see where this was going, my elf eyes had already spotted the cells that lined the hallway we were approaching.

I stood idly as the dwarves struggled against their captors as they were stripped of their weapons and pushed in to cages. My attention was pulled from the scene when I sensed Legolas stood behind me, hand reaching to remove the bow from my back. Without a seconds hesitation, I spun round and jumped away, putting enough distance between us that he was no longer within arm's reach.

I watched as a frown appeared on the handsome elf's face, his hand reaching up to retrieve one of the swords attached to his back.

"You agreed you would come willingly..."

"And I have. I made no attempt to escape nor to fight as you brought me here. I agreed I would accompany to the city to see the King, I did not agree to be imprisoned like a common criminal. I demand you allow me to see the King now so that I may return to my home"

I tried to hold back the venom in my voice but I was sure it would have seeped out at some point. I watched the elf as he turned his gaze, allowing his icy orbs to land on that of the other she-elf in the vicinity.


Before I had time to react, I was forced in to the cell by both Legolas and the Tauriel.  I resisted the urge to throw profanities at them as my back slammed in to the cold stone wall, causing my bow to dig in to my spine.

I watched as the cell door was closed and the feeling of suffocation instantly began to violate me. Like all elves, Teleri thrive in the light, whether it be the warm rays of the sun or the moons cold beams but the sea elves live for freedom, originally being a group of wanderers before they settled in Falmari. It was dangerous to cage a Teleri, it led them to act recklessly, something I was already known for.

With a sigh, I crouched against the cool stone and lent my head back against the wall. I still had my weapons but I knew I would not be able to free myself from such a cage, elf work was sturdy and I hadn't the tools to pick the lock.

"Hey! She-elf?"

My attention was captured by a blond haired dwarf in the cell across from me. Pulling myself to my feet, I made my way over to the door of my prison and allowed my eyes to rest on the being.

"My name is Aeron."

I was fully aware of the feud between elves and dwarves but I was never one to be confined by tradition regardless if the dwarf addressing me chose to be disrespectful.

"I'm Fili. Was what you told the elf true?"

My eyes scanned his face, trying to read his expressions and I found him to be nothing less than sincere. With a small sigh, I leant against the bars of the cell as I continued to converse with the dwarf.

"Every word."

"Well it seems like you were in the wrong place at the wrong time Miss Aeron."

The words came from a white haired dwarf a few cells down from Fili. I couldn't help but let a hopeless smile appear on my lips.

"It would appear so..."


A small sigh escaped my lips before my attention was captured by a pair of elves escorting the dwarf I thought to be the leader to a cell. I recognised Balin's voice as he questioned the male about what had happened during his absence.

I would have liked to have been able to listen to the account and therefore get an understanding of how the king of Mirkwood treated 'guests' however as soon as the dwarf was securely within  his prison, the elves moved to mine and unlocked the door.

"The King will see you now."

With a nod of my head, I followed the elves out of my cell and along the suspended hallways of the city. Before long, we reached an elaborate room with a throne at its centre. I was led to the middle of the room and forced to stop a short distance away from a blond haired elf occupying a throne. To his side stood the elf I knew to be Legolas, a cold look in his eyes as he turned his attention to me.

I couldn't help but lower my head in a small bow as the King turned his attention towards me. He seemed indifferent...cold, I began to realise that I may be in over my head.

"What is your name?"

"Aeron. Daughter of Thingol and second in line to the throne of Falmari."

I watched as recognition danced across the King's features, causing him to lean forwards in his throne in order to take a better look at me. I did my best not to shy away from his gaze and instead stood tall and proud as my father had taught me many years ago.

"Thingol you say? I haven't heard that name in an age. What were you doing in my lands?"

"The spiders crossed our borders causing the King to order their extermination. My brother and I led a group of elves out of the city in order to slay the creatures."

"Is that so? Surely the daughter of a King would not be allowed to partake in such a dangerous task."

"I fail to see why the daughter of a King would not be allowed to help keep her people safe."


I watched as the King threaded his fingers together before leaning back in his throne once again. A feeling of unease began to grow in the pit of my stomach, consuming me being little by little. The King's scrutinizing gaze made me feel weak and vulnerable, two things I was not accustomed to feeling.

Legolas stepped forward, coming to a stop just in front of the King.

"She was accompanied by two elves. They were released in accordance to a deal in which the she-elf would accompany me back to the city peacefully."

"And did she?"

Regardless of the fact the King was talking to Legolas, his gaze remained on my frame as I continued to stand before him. I did wonder how Legolas would answer the question due to the little prison incident.


As the word filled the room, Legolas turned his gaze to me and I couldn't help but feel inferior to the two powerful elves that stood before me.

"Forgive me my lord but I must return home. It would be unwise to let this little mistake cause tension between our two kingdoms."

I kept my voice calm and gaze strong. There was no need for me to be here, there was no rule that the Teleri were not allowed to enter these lands. I entertained the idea of an audience with the King in order to get my friends home safely but I was beginning to realise that it might have been at the expense of my own.

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