Chapter 9

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We pursued the orc for miles but unfortunately our pursuit was fruitless, the orc managing to slip our sights. Pulling my horse to a halt, I dismounted gracefully before patting her neck affectionately. The mare let out a deep breath, nudging her nose against my shoulder as if she were trying to lift my spirits in her own way.

I allowed a genuine smile to grace my lips, my hand stroking her face gently before my companion finally caught up and came to a stop beside me. Allowing the emotion to fall from my face, I allowed my guarded green eyes to fall upon him for all but a moment before turning back to the mare.

"Where he goes we cannot follow."

"You let him escape?"

Rage consumed my inner being and I found it harder than usual to suppress the urge to allow my emotions to sbow. Elves were not known for succumbing to their emotions, no matter how strong an elf always had to remain composed, especially one of royal blood. However before I knew what was happening, I snapped my gaze to the arrogant prince, my eyes connecting with his.

"Your hesitation allowed him to get away. You put your own feelings above the responsibility you have for your kin. By no means is this fault mine."

I did not shout nor raise my voice, I didn't need to. The venom that laced my words was enough to make the male visibly flinch as I addressed him, indicating that my thoughts on the matter had been received. I watched as his face contorted in to an expression of anger before he jumped from his horse and grasped my arm roughly.

"Hold your tongue she-elf. Remember who it is you are talking to."

The distaste Legolas had for me could be heard in his words and my eyes widened a little as it pierced my heart. My stoic expression faltered for less than a second however I knew Legolas had seen it, there wasn't much that could escape an elves eyes. With new resolve, I ripped my arm from the male's grasp, while simultaneously retrieving a dagger from my belt before holding it to his throat.

"Lay hands on me again and I will kill you where you stand. Your actions are not fitting of a man let alone an elvish prince. Do I have to remind who my father is and what will happen should our lands go to war. Your emotions are clouding your judgement and making you weak. Her heart belongs to another, your heart will mourn but it must not endanger your life. It will get easier."

My words lost their poison slowly before I fell in to silence. Removing the dagger from the male's throat, I returned it to its sheath before turning my attention towards the raven mare. The confrontation had startled her, her unease evident in her demeanor. I was sure he was going to unleash his rage once more however our attention was captured by a thunderous roar echoing across the plains. My body spun around automatically, my eyes widening when they fell upon the infamous dragon of the mountain destroying Laketown and all its inhabitants.

In no time at all, I was back on my horse and racing back to the town I had recently departed from. I was under no illusions, I knew I could not take down a dragon but I would not do nothing while the people of Laketown got massacred. I was unsure if Legolas shared my thoughts but I could not let myself dwell on him nor his decision.

I knew I would be wise to follow my own advice, to allow my heart time to mourn and move on. My feelings could not be returned when the subject of its affections had offered his heart to another. I would not allow my emotions to interfere with my judgement, I would tend to them when a town of innocents was not being torched before my eyes. For now I would simply suppress my feelings, submerging them until they are nothing but a distant memory.

Clearing my thoughts, I urged my horse onward, retracing my steps to the town in peril. I would not allow myself to shift my gaze to the rear to see if a certain elf was following me however I was concerned about getting an arrow in the back. I could not be certain but I would not think it common practice for the Prince of Mirkwood to be confronted by another. Pushing the thoughts from the forefront of my mind, I raced back towards the floating town, intent on helping its people.

A piercing roar echoed throughout the lands, causing my horse to skid to a sudden stop and a gasp to escape my lips. My green eyes turned to the sky and I watched in amazement as Smaug took his last breath before crashing down in to the lake.

"He actually did it.

I small laugh escaped my lips when the realisation hit me that Bard had managed to slay the tremendous beast. I had always been one to underestimate the ability of man however the bargeman seemed to change my opinions...he really was something else.

"It would appear so."

I turned my head to the right, my eyes falling upon the prince who looked just as astonished as I did. Dragging my gaze back to the burning town, I allowed my resolve to consume myself once more.

"The people will still need our help."

Before I had even had a chance to instruct my horse to move I heard cold words come from the prince's mouth.

"The lives of men are not our concern."

The comment caused my eyes to widen, never had I encountered someone who cared so little for innocent lives. As a prince, he should know what it means to want to protect those who can't themselves. It was what I built my whole life upon. I wanted to protect my people, the Telari elves so much so that I allowed myself to get taken prisoner by the wretched royals of Mirkwood.

Anger was evident in both my eyes and my tone as I turned to face the Prince once more. I found it easier to ignore my feelings for the male while my opinion of him was deteriorating astronomically.  He was unlike anyone I had ever met before, selfish, narcissistic and consumed by his emotions.

"Do the lives of others mean so little to you? In all your arrogance have you really forgotten that the she-elf you have pledged your heart to is also down there in that burning wreck of a city? I had been warned of the King of Mirkwood's cold heart however I did not expect to find it in the Prince as well."

Without waiting for a reply, I nudged my horse in to action, once again running towards the town left in ruin by the dragons attack. A traitorous tear escaped the corner of my eye, my inner turmoil escalating. Despite my anger and distaste towards the elf that had imprisoned me and abandoned people in need, I still felt something deep down inside me whenever I thought of him.

I would never allow this. It would be reckless of me to allow this elf to be related to my people in any way. There was no way I would allow such a cold-hearted man power over myself or my people. This has to stop now before anyone else got hurt.

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