42. Mother!

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Spring spread all over the westeros, the warmth started to come back and although it was nice for others, it wasn't the case for Alyssa who was lying heavily pregnant on her couch with several servants around her.

Tanya went back and forth with a change of clothes and water, as if she was already fucking giving birth. Another stood above her with a fan. The cold air that formed was kind of calming for her, but all this fucking running back and forth was driving her crazy.

"Any day now, princess. How do you feel today?"

"Like a piece of fucking dirt, with a heavy stone in my stomach that makes every little thing an effort. And I feel angry, I don't know why but I do." She rambled on angrily while the silent Maester stood and listened patiently.

"It's normal, princess. With the strength of the gods, you will be rewarded with a healthy child."

Tanya went up to her with a cup of ice-cold water, thank the gods for her she thought. She grabbed the cold cup and brought it to her mouth, gulping down every last drop until it was all gone. Despite the horrible pain that formed in her throat.

"Thank you Tanya, please go back down and check when my mother arrives."

The maid turned and went downstairs again for probably the sixth time in less than half an hour. But Alyssa wanted nothing more than to have her mother with her, given the fact that the Babe is arriving any moment now. At least according to the midwife.

"Dear me, they have turned our chamber into a gathering place for midwives and Maesters." Aegon commented from the doorway, he looked around with raised eyebrows.

A minimal laugh gave Alyssa from where she lay. Aegon went up to her and sat down beside her. "Are you absolutely sure you're okay? Do you feel pain? Do you feel sick?"

Even though those questions were incredibly annoying for her to be asked every day, she couldn't blame him for them. Ever since he found out about the pregnancy, he's been overprotective and a little worried. Something she didn't mind, but you could tell from the look on his face that all this worry was taking a toll on his strength as well.

Instead of annoyance, she felt happy when he sat there next to her. She took his hand and placed the fin on her big belly that was sticking out from the rest of her body.

"Everything is just fine, my love. My mother will probably arrive soon too, so I won't be alone even when you're not here."

Aegon tensed up a little at the mention of his sister, he didn't really like her coming here. But since she gave birth to his wonderful wife, he could still bear it.

"You know I hate to leave you like this, right?" He questioned with a frown. Which was true because Alyssa had to almost force him out with Daeron or whoever it was because otherwise he would have gone insane.

"It does, yes. But I also want you to be able to do something during this very long time. It puts my mind at ease knowing that you're thinking about something other than your fears around the topic." She replied back with a smile. It was as if all the noise around her just disappeared during their conversation, which calmed her mind a little.

"In reckon my mother has been a royal pain in your back. How often does she visit you again?"

"Five times a day," she sighed and shook her head before looking at him again with raised eyebrows. "But there was a lot more to Helaena, so in a way I'm lucky"

The elder prince shook his head with a chuckle, lifting her hand to his lips. "You're just perfect, I hope you know that."

They had been married for almost a year and he could still make her blush, which was incredibly embarrassing for her but Aegon loved doing it.

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