54. What The Fuck Is Wrong With Him?

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The dragon pit echoed with the roar of the dragons as Rhaenyra jumped off Syrax to meet her husband who jumped down from his long-necked beast.

The dragonkeepers walked up to them with a bow before the eldest of them welcomed them "My Princess, My Prince" The high Valerian words rolled off their tongue in such a smooth way as they all talked to each other.

Shortly thereafter, Baela landed, with Jace shortly behind her. "I told you I was going to win." She boosted with a giggle and got off the dragon moondancer's back to end up on the sandy ground of the dragonpit. "A gentleman always lets his lady go first."

"Hmph, you tell yourself that, anything to get you to sleep at night."

Rhaena cleared her throat to catch the others' attention and interrupt their moment. "Come on, I want to see Aly and the children." she said, her voice echoing in the large space. "Yes, hurry up," Luke heard agree, as he came up behind Rhaena with a smile.

"Yes Yes we are on our way, can't you get off the dragon before the two of you are going to come and shout?"

Baela went up to Rhaena and took her arm as they walked towards the chariots that would take them through the city and to the castle. Jace and Luke walked a bit behind them, "What's the matter with you?" Luke questioned and motioned hand towards Baela who was walking in front of them, out of earshot.

Jace's face crumpled into a frown when he heard his brother's question. "Whatever do you mean?"

"A blind fool could see it."

"See what?"

"Apparently not," he sighed, "You're smitten with Baela." He whispered so that the others wouldn't hear.

Jace looked at him with a slightly harder gaze than usual, and his tone became almost defensive "And what if I am? Will it make your day brighter? Will it make the food you eat tastier? What does it matter?"

Luke was about to open his mouth to answer something clever back but was interrupted by his mother, whose voice echoed as she called. "Come on boys, we must make haste."

Rhaenyra sat down in a carriage with little Aegon and Viserys. Daemon sat with them as well while the other children sat in a separate carriage from them. Rhaenyra sat and played with a small toy in front of the little boys to arouse their interest in the toy while Daemon looked out through the small window of the wagon as it began to roll.

"This hunt is an idiotic idea" She heard Daemon mutter under her breath. "All of this is idiotic when you think about it. This, that bitch of a queen and her children." He took a breath, "The fact that you married off our daughter to a Hightower."

The last one came out as a low murmur, he had never been behind that idea and would never in his life be. She looked up from Aegon to glance at her husband, "Daemon, it's been three years now and this union has united us with their side, so both me and the Queen are satesfied" she said, turning back to Aegon before starting to talk again. "And for the record, she's happy with him and that is enough for me."

He scoffed at the thought, who the hell could love a man like that. "You are only deceiving yourself with such thoughts, my dear."

She shook her head with a sigh before leaning wearily against the soft pillows. "I don't like it either, Daemon. It was an act of desperation. My sons were being smeared, rumors of their birth were spreading, and I needed a way to stop it."

"Maybe I'll ask Otto Hightower to marry his son and Baela together. You know, so that we can put an end to the rivalry."

His sarcastic tone and mocking way of saying it made her blood bubble and her face twisted into an angry look. "Don't you dare tell me what I should have done and what I shouldn't have, you weren't there, remember that."

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