76. The Irony Is Not Lost On Her

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The sound of forks rattling against the silver platters sounded muffled in the background when Alyssa sat at the dining table in her room with Rhaegar and Baelon to her left and right. Her fork laid untouched on her plate, her appetite seemingly evaporated in the midst of her anxiety.

Across from her, Aemond's wife Josette sat and tried to lighten the mood, chatting with the children and keeping the conversation lighthearted. Meanwhile, Alyssa's thoughts swirled like a tempest, her mind preoccupied with worries over her daughter's condition that only seemed to grow worse.

As she sat there, tracing the pattern on her green gown with her eyes, her thoughts were a whirlwind of worry and uncertainty. Not knowing whether her girl would even live, if she would be able to play again and jump around like she used to.

Alyssa could hardly focus on the conversation around her, her mind consumed by the state of her daughter's well-being. Each ring twirled on her finger represented a different concern, each twist a potential outcome she feared. Alyssa knew she needed to remain strong, but she couldn't help but feel the weight of the unknown bearing down on her.

She was jolted out of the ju gle of thoughts in her mind when she felt Rhaegar tugging at her lose sleeve, interrupting her inner turmoil. "Mama," he whispered, his eyes wide and innocent. "Why you not eating? Don't you wike it?" His voice cracked with concern, which only added to Alyssa's guilt. She forced a smile, trying to reassure him. "I'm just not very hungry right now, my love." she spoke in a low tone before she gently brushed a strand of his hair away from his face, her touch tender despite the tension in her heart.

She knew her boys noticed her lack of appetite, and the worry in their eyes only fueled her sense of helplessness. She longed to ease their concerns, but she couldn't shake the fear gnawing at her gut. Alyssa silently scolded herself for her lack of control, feeling as though she was failing as a mother. Not only gor her daughter but for her sons as well. Not only failing as a mother but a wife too and for some reason she could not shake that off.

Josette noticed Alyssa's difficulties and the boys' reluctance to stop questioning her on the matter and decided to intervene.

"Your mother is just tired, my prince," she said gently, redirecting Rhaegar's attention. "Why don't you both tell me about your favourite animals instead?" She smiled at the boys, her warmth evident in her demeanor and Alyssa thanked the gods for her.

Rhaegar's eyes lit up at the mention of animals, and he eagerly launched into a detailed description of his beloved dragon, Morghul.

Alyssa, relieved for the momentary diversion, offered a soft smile, grateful for Josette's understanding.

It calmed her nerves to know that she had someone who could be there to help her in this situation. Helaena, Josette, Alicent. It pleased her even though she had recently become an enemy with the hand, punished Fallon more brutally than she had ever done to another, and being at odds with her husband.

As Josette shifted focus from her lack of appetite and eased the tension by engaging the boys in conversation, Alyssa couldn't help but feel imensly grateful for it.

Though she felt the weight of her worries still hanging heavily on her shoulders, she found solace in the momentary peace when it came to questions. She admired Josette's ability to diffuse the situation with such grace and empathy, a quality that Alyssa wished she possessed.

Baelon's face brightened as his brother spoke, and he leaned in eagerly, chiming in with his own preferences regarding his fathers dragon, since he had none of his own.

Alyssa nodded along, her gaze distant as her fingers continued to twist and twirl the rings on her fingers. Though her son's enthusiasm usually brought her joy, today, she found it hard to fully engage with them. Josette exchanged a sympathetic look with her, understanding the unspoken strain beneath her smile.

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