79. The Cod, The Bird, The Cow And The Dragon

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Alyssa entered Aelys's chamber as soon as the maesters allowed, her heart heavy with worry and concern like it had been these past weeks. She approached her daughter's bedside, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her forehead.
A flicker of a smile adorned Aelys's face as she acknowledged her mother's presence, whispering a soft, "Mama."

Taking her daughter's hand into hers, Alyssa sat beside the little girl, offering a soothing touch and whispered reassurances. "I'm here, sweetheart."

It took a lot not to cry at the sight of her usually lively little girl lying in bed surrounded by fur, incense, herbs and medicines.

Aleys' grip on Alyssa's hand tightened slightly, her voice barely audible. "I'm tired, Mama."
In that simple statement, Alyssa could feel the weight of her daughter's struggle. She leaned down, planting a tender kiss on Aelys' temple, her voice filled with compassion.
"I know, darling," Alyssa whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Just rest now. I'll be here, watching over you."

She saw her daughter stirr in bed, her voice laced with exhaustion and discomfort. "Mama, my head hurts," she whispered, her grip on Alyssa's hand tightening.

She leaned closer, speaking softly. "I know, sweetheart. Is there anything you need? Water, a cool cloth? Anything that would ease the pain even a little bit?"

Aelys nodded weakly, her voice barely above a murmur. "Can you fetch me some water, Mama? I'm so thirsty."
Alyssa nodded, gently squeezing Aelys' hand before rising from her seat. "Of course, my love. I'll be back in a moment."

Alyssa located a nearby pitcher of cool water and filled a clean cup for her daughter.

Alyssa sat back down in her chair and then gently supported Aelys' head, bringing the cup to her daughter's lips and carefully guided the water into her mouth.

With each sip, Alyssa monitored Aleys, ensuring she didn't drink too quickly. Once she was no longer in need of water, Alyssa set the cup back down, taking a moment to adjust the pillows beneath her daughter's head.

"There you go, darling" she spoke softly, guidning Aelys's head slowly down into the pillow to to cause her pain.

A weak smile graced Aelys's tired features as she whispered, "thank you, Mama," her voice barely audible.
Alyssa gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind Aelys' ear, her touch filled with tender affection. As her daughter drifted back into a restful slumber, Alyssa remained by her side, keeping a watchful presence and praying silently for Aelys' recovery.

As she sat by Aelys's bedside, she closed her eyes, and her thoughts turned towards the heavens. She whispered silent prayers to the Seven, old and new, pleading for the health and recovery of her precious daughter.

"Great Mother, bless my child with healing," she whispered, her voice filled with fervor and earnestness.

"Maiden, shield her from suffering,"

"Warrior, grant her strength and resilience,"

Alyssa poured her heart into her prayer, she continued to implore the gods for Aelys' well-being.

"Smith, mend her body and spirit,"

"Crone, guide her path to a swift recovery,"

"Stranger, keep your hands away from her soul."

When the prayer came to a close, a single tear rolled down Alyssa's cheek as she opened her eyes and looked down at her sleeping daughter.

Feeling the weight of her own exhaustion, Alyssa finally yielded to the weariness that tugged at her. With gentle care, she placed a kiss on Aelys's forehead before rising from her chair. She took one last look at her daughter, now wrapped in a peaceful slumber, before quietly tiptoeing out of the room and closing the door behind her.

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