84. An old friend back

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Twas strange to be out and about with no guard behind, no heavy footsteps and no sound of armor. It was not something Alyssa was used too. Especially after what happened in the sept with Fallon. But this time she needed to once again be alone, no matter what.

Alyssa had woken that day next to Aegon, the sun had bearly risen over the horizon when she got out of bed. Without telling anyone she had left the keep with nothing but herself and was now in the forest. As she walked, her steps were crunching softly on the fallen leaves. The air was damp and cool, the trees tall and verdant. She breathed in the freshness of the air, feeling a sense of peace and solitude in the quiet serenity of the woods. Here there was no mad bitch who would try to kill her with a dagger, here there was no old cunt of a hand who would tell her what to do. Here, there was no worries.

She was dressed simply, with a light blue coat over her dress. Her hair was loose, falling in soft waves down her back. The only sound was the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant calls of birds.

Alyssa walked slowly through the forest, the crunch of leaves beneath her feet a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts. The cool air filled her lungs, the mist of the forest settling on her skin like a veil. Her eyes scanned the trees around her, taking in the rich greens of the foliage and the occasional flashes of wildflowers.

She breathed in deeply, the smell of damp earth and moss filling her nostrils. It was like a fresh and earthy perfume, a soothing scent that reminded her of the family hunts her and Aegon used to go on.

Her mind wandered back to those days, when they were young and carefree, chasing each other through the forest, laughing and shouting as they went. Aelys had always loved these outings the most, her favorite color had been blue. Alyssa remembered how she had insisted on only wearing blue dresses and ribbons, how she had looked so beautiful in the warm glow of the forest light.

The memories brought a bittersweet pain with them, as she knew that Aelys was no longer with them. But at the same time, it brought a sense of comfort, a connection to her sweet girl that still lived on in these moments of solitude.

She remembered the day Aelys had been born. The day she had almost died. The pain she had exoerienced and how happy she was once she finally got to hold her little girl. All the pain had been worth it once she got to see the sitting image of herself run around with clothes that were too big for her, with sleeves covering her hands and those curls that would cover her face. It had not even been a point in braiding, for she would just take it out again. Claiming it wasn't as fun.

Alyssa stopped walking for a moment, leaning against a tree and closing her eyes. The sound of the forest seemed to envelop her, the rustling of leaves and the calls of birds acting like a soothing melody. She could almost hear the echo of Aegon's laughter, of Aelys's excited squeals as they tried to sneak up on each other.

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