Beginning of the reading

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The gods of Olympus were stunned at what they heard from the fates. Their Perseus Jackson had gone missing and they had no idea where he haddisappeared. At first they thought Hera had taken him again but the look on her face told them otherwise. They knew that something more sinister had happened and that Hera was powerless to stop it. They knew they needed to take action to find him and restore balance to the universe. Poseidon looked his age when a bright light erupted in the center of the throne room. Standing there were the rest of the seven, Mike a son of Nemesis, Chiron, some of the head councilors, and three figures hiding at the back of the group.

"Hello heroes," Hestia said with a soft smile. She was greeted by smiles from all the demigods.

Then a book fell from the sky hitting the floor surprising everyone. The book had a note on it. Hermes picked up the paper and began to read it out loud.

'Hello gods, Demigods and Centaur we the fates of the future have sent this book back from the future so that you may learn what happened to the young son of Poseidon. No he is not dead and will not be called off from what he is doing. We have also sent three people from the future. Do not ask who they are for we have told them not to tell anyone their identities you will find out during the readings.

With love the fates.'

"Why don't you all tell us who you are and if you were told not to reveal your identity tell us what you would like to be called until we find out who you are?" Hestia said.

"Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena." At this the three figures from the future frowned in displeasure.

"Jason Grace son of Jupiter."

"Thalia daughter of Zeus."

"Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus."

"Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto."

"Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite."

"Frank Zhang son of Mars."

"Clarisse La Rue daughter of Ares."

Travis-" Travis said

"And Connor-" Connor continued

The two completed "Sons of Hermes.".

"Nico Di Angelo son of Hades."

"Will Solace, son of Apollo."

"Mike Thomson, Son of Nemesis," One of the figures looked like they were about to draw their weapon and kill the boy but stopped themselves. The other two looked at their friend in concern.

"Chiron trainer of heroes."

Everyone looked at the three mysterious figures and saw that two were men and the other was a woman. The man in the middle was wearing a hooded cloak and the other two were wearing long robes. They all had an air of mystery about them, as if they had some secret power. No one could guess what their mission was.

The man to the left of the woman spoke, "I would like to be called mischief. I would tell you about my godly parent but it will be brought up in the reading so I will keep it to myself for now."

The man to the right of the woman said, "I would prefer to becalled the blue prince." At this Poseidon got a hopeful look in his eyes. Poseidon smiled and said, "That's an interesting name. It reminds me of my son Percy."" The blue prince smiled at the sea god.

Finally the woman spoke up saying, "I would prefer to be called Trickery." Hermes and Apollo thought about what she said. It sounded like 'Trickery' (Maria) and 'Mischief' (Michal) were children of Hermes, but during the reading, they would learn about the children of Hermes. They decided to wait until the end of the reading. After they finished, they discussed the name again. Hermes and Apollo agreed to call the woman 'Trickery'.

The Blue Prince picked up the book and said, "Who wants to read first? I'm willing to go first if no one else volunteers." Everyone looked around, unsure of who should start. 

Finally, Hestia stepped forward and said, "I'll start. I'm sure I can make it through a few pages." With that, she opened the book and began to read.

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