Chapter 1: And So we begin

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The Blue Prince picked up the book and said, "Who wants to read first? I'm willing to go first if no one else volunteers." Everyone looked around, unsure of who should start.

Finally, Hestia stepped forward and said, "I'll start. I'm sure I can make it through a few pages." With that, she opened the book and began to read. "Chapter 1: And So We Begin"

The chapter title got everybody's attention. No one wanted to interrupt but they thought the chapter title was a little weird. The chapter title seemed to suggest that they were about to embark on an exciting journey, something unexpected and thrilling. Everyone wondered what was in store for them and where they were going to start.

Percy's P.O.V.

'Why does this always happen to me?' I thought to myself. 'The fates must really hate my guts for another one to be issued out.'

Everyone seemed to sober up at the mention of Percy. Thalia and Nico couldn't look at anyone in the eyes. The both missed their cousin more than anything.

I guess I need to explain what is going on right now. My name is Percy Jackson. I am the son of Poseidon and the two-time hero of Olympus. And I just got another prophecy and it goes like this:

You will go east to the field of advice
And face your fear in the cave of dice
Three will forge a fierce stand
And gild Apollo's bane with a noble strand.

"What does that even mean?" Mike decided to yell out. Everyone who loved Percy glared at the boy.

What does that even mean? I don't even know what to do now. Well I guess I could start packing, or finding two others to come with me on this trip. Nah I'm going on this alone. I can't tell anyone where I am going. Not even my dad. What should I do to make everyone think I am gone for good? Oh I know, use the mist to make it look like I died a horrible death or committed suicide. Yeah that will work. I need to make sure I make it as convincing as possible though. I should leave a suicide note and stage my death in a dramatic way. That should do the trick.

"He made it look like he killed himself?" Annabeth asked with tears in her eyes. (Annoying little whore.)

Dear Friends,

I'm sorry to leave you like this. I've made a mistake and I can't bear the guilt any longer. I know I'm a hero and I failed to be one this time. But I can't accept it and I can't live with it. I hope that I can make up for it in my next life, wherever that may be.

Farewell, Percy

"Who found the letter?" Poseidon asked.

"I did my lord," Chiron told the god of the sea.

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I was going to but other campers needed my help." The sea god just nodded his head, tears streaming down his face.

Chiron's P.O.V.

I have not seen Percy Jackson in a while, and that worries me. I must check on him. I walked into cabin 3, expecting to find Percy, but instead I found a body.  I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as I read his note. I could feel the guilt and regret in every word and my heart ached for him. I never knew that he was going on a journey to save the world, and I was filled with admiration and sorrow. I knew that Percy was a hero and he would do whatever it took to protect the world. I was proud of his courage and bravery, but at the same time, I wished he had not had to make such a hard decision. I could not help but weep for my friend as I held his letter in my hands.

"You were the first to see it there and did not tell anybody?" Anna-bitch screamed.

"It was not of importance that I told the campers." Chiron told her calmly.

"But what about his dad?" Anna-bitch asked him.

"Shut up and listen to the reading thank," The Blue Prince snapped at the daughter of Athena.

I felt a deep sense of sorrow and loss as I looked upon the letter in my hands. I had known Percy for many years and had come to think of him as a son. He was brave and fearless, and I was proud of him for making the ultimate sacrifice to save us all. 

The Blue Prince smiled at that. He always saw Chiron as a second father figure.

I closed my eyes and remembered the happier times we had together. I prayed for his soul and continued to pray for the safety of us all. I knew that Percy would be remembered and honored for his great courage. I was thankful for the time we had together and I was comforted knowing that he would be remembered and honored for the sacrifices he made for his country. I prayed for his soul and the safety of all who knew him, and I wished him a peaceful journey to the next life.

"The kid had a great heart," Ares said softly trying not to cry. All the other gods nodded in agreement with what the war god said.

"See you have people who care about you," 'Trickery' said.

"I know I just needed to get away from people telling me what to do all the dam time," The Blue Prince said.

"I get that," 'Mischief' said. 

I was grateful for his friendship and for all that he had done. I knew that his spirit would remain with all of us, and that his memory would live on in our hearts. I just hopes he knew that he was loved and cared for by many people. His Father Poseidon will be very devastated when he learns about his sons death. Poseidon had a very close relationship with his son, and I am sure that he will be deeply saddened by his untimely passing. He will be immensely proud of his son's accomplishments and will remember him fondly. He will be greatly missed by his family, friends, and all those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

"I miss my little cousin," Apollo said with a sad look on his face. All the others nodded in agreement to that.

"That was the end of the chapter," Hestia said tears pooling up in her eyes.

"I'll read next," Artemis said. Hestia handed her the book.

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