Chapter 9: The gods are stalking us now?

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Chapter 9: The gods are stalking us now?

Everyone got up to walk around and stretch their legs. Percy held onto Poseidon not wanting to leave his mama's side. Poseidon did not care about it as long as his little boy was safe and happy in his arms. Maria stayed by Apollo and Michel was with Hermes. After everyone  had their break they went back into the throne room and sat down.

"I'll read," Hera said. "Chapter 9: The gods are stalking us now?"

"You are weird," Piper said.

"That is how I think," Percy said.

Percy's P.O.V

We spent the majority part of the day packing all of our belongings that we had left in our room. We got ready to leave the next morning to head to the Garden of Aphrodite. I was throwing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt onto a chair when I felt someone watching me. I know that Maria and Michel were asleep so it could not be either one. I looked around the room and noticed a dove sitting outside the window looking straight at me with concern in its eyes. That is when I realized the dove was Aphrodite. I walked over to the window and opened it, letting her in from the cold, windy atmosphere of December. However, she flew away when I got close.

"So weird to have that happen," Percy said.

I sighed and walked to my bed. I then smelled an ocean breeze in the room. I looked around for the source of it but saw nothing. However, I could not shake the feeling that my mom was looking right at me, watching every step I took. And I couldn't forget the Dove sitting outside the window staring at me, or now that I think about it the eagle and black ram from earlier that day as we headed back to the hotel. They seemed to follow us but the other two had not noticed them in the slightest. It was like the gods were, no sorry are, stalking us now. I was used to the gods coming and going during a quest, but having them use their scared animal made me uncomfortable.

"why would it make you uncomfortable," Athena asked.

"Because I was not used to the gods following me in the form of their sacred animal," Percy told her.

I decided not to wake the others until it was time to leave. All three of us decided to leave at first light so we could cover more ground and maybe do some sight seeing as well. The reason why I want to do some sight seeing is because the last time I was here me and my friends were trying to stop a world ending catastrophe and we didn't get to do anything other than run around like chickens with their heads cut off.

--------------------------------------------Time skip to when they are about to leave---------------------------------------------------

I just woke up the twins and told them it was almost time to leave and head to the Garden of the Love Goddess. I barely slept through the night because I kept feeling like someone was watching me. However, I still felt refreshed in some way, and I don't know why. I also remember that during the night I heard my mom's voice singing an old sailors song from the medieval times. It sounded like a siren's voice. Please don't tell him I said that. I don't understand why I kept hearing his voice and why I feel so refreshed even though I stayed up late. I hope nothing happens to the twins while we are at the Garden of the Love Goddess.

Poseidon just tightened his arms around his son, not saying anything. Percy just laid his head on the sea gods shoulder.

Anyway we were at the front desk of the hotel checking out when out on the streets monsters chased mortals every which way. The front desk person rushed out to help them, telling us to stay put. We looked at each other and got our favorite weapons out and jumped into action. After all the monsters were eliminated, we ran as far and fast as we could. This was to get away from all of the people looking at us with aww and fear. We ran until we could no longer run. We collapsed at a clothing store called Karakikes S.A., and decided that we would need some more clothes for this journey if we had more trouble with monsters. We walked in to shop around. We really needed to get fresh clothing, but we did not have much money.

"Just get clean clothes please," Hermes said.

"We did, dad," Maria told him.

We spotted a few pairs of jeans and some t-shirts that would be perfect for us and quickly grabbed them before anyone else had a chance to buy them. We knew that we would need warm clothing if we were going to continue on this journey, and these clothes were reasonably priced and seemed to be of good quality. We also knew that if we waited, we might not be able to get the same items at such a low price. We made sure to purchase enough items to last us for the entire trip. We also made sure to bring our wallets with us so that we could take advantage of any discounts or sales that came our way. We were happy to have found the items we needed so quickly.

"You don't need to worry about that stuff," Zeus said, anger evident in his voice.

"We do when we are on a quest," Jason told the king of the gods.

I however could not shake off the feeling that someone was watching us the entire time. While we felt secure in our purchases, the feeling of being watched lingered in the back of our minds. We were unsure of if it was just our paranoia, or if there was something suspicious happening. We decided to keep our eyes peeled and be careful when leaving the store. We made sure to keep an eye on our surroundings and report any suspicious activity. We made it home safely, thankful for the caution we had exercised.

"That is the end of the chapter," Hera said.

"I'll read," Dionysus said.

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