Chapter 8: Getting Advise from the Original home

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Chapter 8: Getting Advise from the Original home

"I'll read," Hermes said. "Chapter 8: Getting Advise from the Original home"

"Greece?" Apollo asked.

"Yup," Trickery said.

"Maria? Michel?" Apollo finally asked 'Trickery' and 'Mischief'. The girl lowered her hood and ran right into Apollo's open arms. 'Mischief' did the same but ran to Hermes instead. Percy smiled and curled into Poseidon's side.

Maria's P.O.V during the meeting on Olympus

Me, Percy and Michel were walking up Mount Olympus hoping to find something to help us save the world. It wasn't long until an Iris message popped up to our right. Percy seemed to have noticed it, and Michel was being an idiot as usual. 

"i would be offended but I'm to comfortable," Michel said as he curled up into Hermes side. Maria smiled at her brother.

I was about to say something until Michel said, "Percy why are we going to the Original Olympus if the gods no longer live in Greece?" This made the people on the other end of the message sit up straight, and then I noticed that one of the people looked exactly like Percy and I assumed that he was Poseidon, the one person that Percy loved more than anything in the world.

"Because it is the best way to figure out what the prophecy wants us to do next," came Percy's reply.

"You haven't even told us what the prophecy said," I told him.

"Yeah prophecies are hard to understand," Jason said.

"They are but that's part of life," Percy said as he rested his head on Poseidon's shoulder.

"Oh," Percy responded. "Well it goes like this:

You will go east to the field of advice
And face your fear in the cave of dice
Three will forge a fierce stand
And gild Apollo's bane with a noble strand."

That creeped me out slightly and I could see a man with blond hair and sky blue eyes looked slightly startled. 'That must be lord Apollo' I thought to myself. He and another male, who I assumed was Hermes, looked like me and my twin brother.

Apollo held his daughter tightly to himself.

"What does that even mean?" Michel asked.

"I am assuming that we will most likely be facing either Python or Tityos, but I haven't figured out which one yet. I know that the three of us with have to forge our fierce stand together." Lord Apollo looked pale and about to be sick to his stomach, and Lord Hermes summoned a bucket for him.

Hermes had to summon a bucket for Apollo incase he threw up.

"Why didn't you get a couple of your friends to help you?" I asked.

"Because Maria I needed a break from them nagging me on a quest so I left on my own," Percy told her. "Plus I think the fates wanted us to meet to complete the quest together."

"Why did you seem to be in pain last night as we were flying here?" My twin asked and I nodded.

"Because Michel, my fatal flaw has been broken by someone and the pain matched the description of what happens to the flaw Loyalty when someone betrays the person who has it." This surprised me, Michel, and the people watching through the Iris message. One girl seemed to be crying and I assumed that she was the one who betrayed him.

"No one messes with Percy," Apollo growled out.

Just then the Iris message ended and Percy looked relieved to be out of the sight of the gods and I couldn't blame him. That's when I asked him a question that has be bugging me, "Hey Percy I know you said that we are children of Hermes, but why do we look like a combination of our dad and Lord Apollo?"

"Because," Percy said. "Lord Apollo was the one to give birth to the two of you nine months after he and Hermes did the thing sixteen years ago." That surprised both me and Michel, because we have been in foster care since we were two weeks old but no one ever adopted us do to the fact that we attracted monsters. Now knowing where both of our parents were made us both happy.

"My babies," Apollo said.

We soon got to the very first throne room of the gods and it looked so beautiful. I saw my mother's and my father's original thrones sitting next to each other. An arm rest from the two thrones was touching each other, and that is when I knew they had loved each other since they shared a meeting together.

Out of the blue a gust of wind nearly knocked us over. Then we saw a beautiful woman standing near Apollo's throne. Just by looking at her I felt a surge of hope for the future.

Everyone's eyes went wide at what they heard. The gods knew that the woman that they were seeing was the primordial of Hope.

Percy then bowed to her saying, "Hello Lady Elpis." Michel and I bowed to her as well.

The lady turned to Percy and said, "Good Morning Percy. I see you have made a couple of new friends." 

"How do you know her?" Poseidon asked.

"I did something for her," Percy told him.

"Yes but that is not why we came here."

"I know young warrior, you are in need of Advise well got to the garden of Aphrodite, in Athens, that is where your journey truly begins." The spirit of hope told us.

Percy, Michel, and Maria all smiled at each other at this.

"Thank you milady," I said.

"Any time young ones. And don't lose hope." She told us. And with that we were on our way to the gardens of Aphrodite, not knowing what we had just gotten ourselves into.

"Of course," Poseidon said.

We had no idea of the magical powers that lay ahead of us. We were about to embark on a journey that would forever change our lives. We were ready for whatever Aphrodite had in store for us. We were excited and eager to discover what Aphrodite had planned for us. We trusted that we would be given the strength and courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead, and that we would be supported and helped by Aphrodite's magical powers. We felt confident that we had the power to make everything alright, and that Aphrodite would provide us with the guidance and strength we needed. We were also open to learning from our experience and growing as individuals and as a group of friends. We were confident that Aphrodite would provide us with the opportunity to achieve our wildest dreams.

"I will always help," The goddess of love said.

"That is the end of the chapter," Hermes said.

"We need a break," Hestia said.

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