Chapter 4: Prophecy figures

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Zeus grabbed the book out of Poseidon's hands indicating that he wanted to read next. "Chapter 4: Prophecy figures."

"You were able to figure out the Prophecy?" Anna-bitch asked.

"And," Percy asked.

Percy's P.O.V.

It has been six months since I left camp, and ultimately my parents, the big three gods themselves. I know you are probably saying 'Percy, your parents are Sally Jackson and Poseidon. However, let me tell you that Poseidon gave birth to me nine months after his two brothers impregnated him with me. Nobody else knows about it except for me and my biological parents and not even my friends at camp half-blood. Okay I am getting off track. Like I said it has been six months since I left those I care about. Currently I am in the forest of Tennessee. And I am sure that Apollo's bane is Python or Tityos, but I cannot be sure just yet. And I am thinking that the field of advice actually means seeing a mental health counselor. I don't know, but if that is it why did the prophecy mention 'Three will forge a fierce stand,' or 'And gild Apollo's bane with a noble stand,'? This is why I needed to leave so I could figure it out by myself and without people telling me what to do. Now that I am thinking about it me and two others may have to cover one of Apollo's enemies with gold. That is a weird thought, I told myself but whatever.

"You have weird thoughts," Leo said. "But we love you for it."

Suddenly I saw a flash of light and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I saw the fates standing before me. They said at the same time, "Young hero your mother, Poseidon is heading down the path of forever fading if you do not go to him now."

"I can't just abandon all the hard work I have done over the past few months to prevent my mom from fading," I told them with fear of what the Olympian council would do to me if I headed back now. "They won't understand why I am doing this, or why I left in the first place." By now tears were streaming down my face because I knew that my dad Zeus would try to have the council vote on weather or not I get to live, and I did not want to face that right now. "I just have to keep going," I whispered to myself. "I can't tell them the truth." I took a deep breath and stood up, determined to continue my journey.

"I would just be happy that you were home," Zeus told Percy.

"I have had multiple time where the council voted on my death." Percy said.

"We understand young hero but if you continue on this path for much longer you may not have a mother to return home to," Clotho said with sympathy in her voice.

"Have you told them what the prophecy said?" I asked.

"You are great with changing the subject," Hazel mention.

"Thank you," Percy said.

Lachesis replied, "Not quite yet, but we will. Have you figured out what some of the lines mean?"

"I know that I will need to find two other individuals because of the line 'Three will forge a fierce stand'" I slowly began. "And that I will have to face my fears in a cave of dice, whatever that means. I also know that I will face one of Apollo's banes I narrowed it down to either Python or Tityos. I am not sure about the first line yet."

"I bet it means-" Anna-bitch began but the fates tapped her mouth shut.

"Very well then young hero we will tell them what you have told us and that you are doing well and are-" Atropos began to say.

"Can you please not tell them you saw me?" I asked. "This will be beneficial that they do not come looking for me."

"Very well, we will not tell you that we have seen you or what you are up to." They said at the same time.

"Thank you."

"Why do you hate me?" Poseidon asked.

"I don't I just needed to not worry about things other than what the prophecy said," Percy told his mom.

With that, I said my goodbyes to the fates and started to walk away, deeper into the forest. I knew I had to keep going in order to fulfill the prophecy and save my mother. I was determined to do whatever it took to succeed in my mission. I took a deep breath and kept walking, my footsteps crunching against the fallen leaves. With every step I took, I felt a little bit of hope and courage growing inside of me. I knew I was on the right path and that I would make it. I felt a sense of determination and strength, knowing that I was doing something that could help my mother and that I had the power to make it happen. I was filled with a sense of optimism and excitement, knowing that I was one step closer to completing the prophecy.

"I don't want to lose my baby," Poseidon whimpered.

As I walked into the city, I saw two people that looked like they could be related. They had the same golden hair and bright green eyes. I knew immediately that they were the twin demigods I had heard about, children of Hermes and Apollo. I had a feeling that they would be a part of my journey, so I decided to approach them and introduce myself. They seemed surprised to see me, but welcomed me with open arms. I asked them to tell me their story, and they agreed to share. We spoke for hours, and I learned that they were on a quest to find the lost city of Atlantis. I told them that I had been there and that Poseidon, my mother, was the god ruling over it. They said that they thought Poseidon was a male so I assured them that he was male but somehow gave birth to me. They asked me to explain how it was possible, and I told them that Poseidon was a powerful god who could do anything. We spoke for a long time, and eventually they accepted my story. And they joined me on my journey to save the world.

"Yeah that had been confusing at first," 'Mischief' said. Apollo just went to the boy picked him up and sat back down. Hermes did the same thing with 'Trickery'.

"That is the end of the chapter," Zeus said.

"I'll read," Apollo said.

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