Chapter 16: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT wip

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Chapter 16: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT wip

"I'll read," Jason said. "Chapter 16: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT wip"

"Fighting yay," Piper said.

Percy's P.O.V

We all decided to go down to Camp Half-Blood to train the others and introduce them to our allies. We made our way to Camp Half-Blood, where we were greeted by our allies. After introducing each other, we trained our new friends in the art of fighting and magical warfare. We spent the night at Camp Half-Blood before heading back to our own camp.

All of my friends, including Chiron, were surprised to see me there. I walked over to my mentor and said, "We need to begin a stronger training."

He nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I agree. Let's get started. But may I ask why?"

"Order, the sister of Lord Chaos, is rising and trying to destroy the universe," Athena told him. "And to make matters worse, Annabeth Chase is working for her."

Chiron frowned at this. "Annabeth Chase?" he asked.

"Chiron was a father to you bitch and you betrayed him," Percy told the girl.

"Yes," Athena answered. "She's trying to destroy what she's done to Percy."

Chiron sighed and said, "We must stop her before it's too late."

I turned to the other campers and looked each of them in the eye. I could tell that they felt betrayed by Annabeth. I knew we had to do something, but I wasn't sure what. We were all scared and confused. We had to act fast if we wanted to save Camp Half-Blood and the universe as we know it.

All of the people gathered in the throne room were angry and wanted to protect the universe.

"There will be a change in how we train," I started forcing everyone to look at me. "First Apollo and Artemis will teach archery. Ares and Athena will teach the other weaponry and Hand to Hand combat. Hermes will help set up traps around the board and show you how to properly set them up. This is in case we need them or if monsters get too close. I know that the Hermes cabin is naturally skilled at setting those up, but for those who want to learn listen to Hermes."

"I never thought that I would agree with that," Athena said.

"Never thought I would agree on that," Athena said. I just looked at her with a raised eyebrow and all of the demigods flinched at it.

"Why do people flinch at that?" Apollo asked.

"Because I survived the pit?" Percy asked.

"I thought you were supposed to be the wise one," I said. Athena rolled her eyes and smiled.

"But it's true," she said. "Hermes knows what he's doing."

"Next I want Ares' children to set up a border patrol just like when the tree was dying," I said. I saw many demigods flinch at the memory. "The remaining seven stick together and don't let anyone separate you."

"You're still part of the seven," Leo shouted.

"Always will be," Jason said.

"I know Leo but I have something that I will be doing on my own. I won't tell you what it is until after the war is over." Everyone nodded. "Also we have three Primordials who will join us and two other pantheons as well."

"How many pantheons are there?" Reyna asked in frustration.

"A lot but we only need the Romans, the Greeks, the Norse, and the Egyptians," I told her. She sighed in relief.

"That would be a relief for all of us," Piper said.

"It would be," Percy agreed.

"What else do we need to do?" Jason asked.

"I would like half of the Apollo cabin to be healers because with the hunters joining us as well we will have more than enough archers," I said. "Will is going to be head of that half of the group while Kayla will be in charge of the archers unless Apollo or Artemis tells them what to do."

"Yeah we respect them," Will said.

The two Apollo's children nodded at their assigned jobs. Their dad smiled at them. I knew that having healers in the cabin would be important in case of any injuries or illnesses while out in the wilderness. Plus, having Will and Kayla in charge would ensure that everyone had a leader to follow and that both roles would be taken care of.

"I agree of that," Athena said.

[Order and Annabeth arrive, the challenge begins]

Several pantheons, demigods, and avatars stood behind me, waiting for me to give the signal. I raised my hand and my army readied their weapons and magic. My enemies glared at me. I shot back a hellish grin and shouted, "Attack!"

"Never mess with Percy," Apollo said.

Flashes of blades and bursts of power flew by from all sides. In the midst of the anarchy, I lost sight of my target. The others would get Order, that was fine. I called dibs on a more personal prey. I wanted to watch her blood drip from my sword. I wanted to see the once-beautiful light in her stormy eyes flicker and fade, to stand over her mangled corpse and kick it aside.

I desired Anna-Bitch to cry for mercy that would never be granted. I wanted her to understand that she was no match for me, and that her death was inevitable. I wanted to prove that I was the most powerful and fiercest demigod in the world. I relished the thought of making her suffer and beg for her life. I was filled with joy and pride knowing that I had the power to make Anna-Bitch experience true terror. I was unstoppable.

"You must really hate her if you are calling her a bitch," Jason said.

Amidst the chaos, engaged in a fight with my mom, I saw a blonde flash. There you are. I dashed forward, quickly but silently, until I was just a step behind her. She was too focused on Mom to notice me until I grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her back on my sword, shoving it deep into her spine. She gasped in pain and I whispered, "This is just a taste of what it felt like." Just because I could, I twisted the blade. Her delicate whimper as she fell to the ground sounded like angels singing. I couldn't help but laugh at the inanimate remains of the once-great Heroine of Olympus.

"Never want to see Percy angry," Travis said.

Heads turned at my hysterics. Even Athena smiled in approval when she saw her disowned daughter lying at my feet. Now that Anna-bitch was dead, I searched for the next threat: Order. I vowed to do whatever it took to protect my family. I would never be powerless again. I was ready to fight. I was filled with anger, conviction, and determination. I had lost my fear of death and I was determined to make sure my family would never be in danger again. I was ready to stand up for them and make sure their safety was protected.

I was ready to take on any challenge that came my way. I was ready to face whatever obstacles stood in my way. I was ready to fight for my family. I had nothing left to lose and I was willing to take on any risk. I was ready to fight for justice and I was determined to make sure that my family was safe. I was willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that my family could live in peace. I was ready to fight.

[Fight continues. Percy and company wins]

"That is the end of the chapter," Piper said.

"I'll read," Jason said.

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