Chapter 5: The prophecy said what?

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"I'll read," Apollo said. "Chapter 5: The prophecy said what?"

"Is this when we find out about what it says?" Hermes asked.

Hades' P.O.V.

The entire council sat around Poseidon's bed as he slept. They are all worried about him and don't want to see him fade. Athena was silently reading a book to him, Apollo and Hermes had tears rolling down their faces as they saw their favorite uncle on his possible death bed, Ares was sitting on the floor near the foot of the bed sharpening one of his weapons and watching the door for anybody, Artemis and Hestia were in the corner of the room both silently sobbing, Dionysus was in a chair asleep with his head on Poseidon's lap, Zeus was looking out the window trying not to cry in front of anyone, Demeter and Hera were sprawled on the floor trying not to cry as well, Aphrodite was sitting with her husband Hephaestus by the door napping. And I was sitting in a chair holding my brother's hand, trying my best to keep him in the realm of the living.

"That doesn't sound right," Clarisse said.

"Poseidon is actually the one keeps the council together," Athena told the daughter of Ares. All of the demigods where surprised at this.

There is something I should tell you now. Me, Poseidon, and Zeus are lovers as well as brothers. Poseidon gave birth to Perseus Jackson eighteen years ago. The entire Olympian council helped him when he first went into labor during the summer biannual meeting, and they got him to Atlantis so he could comfortably bring our son into this horrid world. It was not even two days after he was born that our son Percy was taken from us and given to Sally Jackson. The poor woman had the mist used on her to make her believe he was her son. She also believed that Poseidon had mated with her on the beach.

"Gross," Percy said.

Suddenly there were three flashes in the room that caused Poseidon to wake up a little bit. We all looked over and saw that it was the fates. They said, "It has come to our attention that we did not tell you the prophecy Perseus Jackson received before his flight. We are going to tell you about it. It Goes like this:

You will go east to the field of advice
And face your fear in the cave of dice
Three will forge a fierce stand
And gild Apollo's bane with a noble strand."

"What does that even mean?" Hermes asked.

"We had went over that already," Anna-bitch said. All of the gods glared at her in anger.

"We do not know." The fates told him. That concerned us all. "But we know he must be heading east. Oh and please don't try to make him come back just yet. He is trying to save the world and his family."

"You've seen him?" asked the weak voice of my love Poseidon. "Please, I need to see my baby boy."

"Love you mama," Percy told Poseidon.

"Love you too little one."

The Fates sighed and said, "It is true, but he didn't want anybody to follow him or try to tell him what to do with the quest he is on. That is why he left."

"But when I went to ask the demigods if they knew where he was, they told me that he had committed suicide." This time all of the gods were getting worked up over Poseidon.

"Brother you know I would have told about his death," Hades told his brother.

"Brother dear," I said. "I would have told you if Perseus had arrived to my realm." This relaxed Poseidon ever so slightly as he looked at me with his beautiful sea green eyes.

"And Percy got those eyes that I absolutely adore," Hades said. Percy smiled and curled up in Poseidon's side.

I could feel his pain, as if it were my own. He was desperate to be reunited with his son, and I wanted to do anything I could to help him. I put my arm around him and ran my fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him in any way I could. I looked around the room and saw the other gods, all of them trying to process the news that the Fates had given us. I could see the worry in their faces, and I knew they were all thinking the same thing - how could we protect our beloved Perseus? We knew we had to do something, and we knew it had to be something big. We resolved to find a way to reunite father and son and save the world from the clutches of evil. We had to act fast.

"I'm not a baby," Percy said.

"To a god who has lived over a thousand years you are," Poseidon told his son with a pointed look. "And to me no matter how old you get you will always be my baby."

"Yeah but with you it's different because you were the one who gave birth to me."

I pulled Poseidon into my lap, wrapping my arms around him in an attempt to provide him with comfort. I could feel the tension radiating off of him, and I could tell he was desperate to be reunited with his son. I wanted to do anything I could to help him, and I looked around the room at the other gods, trying to come up with a plan to reunite them. I knew that whatever we did had to be swift and decisive, and I was determined to do whatever it took to save Perseus and the world from evil. I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts. I knew I had to do something, or all hope would be lost. I made up my mind and was determined to find a way to help Poseidon and our son.

"At least some one has their priorities straight," Poseidon said.

"You know I can't be straight," Percy said.

 I looked around the room and declared, "I won't stand by and watch our son suffer. I will do whatever it takes to reunite Poseidon and Perseus."

I gathered my courage, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead. I was determined to find a way to bring these two back together, no matter the cost. I had faith in the power of love, and I knew that if I could just find the right words and timing, I could bridge the divide between them. I was determined to find a way to make it work, no matter how hard the journey might be.

"That's the end of the chapter," Apollo said.

"I think we need to take a break before continuing the reading," Hestia told the room. all of the demigods went to do something or other. Percy just stayed in Poseidon's side not wanting to move. Hades and Zeus walked over and held both the god of the sea and their son.

"Why would you think I would kill you for doing a quest?" Zeus asked quietly.

"I don't know I just did," Percy told him.

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