Chapter 2: Percy Did what? With where?

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"I'll read next," Artemis said. Hestia handed her the book. "Chapter 2: Percy Did what? With where?"

"What is that title supposed to mean?" Poseidon asked.

"I don't know," Artemis said.

Poseidon's P.O.V.

Percy is missing again and nobody knows where he is (Let's ask Annabeth then). All of them, including the gods, went looking for him, but so far nothing has been found. Amphitrite stayed by my side during the entire search even when I lost my temper with how slow things were going. She knows how much I care for all my children, whether immortal or not. I still remember when the council found out about my son's disappearance. We all looked at Hera to see if she knew where he was. However, the look of confusion on her face told us she had nothing to do with it. We were all shocked and our hearts sank. We had no clue what had happened to my son. All we could do was hope and pray that he'd be found soon.

"Aren't you all gods?" 'Mischief' asked. All the gods looked at each other and groaned.

"Technically they can pray to the creator of the universe but still that does seem a little odd," The Blue Prince said.

I was surprised by Amphitrite's reaction to the news of Percy's disappearance. She was as devastated as I was, almost as if he was her own son. She stayed by my side during the entire search, never wavering in her support and love. I could tell she was just as determined to find him as I was. Even when I lost my temper with how slow the search was going, she remained by my side, reminding me of how much I care for all my children, both immortal and not. She gave me the courage to keep going, and I'm grateful for her presence. Amphitrite is a true friend, and I'm lucky to have her in my life.

"I mean to her Percy is everything even if he isn't biologically hers,"  Thalia said. "She is way better than Hera."


It was a normal council meeting. If you consider normal to be everyone screaming at one another over something or another. For instance Athena was yelling at me for taking her priestess into her temple. I don't even remember doing that what so ever and yet she is yelling at me for it. Hera was yelling at Zeus for cheating on her again. Artemis was yelling at Apollo for flirting with her hunters. Hermes was on his phone. Hephaestus was building something. Ares was flirting with Aphrodite, who was putting on makeup. Dionysus was reading a wine magazine. And Demeter was yelling at anybody who would listen to her to eat cereal. That is when the throne room doors burst open and the fates came in with someone's string and worried looks on their faces. That is when I knew something bad had happened.

"I hate that you consider that normal," The Blue Prince Said. Poseidon looked at the man in suspicion. He couldn't get the feeling that he knew the boy from somewhere.

They began to speak at the same time "The hero of Olympus has left and is out of our control."

Atropos then said, "I can no longer cut his life string."

Clotho said in turn, "I can no longer see what his decisions are."

And Finally Lachesis said, "He has become an immortal who is not bound by the ancient laws, but be warned he was told a prophecy that he is trying to fulfill alone. Find him and help him". With that they left pushing us all into utter chaos. No not the primordial.

"There is a primordial called Chaos?" Anna-bitch asked in shock.

"Yes," Poseidon told her with a frown. 

Then Zeus thundered, "Silence!" This got everybody to shut up. "We must find Perseus Jackson and help him no matter what the ancient laws say."

"How are we going to find him? And who could have caused him to disappear?" Athena asked. All of us looked at Hera but she looked just as confused as we were so we knew she was not the one who took him.

"Well she would have had to have a good reason for it," The Blue Prince said as he began to pull his hood down. Everyone looked at him in shock. They soon saw that the blue prince was actually Percy Jackson. Poseidon ran over to his son and held him tightly not wanting to let him go.

End of Flashback

It has been over a month since we started looking for my son. Despite their differences, both camps were looking for him. No one has found a single clue as to where he has gone, and I have started to feel a thousand years older than I should. The not knowing is the worst part. Not knowing what has happened to him, not knowing if he is safe, not knowing if he is alive or not, not knowing if he is coming back. All of these unanswered questions weigh heavily on my heart and are causing me great distress. I feel like I have exhausted all my options and I am running out of hope. I can't bear the thought of never seeing him again. I need to find him. I need to find him before it's too late. I need to find him before it's too late.

"Love you dad," Percy told the sea god, who in turn smiled and held him tightly.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I have tried everything and nothing is working." I said.

"You have done all you can do, my love. We will find him, I promise." Amphitrite told me

"But what if we don't? What if he's lost forever?"

"He's not gone. He's out there somewhere, and we will find him. You just have to have faith."

"My mama," Percy whispered into the ear of Poseidon.

Amphitrite pulled my form close and hugged me tightly, tears streaming down both of our faces. We clung to each other in a desperate embrace, hoping that somehow they would find their son and be reunited once again. We silently wept, unable to find solace in their sorrow. Amphitrite knew that she had to find her son and bring him home. She was determined to bring their family back together.

"Poseidon, Amphitrite, I have come to you in your time of sorrow with tears in my eyes. I know you are worried and scared, and I understand why. I want you to know that every god and demigod is looking for Perseus. We are doing everything we can to find him and bring him back to you. We will not rest until we have found him and reunited you with your son." Zeus told us

"He had tears in his eyes?" 'Trickery' asked amused. Zeus just raised an eyebrow at her.

"You have our sincerest gratitude, Zeus. We just want him back home safe. We don't care what it takes." I told my little brother.

"You love calling me little don't you?" Zeus asked his older brother. Poseidon smirked at this.

"Yes, thank you for all your efforts. It means more to us than you know." Amphitrite said.

"I do care even if I don't show it," Zeus mumbled. Poseidon used his water powers and brought Zeus over to himself.

"That is the end of the chapter," Artemis said.

"I'll read next," Poseidon said. Artemis handed him the book.

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