Chapter 7: Well what do we have here?

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"I'll read," Hades said. "Chapter 7: Well what do we have here?"

"I'm intrigued," Hera said.

Athena's P.O.V when Percy feels the pain on the plane.

I can't believe my daughter Annabeth would do such a thing. She is no longer my daughter. All of the other Olympians were furious when they saw the Iris message about her mating with Mike a son of Nemesis. Even the goddess herself wanted to punish both of them for the young hero Perseus. But we all agreed that he would not want us to kill Anna-Bitch and her new little plaything. We all knew that Perseus would not approve of us taking 'innocent' lives, so we decided to let them be and trust Perseus to handle the situation. Annabeth had made a mistake. While we have summoned the best heroes from camp Half-blood, we are about to punish the little wench for her disgusting actions. Obviously we could not summon Perseus from his quest but all the Olympians will bless him from afar. 

Athena glared at her daughter, who looked like a fish out of water.

We also had to make sure Annabeth learned her lesson. We decided to give Annabeth the worst punishment of all. This was something that would force her to understand the consequences of her actions. We wanted to give Annabeth something that would help her learn the lesson, but also destroy her self-esteem, something that would make her more likely to remember the lesson and less likely to commit the same mistake again. We wanted Annabeth to experience the consequences of her actions. The punishment we chose was designed to do exactly that. It was designed to be challenging enough to make her understand the seriousness of her actions, but also to be constructive and not damage her self-esteem.

"Why do you hate me?" Anna-bitch asked with tears in her eyes.

"Because you betrayed my baby," Poseidon told her.

The next morning, 3rd person

All of the demigods arrived on Olympus early that morning, because they had been told that the gods wanted to see them to give the a gift for saving the world save the world. Annabeth believed they would gift her immortality like the others. However, what she didn't know was that the fates were about to show them what she had done. And what none of them knew was that they were going to see Percy alive and on a quest for the original Olympus. The gods needed to warn the demigods about Annabeth's actions, and Percy's mission. This is because they needed them to work together to save the world.

Once everyone was situated in the throne room Zeus began to say, "Welcome heroes. Today we are here to reward you for your help in the last war that we were a part of." All the demigods looked excited, wondering what they were about to get.

"Eh I've other intimidating speeches," Percy said.

"When?" Anna-Bitch asked.

"None of your business."

"Clarisse LaRue please step forward," Ares said. A woman, as mentioned earlier, walked into the center of the room. "For your bravery during the darkness we the gods have decided to make you immortal. Do you accept?"

"I accept my father," Clarisse said. All of the gods shot a ball of light at her making her immortal.

"That's my girl," Ares yelled.

"Jason Grace," Zeus said as he turned into his Roman form as did the others. The young man walked to the center of the room. "For your bravery during the darkness we the gods have decided to make you immortal. Do you accept?"

"I accept father," Jason said. All of the gods shot a ball of light at him making him immortal. This carried on until only Annabeth and Mike were to be called up. Then out of nowhere a bright flash signaled the entrance of some immortal. All the demigods closed their eyes. Once the light was extinguished, they looked and saw that the Fates were standing in the throne room. They looked directly at Annabeth with pure hatred and anger, as were the gods. This made her friends wonder 'what the fuck did they do to piss off every immortal in the room?"

"Now we know," Jason growled at her.

"Annabeth Chase and Mike Thomson," The Fates said. "You both committed a crime against Olympus and its hero, Perseus."

"That guy was weak. Anyway he is dead. The demigods saw his body hanging from the ceiling in his cabin," Mike said with a smug look on his face. Poseidon had to be held back by his brothers so he didn't attack the boy before the fates could cut his string. Mike looked terrified of what was going to happen.

"You should never piss off Poseidon he is the most protective god in the world," Zeus said. Mike Thomson looked like he wanted to die.

"He is not dead," the Fates said. All the demigods looked confused. "He used the mist to make it seem like he had killed himself so he could complete a quest we had issued through a prophecy."

Annabeth cried silently to herself for foolishly believing her boyfriend was dead.

"Yes yes very foolish," Mr. D said.

"Let us show you where he is now."

Iris message

Percy and two others were climbing up the original Mount Olympus carrying one bag each.

"Percy why are we going to the Original Olympus if the gods no longer live in Greece?" a boy no older than sixteen asked.

"Because it is the best way to figure out what the prophecy wants us to do next," came Percy's voice.

"You haven't even told us what the prophecy said," a girl who looked to be the boys twin said.

"Oh," Percy responded. "Well it goes like this:

You will go east to the field of advice
And face your fear in the cave of dice
Three will forge a fierce stand
And gild Apollo's bane with a noble strand."

"What does that mean?" the boy asked.

"I am assuming that we will most likely face either Python or Tityos, but I haven't figured out which one yet. I know that the three of us will have to forge our fierce stand together."

"Why didn't you get a couple of your friends to help you?" the girl asked.

"Because Maria I needed a break from them nagging me on a quest so I left on my own," Percy told her. "Plus I think the fates wanted us to meet to complete the quest together."

"Why did you seem to be in pain last night as we flew here?" My Michel asked and I nodded.

"Because Michel, my fatal flaw has been broken by someone and the pain matched the description of what happens to the flaw Loyalty when someone betrays the person who has it." This surprised Maria, and Michel.

End of Iris message

"I never understood fatal flaws," Mischief said.

"Neither have I," Percy said.

All the other demigods cried. Poseidon was shaking with joy as he saw his baby alive and well, but worried about what he was getting himself into. Poseidon was relieved his son was alive.

" of course," Poseidon said. 

Mike Thomson was shaking in fury at what he saw. 'Perseus Jackson is supposed to be dead and Annabeth is supposed to be mine." Were his continuous thoughts. Mike Thomson was furious that Perseus had survived and was in danger of taking Annabeth away from him. He knew that Perseus was a powerful demigod child of Poseidon and that Annabeth was a powerful daughter of Athena. This meant that the two of them were a force to be reckoned with. Mike Thomson was scared and angry at the same time because he knew that Perseus and Annabeth were strong and could defeat him if they wanted to. He was also worried that Perseus would take away his chance of ever being with Annabeth, and that made him even more furious.

"He never had that chance," Anna-bitch said.

"Oh yeah?" Percy asked.

"That is the end of the chapter," Hades said.

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