Chapter 14: Tartarus is helpful? Weird.

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Chapter 14: Tartarus is helpful? Weird.

"I'll read," Maria said. Demeter handed the girl the book. Maria then sat by Apollo and snuggled into his side. "Chapter 14: Tartarus is helpful? Weird."

Artemis' P.O.V.

Me and Perseus had jumped into the Pit head first not caring about the consequences of our actions. I had not known that he survived the pit until he told everyone in the throne room. The moment Poseidon heard this he became extremely pale and begun to shake in fear, so I am assuming he had no idea that his son went through the pit either.

Soon I began to see the ground of Tartarus. Perseus saw it to and moved to where I would land on top of him. Normally I would not allow a male to touch me but he is the only one, besides my brother, that I would allow to embrace me. The only time I would let my brother touch me was when he became pregnant and did not want to be alone with the babies growing. I smiled to myself as I remembered his clinginess.

"Hey," Apollo said.

"Love you little brother," Artemis said getting back at the sun god for calling her little sister when she was obviously the older twin.


I was walking down the roads of Olympus when I saw my idiot twin brother. However what concerned me was he was looking extremely pale, almost like he was ill. But my twin is the god of medicine and can't get sick. I walked over to him to see what was the matter. My dear brother Apollo saw me and clung to me as soon as I was within arms reach.

I didn't know what was going on with him so I asked, "Apollo what wrong? Why do you look ill?"

He sniffled and said, "I am pregnant with Hermes kids and I don't know what to do."

This stunned me. I then asked, "Have you told him yet?"

"No but I wrote him a note and put the eight positive pregnancy tests with it on the coffee table in his temple." By this time I could tell he was extremely terrified of what Hermes would do if said god did not want the child or children inside of Apollo. So I decided to take my brother to my palace and get him settled in. I wrapped him up in one of my weighted blankets (sometimes I miss when me and Apollo would hunt together and share a bed, okay), I put on his favorite movie 'The Lion King, and got him some Sprite. I then sat by him and laid my head on his shoulder. It was near then end of the movie when Hermes came in and held Apollo to him refusing to let him go, as he told Apollo how much he wanted to help him with the baby.

"Only time you were nice," Apollo said with a pout. 

"Then stop flirting with my hunters," Artemis yelled.

"Why do you always think I am flirting," Apollo yelled out.

Flashback end

The force of landing on the ground jolted me out of memory lain. I realized that we were now in Tartarus and surrounded by hoards of monsters. Percy took out his sword and I my bow and arrows. But what surprised me was when the monsters moved back making room for us to walk side-by-side.

Then we saw a man approach us and I knew it was the primordial Tartarus, Lord of the pit. I bowed to him as a sign of respect and he bowed to me. He then turned to Percy and spoke. 

"He will want to-," Anna-bitch had tape placed on her mouth

The primordial said, "I know you are looking for my sister Nyx young hero."

"That is correct," Percy told him. "Order is trying to rise with the aid of one Annabeth Chase."

"I never liked that spawn of Athena I will help you in this war as well."

"I thought you hated us gods," I said.

"Not necessarily," Percy said.

"I do not hate the gods themselves but I hate the way that you all have treated your children in the past, but I can see that all of you are changing for the better and that is why I will help you," Tartarus told me. All I could do was nod in agreement. I was stunned at what he told me.

We then began to walk downward. From what I have heard Percy say it is impossible to go upward, so we would have to go down towards the heart of the pit. That sort of terrified me a little bit. I could also see that the young demigod was tense about being back in the pit but he would not let anyone go in his place. I admired him for that.

I knew that Poseidon would not have let his son come back here if someone did not come with the young hero to ensure his return home alive. The poor sea god could not take his disappearance the first time, but to find out that his own child survived the deepest part of the underworld and still fought must have been the hardest thing for him to hear. I know that if Percy was my own child I would feel every ounce of pain that he has gone through and made sure that he felt safe to tell me anything that was bothering him. Now don't misunderstand me, I still hate most of the male population, but Percy has earned my respect and gained the respect of my first lieutenant.

"I wasn't even trying," Percy said.

Percy's P.O.V.

As we were falling Artemis seemed to be thinking about something or other that made her happy. It was good to see the gods happy even though they might be asshats on occasions. I soon saw the ground of the pit and she was still thinking so I moved myself to where I would take the full force of the landing where Artemis would not.

The force of the landing jolted her out of her thoughts. Both of us seemed to have realized we were surrounded by hoards of monsters. I took out my sword and she took out her bow.

"Poseidon whimpered softly. Percy laid his head on Poseidon's shoulder.

But what surprised me was when the monsters moved back making room for us to walk side-by-side.

Then we saw a man approach us and I knew it was the primordial Tartarus, Lord of the pit. Artemis bowed to him as a sign of respect and he bowed to her. He then turned to me and spoke. 

The primordial said, "I know you are looking for my sister Nyx young hero."

"That is correct," I told him. "Order is trying to rise with the aid of one Annabeth Chase."

"I never liked that spawn of Athena I will help you in this war as well."

"I thought you hated us gods," Artemis said.

"I do not hate the gods themselves but I hate the way that you all have treated your children in the past, but I can see that all of you are changing for the better and that is why I will help you," Tartarus told her. All she could do was nod in agreement. Artemis was stunned at what he told her.

We then began to walk downward. It is impossible to go upward, so we would have to go down towards the Heart of the pit. That sort of terrified Artemis a little bit. I was tense from being back down here but I could not let anyone come in my place.

"Mama it's okay I'm okay," Percy said as  Poseidon began to shake. Poseidon eventually calmed down enough to continue the reading.

I knew that mom would not have let me come back here if someone did not come with to ensure my return home alive. The poor man could not take my disappearance the first time, but to find out that his own child survived the deepest part of the underworld and still fought must have been the hardest thing for him to hear.

And right now I just want to be in mom's arms feeling loved and treasured. But right now I can't have that because the world needs me to be the hero. Just great.

"Mama," Percy said.

"That is the end of the chapter," Maria said.

"I'll read," Travis said.

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