Chapter 3: Annoying Person Point Of View

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"I'll read next," Poseidon said. Artemis handed him the book. "Chapter 3: Annoying Person Point Of View."

 Percy began to laugh at that, because he knew what the book was talking about.

Zeus' P.O.V.

'WHERE IS PERSEUS JACKSON? WE NEED TO FIND HIM.' Was my continuous thought throughout the entire six months that he has been missing. I do not know why I care about the demigod. However, I do know that if we don't find him Poseidon will fade completely and the fates will assign his domain to another deity. I do not wish to lose a brother of mine. Even though we have fought several times over thousands of years, I still love him. This might be a good time to say that me, him and Hades have been dating since the beginning of our reign in Ancient Greece and I was lucky to have Hera cover it up with the mist by making it look like me and her were married. The only reason why she hates my demigod children is because she doesn't want Poseidon or Hades' feelings hurt. I understand that but she doesn't need to attack my children.

Percy raised an eyebrow at the goddess of marriage. Said goddess shrunk in her seat.

Okay I am getting off track, Perseus is not only Poseidon's son but also mine and Hades' son as well, Poseidon gave birth to the young hero and naming him after one of my demigod sons. Anyway, Hades and I have sent out search parties in and around our domains to see if we can find our missing child. So far, we haven't found any sign of him, but that doesn't mean we won't keep trying. Perseus is important to us and we hope to find him soon. We may be desperate to find our son, but we are still committed to the search and won't stop until we find him. We believe that Perseus is out there and we just have to find him.

Poseidon smiled at his brother thankful that he was trying to find their little boy. Percy and Hades walked over to Zeus and Poseidon. Percy curled up in Poseidon's side.

'I wonder where he is', I mused, 'He is a brave and formidable young man, and I am certain he is capable of taking care of himself. But still, I cannot help but worry for his safety. If we do not find him soon, I fear the worst.' I sighed heavily as I continued to ponder the whereabouts of my son, Perseus.

Poseidon smiled, leaning into my touch. "I know you both worry about Percy," he said. "But I'm sure he's out there somewhere, and we'll find him soon."

Hades nodded. "Percy is strong and capable. I'm certain he's alright."

I sighed, looking down at Poseidon's abdomen. "I can only hope. We must continue our search until we find him." I looked up, meeting Poseidon's and Hades' eyes in turn. "Let's not give up hope."

Poseidon looked at his brother skeptically. Zeus refused to look at anybody in the eyes. Percy smiled at how one of his dads looked like a dear in head lights.

I leaned forward and kissed Poseidon on the lips, then Hades. "We will find Perseus," I said warmly. "We will never give up on our son."

We laid there for a while, enjoying each other's company and the peace and quiet of the night. As we gradually drifted off to sleep, I felt my two loves embrace me from either side, their warmth and love radiating through me. I sighed contentedly, feeling safe in their arms. We stayed like that for a while, until eventually our eyelids grew heavy and we all drifted off into a peaceful sleep. I drifted away in a dreamless slumber, content in the knowledge that I was surrounded by their love. The three of us slept soundly until the morning sun woke us up.

"I wish I had that luck," Percy said. Poseidon wrapped his free arm around his son and held him tightly.

We lay in bed for a while, content in our peaceful slumber. As the sun began to shine brighter, we all slowly woke up, feeling relaxed and content. We smiled and embraced each other, ready to start the day.The sun's rays softly illuminated the room, and the soothing sound of the birds chirping from outside reminded us of the beauty in the world. We were all grateful for the peaceful silence and the opportunity to start anew in the morning.But the reminder of our missing son brought grief back to our hearts.

I kept Poseidon in my arms. I could tell he was becoming weaker by the minute. We had been through so much already and to lose our son would be the final blow. I held Poseidon close, feeling his warmth and breathing in his scent, trying to savor the moment before it was too late.I whispered in his ear and told him I loved him. I kissed his forehead and promised him I would always protect him. I was filled with sorrow and despair, knowing that soon I would have to say my final goodbye.

"I will always protect my family," Zeus said. Poseidon laid his head on Zeus' shoulder.

Hades sat on my other side. He knew that we were likely to loseanother family member. I knew that I had to be strong for him. I needed to make one last effort to show him how much I loved him before we parted ways. I also wanted to let him know that I would always be there for him and that I would always be there to protect him. I wanted to make sure he knew that I was here for him, even if I was leaving. I wanted to make him feel that I was on his side and that I had his back no matter what.

"That is the end of the chapter," Poseidon said. 

Zeus grabbed the book out of Poseidon's hands indicating that he wanted to read next.

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