Chapter 17: All is back to normal-ish

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Chapter 17: All is back to normal-ish

"I'll read," Jason said. "Chapter 17: All is back to normal-ish."

"Well as long as I get to see my child, I'm fine," Poseidon said.

Percy's P.O.V.

After we won I ran over to my mom, and he held me to his chest refusing to let me go. I honestly did not care if I became glued to him. Well unless he starts doing something with my two dads, I won't want to be glued to him. I love my mom more than anyone else in this world. He is my rock. He is constantly there for me no matter what. He taught me to never give up and believe in myself. He is the one person I can always count on. He is my safe haven, my source of strength and my ultimate protector. He knows me better than anyone and understands me in a way that no one else can. He is always there to listen to me and give me advice, even when I don't want to hear it. He has taught me the importance of family and loyalty. He is my role model and my best friend. I am forever grateful for his presence in my life.

Poseidon had tears threatening to run down his face when heard that.

I saw that Maria and Michel were squashed by Apollo and Hermes, but they didn't seem to mind it at all. Both smiled as they held onto the hands of their parents. This could be because they had grown accustomed to being squished by their parents, or because they knew it was for a good reason. Maybe Apollo and Hermes were giving them a big hug, or they were just showing them how much they love them. The twins finally broke from their parents and came over to me while I was still being held by my mom. I got free of my mother's worry and hugged my two new friends. Glad I had help from two amazing people.

"Glad we could help," Maria said and Michel nodded.

We laughed and talked for a while, and before we knew it, we had been talking for over an hour. We decided to take a walk and explore the city. Spending time with them was a great way to break away from my parents worries and explore the city. The twins were a great distraction and I felt really comfortable talking to them. They were also a great support system, helping me to feel more confident and independent.

Soon Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel came over to us with relief written all over their faces. We all laughed and hugged each other, relieved to be safe and together. We were all grateful to have each other's company, and to have survived what could have been a life-threatening situation. It was a moment of shared joy, and we felt like we had truly been saved by each other. We were all grateful for all the help we received. It was a testament to the power of friendship and the power of teamwork. We were grateful for the help we had received, but also for the support we had given each other. We had been through a lot together and had each used our own unique strengths to get us out of the situation. We promised to stay together and make sure no one got left behind.

"Where were you?" Leo asked.

"Oh all over the country, and around the world," I told him. "I really wish there weren't anymore world-ending prophecies that make me travel all over the place."

"Yeah that must suck," Jason said.

All of the seven nodded at that (Annabeth is no longer part of the seven)

"It really does," Maria said. "I am Maria and this idiot on the other side of Percy is my twin brother Michel."

"I am not an idiot, Maria," Michel told her. Soon the twins began to argue with each other.

My two other parents came over and tightly hugged me as if I was about to disappear from their sight at any moment. I understood that thought process for them. I knew I was grateful for my family by my side. After they let me go I jumped back into my mom's arms because that was where I felt safe. Mom smiled down at me knowing I would always return to him no matter what. In that moment, I was reminded that I was safe and loved. I knew that no matter how far away I went or how long I was gone, I could always return to my family and be welcomed with open arms. I knew that no matter what happened in my life, I could always rely on my mom to be there. He was my rock and I was grateful for his presence. I knew that no matter how far away I was, I would always return to him.

"Love you too little one," Poseidon whispered.

Zeus lifted me off the ground and held me in a tight embrace. His strong arms held me close and I felt a warmth and safety I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt my worries and fears melt away as I was held tightly against his chest. I felt a deep sense of comfort knowing that no matter what happened, Zeus would always be there for me. I looked up and saw the kind eyes of Zeus looking back at me and I knew that I was safe. I closed my eyes and held on, feeling the unconditional love and protection of Zeus. I never wanted that moment to end. Zeus's strong arms and kind eyes made me feel secure and protected. His embrace was like a shield, shielding me from my fears and worries. I knew that I would never want that moment to end because it made me feel loved and safe.

I could feel the warmth of his embrace and the gentle touch of his hands on my shoulders. I knew that I had found a friend and a companion that I could trust and rely on. I wanted that moment to last forever. His embrace was comforting and reassuring, and I could feel his genuine care for my well-being. His touch was gentle and I could feel his strong presence. The feeling that I had found someone I could trust and rely on was overwhelming and wonderful.

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