Chapter 6: Off to the land of old.

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Once everyone came back into the throne room and settled down Ares picked up the book indicating that he wanted to read it. Percy didn't know what the chapter was to entail.

"Chapter 6: Off to the land of old." Ares began.

"You went back to Greece?" Clarisse asked.

"Maybe," Percy told her.

Percy P.O.V

I have recently left the U.S. after deciding that I need to travel to where the gods originated from. Mount Olympus in Greece. I know it seems like I have traveled a lot since I woke up with amnesia. However, it seems like that is what the fates want me to do even if it gets me killed. My mom, Poseidon, was the only god who loved me more than I deserved but what can I say, I am his little baby boy. I guess you could say I'm "waterboarded" with love. I know that this journey can be dangerous, but I am willing to face the risks. I have faith that the gods will protect me. I just have to trust my instincts and keep going.

"You must really love your mama," Ares said.

"Mine," Percy growled as he tightly hugged Poseidon.

Crap, I'm going off topic.

I left America to explore the original Olympus to see if I could find anything. I know that my mom has probably already faded and I didn't get to say good-bye to him but I have to get this quest done. Oh and before I forget, I met a couple of demigods that are both sixteen, and survived on their own without help. They both are going to help me save the world this time around. They are Hermes' twin children, one boy and one girl. Their names are Maria and Michal Heart-stealer. They are fun to be around, and kind of remind me of Travis and Conner Stoll back at camp

Apollo looked slightly upset about hearing that his twin babies had to fight on their own without him or Hermes. Hermes picked up Apollo and held him so tight that it should have suffocated him. Travis and Connor smiled knowing that they two more siblings.

Anyhow we are currently on a plane to Greece. And I know what you are thinking: 'Percy isn't that dangerous for you?' Yes it is but I need to get this quest done so I can scare the living day lights out of everyone when they see me. Then all of a sudden I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my lower back where the Curse of Achilles once was. I had tears in my eyes because it hurt more than anything, even my bathe in the River Styx, but I refused to cry out. Maria saw that I was in pain and asked if I needed anything. I told her I would be fine, and after a couple of minutes the pain left.

That was when I realized that was the same pain I had read about in a book describing what it feels like when someone who has loyalty is betrayed by the person they devoted their hearts and souls to. And I thought 'Annabeth would never do that to me right?' Then again I made it look like I had killed myself in the middle of the night a few minutes before I left. I was filled with guilt and shame as I realized that Annabeth had been right all along. I had betrayed her trust and broken her heart. I had lost my loyalty and had to pay for it. Tears silently rolled down my face from all the hurt I felt in my heart.

Poseidon looked like he wanted to beat the crap out of Annabeth for hurting his son. Ares looked like he wanted to vomit at what he just read and Athena looked like she wanted to throw her daughter into the pit.

----------------------------------------Time skip named Ted brings you to when Plane lands--------------------------------------------------

The plane landed and me, Maria, and Michel walked out into busy foot traffic. We decided to check in to a hotel near Olympus called the Olympus Mediterranean Hotel and got two different rooms. One for the twins and one for me. As soon as my head hit the pillow I began to cry until I fell asleep for the night. Tomorrow we will continue our journey and see the original roads on Olympus that the gods would have used in the times of Ancient Greece. I guess the gods knew that I needed a good cry before tackling the daunting journey ahead! I was exhausted from the journey and I knew that tomorrow was going to be a long day. I had to make sure I was well rested so that I could enjoy and embrace the experience. I drifted off to sleep, feeling excited about the day ahead.

"Why were you so excited?" 'Trickery asked. Apollo's head swiveled to see his babies still hooded but he could see their faces. Hermes saw it to and brought them over to Apollo.

I dreamt of the gods and goddesses and the paths they would have tread. I felt a sense of awe as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep. I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face, knowing that tomorrow would be a day of adventure. The gods and goddesses represented a sense of power and strength that I felt drawn to. I was drawn to the idea of them being in control of the world and the feeling of peace that their presence gave me. I was comforted by the idea that the gods and goddesses were watching over me and guiding me in the right direction. I felt a sense of security and safety knowing that I was being watched over and taken care of. I also felt a sense of hope and optimism knowing that I was being led towards something great.

"I will always watch over you my little one," Poseidon whispered. Percy just snuggled into Poseidon's side.

The dream changed to that of my mom, Poseidon in his last moments. I knew he was about to fade so I called out to him, "I'm okay, Dad! I'm alright!" He smiled and his body glowed with a blue light. He looked at me with a proud smile and said, "You can do this, Percy. I believe in you." His body got stronger for a few seconds then slowly faded away. I woke up with tears streaming down my face, feeling sad and empty. I had seen my dad, the King of the Sea, in a vulnerable state and I had done nothing to help him. I was filled with guilt and regret. I knew I had failed him and that I could have done more. I was determined to make things right and do whatever it takes to make amends.

Poseidon held Percy tightly as he cried silently. All the other gods had tears streaming down their faces.

"That is the end of the chapter," Ares said trying not to cry out.

"I'll read," Hades said.

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